3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Bravery
- Mermaid One Day
- Succubus/Incubus
- Make Someone's Hair Fall Out
- New Year Full Moon
- True Love Spell (For Girls)
- Chakra Meditation
- Visualize Meditation
- Void Meditation
- Summoning a Succubus: (3)
#2381 - Bravery
Sit (or stand) up straight for 10 seconds and relax. Then make 2 fists and squeeze really tight, then with a loud strong voice say "GRUE-TOE-TRUSS"
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2382 - Mermaid One Day
Symbol must be necklace or bracelet. What you need to do is get into the water and your symbol with you not on you then say:
"Gods and goddesses of the sea
Listen now and here to my plea
I wish to be a mermaid
A truely magical being"
And then put the wet symbol on and say:
"Let this symbol transform me
Into a mermaid a magical being" t
When you get out of the water take off your symbol. Your symbol should only be worn when you get into water. Wait a day before getting back into water. If you did it right you should get your tail when you back into the water with your symbol on.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2383 - Succubus/Incubus
essential= Absolutely necessary and extremely important.
recommend= Offering suggestions about the best course of action.
optional= Available to be chosen but not obligatory.
Personal experience: I had succubus appeared in my dreams many time since 2003 my succubus like any other succubus likes takeing the form of a human woman in order to have sexual intercourse with you, I am happy with my succubus and in a good health. I'm not a religious person but in my personal opinion succubus are part of djinn group and they are being of fire (pure fire or smokeless fire) I say this because my succubus told me so.
1. You are 18 or over, If under 18 you must have your parents or guardians permission.
2. You are heterosexual.
3. Willing to have sexual intercourse with supernatural entity.
4. You have little or more experience in the following; meditation, void meditation and lucid dreaming.
So you have tried summoning a Succubus or Incubus using the ritual called SuccubusGirlfriend1, SuccubusGirlfriend2, SuccubusGirlfriend3, IncubusBoyfriend1, IncubusBoyfriend2 and IncubusBoyfriend3 well this is my last one so a word of warning from me I do not recommend this for newbies or inexperienced magic users or anyone under the age of 18.
If you have any little kids or elders sleeping nearby then DO NOT DO THIS IN YOUR APPARTMENT!!!!!!
NOTE: I never done this ritual on a incubus, you are performing this Succubus/Incubus ritual at your own risk!!
I wrote SuccubusGirlfriend1, SuccubusGirlfriend2, IncubusBoyfriend1 and IncubusBoyfriend2 they are the safe paths towards requesting a Succubus or Incubus, the letter method I wrote SuccubusGirlfriend3 and IncubusBoyfriend3 is safe for experience magic users. Now I will introduce to you another means of calling a succubus/incubus, but this being far more dangerous than the letter method.
This works best at full moon phase but can be performed at any moon phase, best time 3am but can be done between 12am-4am.
Place the candle where the flame is centered in mirrors reflection and making sure that you are not looking at you own reflection [your face] try keeping the mirror at an angle, cannot stress how important this is. The Towel and cord is used for emergencies if things go wrong and as such should be prepared in such a way that it can very quickly be used to cover the mirror and tie up the towel. Under no circumstance should you use a stone or anything else to break the mirror.
You should sit comfortably in an upright position and begin to meditate for good 40 minutes, Its important to let everything go, your mind must be a complete blank and your breathing deep and regular. When you are at the point of not even feeling your body, then you are ready to begin.
As with most other rituals your focus point is the flame of the candle. However in this case it must be the reflection of the flame. Its important for you at this point to let the thought of the mirror go. For you this reflection is the real flame, forget everything around it and just concentrate on the reflection.
You will begin to see strange halos curve and twist about the flame, always shifting and swirling in different forms and colors. Let yourself be lost in the spectacle.
Then take a deep breath and call to Lilith. There is no fixed formulation of what to speak, just keep in mind that you must give her the highest form of respect. As always Intent is the key to success here. Put your heart and your focus into your words. Mean it like your life depends on it. I will give a small example of what you can see, but feel free to change it to whatever suits you best
''I am [fullname] and I call to you great Lilith, mother of all Succubi and Incubi.'' Repeat this 3 times
''I am pure of thought and seek no ill intention and ask your forgiveness if I have offended you with my calling''
Wait a few moments after this, keep your eyes focused on the flame and watch for a reaction.
If you see fluctuations in the flame such as rising and falling or mad flickering then you must abort with the following
''I humbly apologize to you great Lilith and withdraw from your greatness''
In such a case you must close the ritual probably.
''I now ask all other spirits, demons and entities who have been attracted to my ritual to begone and leave in peace.''
After that refocus your gaze just past the flame and make sure you see nothing else. If necessary repeat the above dismissal again.
If however you see something move or is in anyway unfamiliar to you then you must blow out the candle, take the mirror and cover it completely in a towel. Wrap it up and tie it together in a towel and remove it from your home, and never bring it back!
I know this sounds extreme, but believe me; you do not want to keep the mirror in your possession if you have attracted something else which does not leave after a proper dismissal.
If the flame stays calm then you may continue
''Great Lilith, it is my hearts desire that one of your children visit me. I seek no gain from this visit other than to bask in the presence of your magnificent daughter or son (pick one). I will never make any claims towards her and promise to not bind her against her will.''
Make a pause and again watch the reflection of the flame for a negative reaction
''Thank you great Lilith for hearing my wish. If you grant me this favor then let this flame guide your daughter to me.''
It is now essential to focus on the flame with the intent of calling a succubus or incubus.
Now its important for you to understand that what happens next can be a life changing experience. You will see the succubus or Incubus in the mirror as she/he comes to you in her/his true form. This is not the form that you imagine her/him to be, but rather the form she/he wants you to see, and in some cases (at least from my own experience) this can be horrific in nature.
Under NOOOOOO circumstances are you to abort the ritual at this stage by freaking out. If you see something in the mirror which is too much for you behold then close your eyes, take a deep breath and say.
''Thank you daughter/son of Lilith for visiting me. I kindly ask you to show yourself to me in pleasant form.''
At this stage imagine how she/he should look with all your intent and then open your eyes again and look into the mirror.
Normally this helps and the Succubus/Incubus should have changed form. If the form still has not changed, you can try again or just try to accept her/his natural form. Either way you will know without a shred of doubt that you called a succubus/incubus to you.
Its important to remember that what you are seeing is a reflection of the real world and that the succubus/incubus is really there with you. You might not see or feel her/him there right beside you, but she/he is in fact there.
From here on out its up to you how you continue. I can just give you the recommendation to take it slow. If she/he appears once for you, then she/he will appear again. Try to get her/his name, as this will make subsequent summoning rituals much easier as you can call her/him directly.
I strongly recommend moving away from the black mirror as soon as possible. Once you have her/his name and know how she/he looks in her true form it should easily be possible to call her/him with just a candle.
Thank You, Love SunPhoenix...
#2384 - Make Someone's Hair Fall Out
Make a circle in any isolated spot like your backyard or terrace. You may even perform this spell in your room. Make sure that this spell is performed only on a full moon night.
Cast an imaginary circle around you. Place the image (photograph or doll) of the target at the center of the imaginary circle. Then place four black candles around the circle, each one facing one direction. You will sit in a direction facing south.
At this direction place two red candles, one on either side of the black candle. At the northern end place the remaining red candle. Now take the hair of your target and affix it on the doll or the photograph.
If you dont have real hair, you can use the black threads instead. Once this is done, pick up the red candle behind you and bow down once in each direction and seek the pardon of the Lords for the action you are going to perform. Then using the same candle burn the doll or the photograph starting with the hair first.
Once it is completely burnt, exhaust all the candles and leave the room for the next twenty nine minutes. The spell will work overnight.
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2385 - New Year Full Moon
Light candles on your alter and say this spell:
"Blessed be this moonlit night.
A Goddess' moon, both full and bright.
Out with the old, in with the new.
Old baggage, curses, please undo.
May the New Year bring to me
The brightest future I can see.
And make all of my dreams come true,
With strength to do all I must do.
Blessed Goddess, shine on me
A Happy New Year"
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2386 - True Love Spell (For Girls)
Moon, moon, bring me in.
Show _______ that I need him.
If I truly love him, he will love me back.
But if I don't, his love forever, I will lack.
On the third night, after the chant, pour one drop of the water one both the chosen objects (One that reminds you of him, one that you're emotionally attached to).
Note: If you don't truly love him, you can still be friends, you just will never be ''together''.
Note:The third night of chanting can only be a full moon, eclipse, new moon, or new year's eve.
#2387 - Chakra Meditation
1. Breath in with your nose and breath out through your mouth.
2. Focus on your feet and visualize roots are growing down from your feet and going deep into the ground all the way to the earth's core. 3. Then shift your attention onto your upper part of your head and visualise there's a beam of light shooting up into the sky and reaching out to the energy in the sky.
4. After grounding visualise a beam of light that enters your body at the tail bone and from there flows to the first chakra (root chakra). Think of the chakra as a disk and allow the beam of light to spin the chakra/disk faster. Continue up through the other chakras with the same visualisation and after reaching the seventh chakra allow the beam of light to leave your body through the top of your head and into the air above.
5. Entering sacred space is a place where you build within our minds, a place where you feel safe and where you can visualise events happening. You need to build your own sacred space within your mind as it is often used in the exercises in visualize meditation.
As an example, my own sacred space is a temple in the middle of hell. Inside the temple I am protected by the demons and I often meet my demonic guides and others in evil spirit there.
6. Close the chakras when you have left your sacred space, bring your beam of light back down into your body and to the seventh chakra. allow the beam of light to slow the spinning of that chakra/disk and then do the same with all the other chakras and finally allow the light to leave your body via the tail bone. Ground again
note1: There are many articles on chakra on SoM and the internet. Look them up and build your own chakra exercise.
note2: master ''Relax Meditation'' and be good at ''Visualize Meditation'' on my page under history before trying this ''Chakra Meditation'' thanks
#2388 - Visualize Meditation
This can be at work in your office, Sitting outside in a quiet park, You can do this at home sitting on sofa, bed even on the floor.
1) Try to sit without moving your body just relax yourself and quiet all your thoughts.
2) Close your eyelids.
3) Try focusing on one point and nothing else.
4) Try focusing between your eyes.
5) After body and mind have been stilled.
6) Visualize a red apple against a dark background.
7) Focus on it, bring it close and closer see the small details of it's skin, try smelling it, touch it and feel the skin, bite it and taste it.
8) Do this sited, do not lie down (this could cause you to fall asleep).
9) It may take a lot of practicing to actually to see thing, don't give up, keep practicing this and it will enhance your mind eye.
note1: Keep focus on apple and nothing else.
It may take a few times to actually taste the apple.
Don't give up, keep practicing this and it will enhance your mind for meditation.
note2: mastering the ''Relax Meditation'' on my page under history before this will help you stay focus and it's not hard for most to master the ''Relax Meditation''
#2389 - Void Meditation
1) Try to sit without moving your body just relax yourself and quiet all your thoughts.
2) Close your eyelids.
3) Try focusing on one point and nothing else.
4) Try focusing between your eyes.
5) After body and mind have been stilled.
6) Try to stay that way and open your ears and listen
7) You are trying to listen to unusual sounds in the void not the sounds you usually hear in dark quiet nights.
8) Do this sited, do not lie down (this could cause you to fall asleep).
9) It will take a lot of practicing note practice for 15-30mins per night, don't give up, keep practicing.
note: master ''Relax Meditation'' on my page under history before trying this ''Void Meditation'' thanks
#2390 - Summoning a Succubus: (3)
Start Summoning a Succubus: (3) on the 30th night.
note: If you haven't done Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2) do it first.
Candle: x1
Candle Info: made from soy wax or beeswax and No tealights.
Candle Color: Red.
Incense: x4 or more.
Incense Info: Lily incense.
You should do this after 10pm and before sunrise.
Step by Step:
1. Burn 2 incense sticks, sit in a quite and dark room by yourself, relax your body and quite your thoughts for 30 minutes.
2. than light your candle and relax your body and quite your thoughts for 5 minutes than burn 2 more incense sticks.
3. relax your body and quite your thoughts for another 10 minutes.
4. Blow out the candle (if you wish I recommend that you do) go to bed and do this everynight for 5 nights without missing 1 night.
note1: On night #35 after doing ''Summoning a Succubus: (3)'' stop doing it you are done.
note2: On night #35 after when you are in bed try using your mental eye and try to see your Succubus and that you are making love to her.
note3: After you done Summoning a Succubus: (3) you are done it's there like it or not.
note4: Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2)(3) was just an invitations to a Succubus it's there guys.
note5: Went to get closer to your Succubus? try my ''Succubus Blood Contract''
note6: ''Succubus Blood Contract'' is free here on SoM but I highly recommend you to do Summoning a Succubus: (1)(2)(3).