3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Talent
- Gain Power
- Transform into a Bat
- Breast Expansion
- The Wart Spell
- Aerokinesis
- Courage, Wisdom, and Power
- Vore Belly
- Good Luck
- Fattening
#2341 - Talent
Put on necklace. Close eyes and hold pendant on necklace. Sing this:
"Sing, sing, sing.
Want to sing like a super star.
Singing is what I want to do.
So I can prove I'm better than you.
I'll do with all my heart.
But after this,your month shall start"
Do this each day for the rest of that month and you'll notice you singing start to change
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2342 - Gain Power
Sit across from the black candles and the crystal ball. In the form of a triangle. Have the card in which you wish to gain, leaning on the wall to the side. Dash a little bit of salt around the room near you. Pick up the clear gem.
Force all the emotions in which you want you or someone else to have towards what you wish to gain. Hold the gem between your fingers like your pointing at the flame of the candle. Tune in with the candle. Relax yourself.
Touch the crystal ball with your finger tips of your free hand and start thinking about the person or the thing in which you desire. While pointing at the flame start to channel the energy from the gem in to candle. While the flame is going out of control glance at the card on the wall. Read it out loud.
Next say this while looking at the flame. "I attract and magnetize to me all that I need to get what I want". Blow out the candle after the feeling of success comes to you.
Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2343 - Transform into a Bat
2.Imagine yourself turning into a bat,will it to happen.
3.You will transform at sunset every day than transform back at dawn.
Side Effects:
Back,shoulder and arm pain.
Two sharp fangs will grow in the front of your mouth.
Perfect Night Vision.
A craving for whatever your breed of bat eats.
Anxiety when your in a bright area.
Skin burns more easily.
#2344 - Breast Expansion
"Venus, help me please,
Make my breasts develop today,
Venus help me,
Venus help me,
Give me the power to change
The size of my breasts,
So mote it be"
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2345 - The Wart Spell
Mix the slime as you add the dirt, mud, and mucus
Put in microwave and cover up bowl
Set on high 3 minutes
While that heats up, boil some water at your stove for the time your microwave is doing
Once done, carefully take out the mixing bowl and pour the water into the ''potion''
As you mix, say these words:
''You think that I am ugly/you always gotta hate/but tonight the tides will turn on you/for bein' so denyin/this revenge shall bring/warts instead of bling.''
Put the mixture in a little container of foundation and give to your victim as a ''gift''
#2346 - Aerokinesis
Go outside. Stand in the middle of your yard and close your eyes. Spread your arms out and take slow, calm breaths.
Think of a gust of wind come out of you whenever you exhale, and back in when you inhale. Concentrate on the amount of wind you want. If you feel gusts of wind whenever you exhale, you are doing the ritual correctly.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2347 - Courage, Wisdom, and Power
Cast your circle.Light the candles and lay the rope on your altar. Chant as you tie a knot in the rope:
"With this rope I bind thine power,
to be mine for second or hour.
To make me strong when I am week.
To give me wisdom that I seek.
To give me courage as not to flee.
Thine will be done, so mot it be."
Keep the rope with or near you to receive the power and courage you requested, but only use these gifts for selfless reasons and remember the Threefold Law.
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2348 - Vore Belly
"Gods and goddesses
Give me the power of being a giantess,
Provide me with a vore belly,
And enable me to become human again,
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2349 - Good Luck
Take the green candle and light it. Next take the green ribbon nad place it between you and the candle. With the marker write the triple fehu(google it if needed). Then chant 6 times:
"Please,grant me good luck,
With good luck may I be struck.
So mote it be".
Take the talisman ribbon and tie around your wrist(having excess is ok just tie into a bow and leave some room).You may take it off and put it back on as you wish(undoing the knot is also alright). Blow out the candle.
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2350 - Fattening
At a time you are angry at the enemy go take one of theyre underwear or bra. Hold it to the sky and think about the enemies look. Say: "At the enemy of which I hate, make him/her (however pounds they will gain) pounds! Mote it be!"
Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.