3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Beltane Garden Blessing
- Infinite wealth spell
- God of yourself
- Lose weight enhanced
- Personal Enchanted Book
- Cheep wishing ring.
- Sword through heart
- Empathy link spell (Telepathic link over distance)
- Cause infertility in another.
- Summon an Elemental Dragon
#231 - Beltane Garden Blessing
The first thing you want to do is be sure that your altar is cleansed of any negative energies. Rearrange your altar, clean it, do anything you need to do to make it a sacred space that will promote growth. Placing more green items, candles, or crystals on your altar can boost this energy. Start by lighting the green candle. Visualize green fiery energy coming out of the candle and consuming the ingredients. Think about all the abundance, fertility, and growth that will come out of this energy and into your garden. Then cleanse and bless any of the ingredients that you decide to use. You can use incense or Palo Santo or any sage spray to do this. Take your spell bottle and fill it with some of the dirt, moonstone chips, and Himalayan salt. You can choose to let the green wax of the candle seal the spell bottle, or you can just leave it as is. Snuff out the candle, and then bring your spell bottle into your garden.
There are a few routes you can take next. You can either bury your spell bottle in the ground, if it is environmentally friendly, of course, or you can just place it in your garden overnight and then let it manifest on your altar. Whichever route you take, it is important that you first consecrate the spell bottle. I, personally, call upon Gaia to help me do this.
“Mother Gaia, nourish my garden,
For my garden shall nourish you in return,
On this blessed Beltane,
Make this land thrive with fertility
And provide light for my higher self.”
*Remove the contents in the bottle however and whenever you deem fit.*
Last edited on May 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#232 - Infinite wealth spell
Say this 6 times at night. "Oh great god Hades I humbly I ask you for the blessing of Infinite wealth. So if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be. "
Last edited on May 03, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#233 - God of yourself
" I call upon the universe , I now control my own fate and destiny , I control my own reality , I say what goes , no cons and no backlash , instantly til I say otherwise , it has been done , 3..2..1!!"
#234 - Lose weight enhanced
" I call upon the universe , I want to be strong and super fit , within this hour , with all my power , it has been done , 3..2..1..!!"
#235 - Personal Enchanted Book
"With one look, this is now my enhanced enchanted book, until I write it to undo, anything I write in this book shall become fact. It will become true, instantly, it has been done ×3, no cons ×3!"
Speak this once or as many times you want, and feel free to edit this spell how you see fit, it'll make the spell stronger.
Last edited on Apr 21, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#236 - Cheep wishing ring.
Too start making your wishing ring you first must take the yarn and preform a basic nine knot, knot spell using square knots linking together like a chain. I do not know if the moon phase matters, but from what I've read you can draw power from a full moon so it is suggested that you preform this on a full moon.
Credit where credit is due i did not make the knot spell, here's a link too the spell i used regarding the knot magic:
https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/ life_spells/wish_spells/12094/page.html
Incase the spell dosent show up or you don't want too use the link too the spell it goes as follows:
Knot the string for each line you read out loud:
By knot of one, the spell's begun!
By knot of two, my spell comes true.
By knot of three, so mote it be.
By knot of four, power I store.
By knot of five, my magick is alive.
By knot of six, this spell I fix.
By knot of seven, this spell leaven.
By knot of eight, it is fate.
By knot of nine, what's wished is mine!
Remember when preforming the knot spell too focus on storing the magic in the wishing ring itself for later use, and nothing else.
Now for the actual ring:
(1.wrap the pipe cleaner around your finger twice, take the two ends and twist them together leaving some slack.
(2.take the yarn that was from the knot magic and wrap the two loose ends around the tied ends of the pipe cleaner, securely fasining the yarn too the pipe cleaner ring.
(3.you can cut off any excess yarn or pipe cleaner but do not cut off the knots.
(4.All that's left is too charge the ring, which is up too personal choice on how that's done.
(*Notes* the more power you put into the ring the more wishes you can have, or the more outrageous your wish can be.
because of the knot magic unless you unravel the knots a long lasting wish is possible, though wishing for more wishes isn't going too work.
I don't think the color matters much but just incase it does i used gray yarn and a white pipe cleaner.)
Last edited on Apr 15, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#237 - Sword through heart
Sew a voodoo doll of your target. It must be sewn with at least a piece of your target's clothing.
Light a candle. Pass a needle through the flame and chant: "By the power of this flame, I purify this world and rid it of this evil." While you are chanting this, imagine the flame heating the needle until it is red-hot. Extreme concentration is required.
Pierce the voodoo doll with the needle. Your enemy will feel as though a sword has been plunged into their heart.
Last edited on May 09, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#238 - Empathy link spell (Telepathic link over distance)
Say this first "wind earth fire and water I call to you to make this spell Magic so mote it be." Next say this as many times as you want " Oh great goddess Athena I invoke you to give me an Empathy link like the ones in the Percy Jackson series with the person that I choose (first and last name) if one of us dies then the other person will most likely die too please let this happen for this is my will so mote it be."
#239 - Cause infertility in another.
Light your candles in a circle, lighting them anti clockwise. From there write the persons name on the paper, can be Male or Female. Make sure you can see the person in your mind. If you want to add more detail about the person on the paper, then do so.
From there light the paper on fire using any of the candles.
Once lit, cast the spell below, saying it to the paper as it burns and saying it to the person.
"The chance has gone, I take from you what you desperately want. I take what nature gave you. I give you infertility."
Let the paper burn low, then drop it into the water. Your spell is complete.
#240 - Summon an Elemental Dragon
Take your piece of paper and draw what you want your dragon to look like. Be careful, for you do not want to insult the Great Dragons that will make your special dragon. Avoid mistakes such as a Fire Dragon that is blue. Once you are done with the drawing, fold it hamburger style and write these down: Name, Age, Personality, Element, and Size. Once you are done with that, chant the following:
"O, Great Dragons.
Please help me.
Create a companion.
So mote it be!"
Then you must put it in the spot. If you have an Earth Dragon, bury it. For fire, burn it. For water go to the ocean, and "drown" it. For Air, on a windy day, let the air carry it. Just know that this will only work for those pure of heart, or those that have dragons as otherkin. Good luck! I hope that your dragon comes to you, just as Ember came to me.
Last edited on May 10, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.