3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Feel Happy
- Crowns from Wizard101
- My mermaid spell
- Chamber of Treasure
- 6 Figure Job
- The Spiderweb Cures.
- How to Speed Burst
- Wish Potion
- A+ spell
- How to Meditate
#2651 - Feel Happy
Close your eyes and imagine a fountain, then yourself jumping into it.
Imagine that your absorbing the waters energy and chant:
"Smile, smile, you are mine now, I will be happy. So Mote It Be!"
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2652 - Crowns from Wizard101
Chant: "Please let me get the crown I need, to go to the places I want and succeed" three times.
Last edited on Nov 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2653 - My mermaid spell
1st get a bowl.Then some seashells(small or large)
get some purfume(Smells like the ocean.)and last a blue scented candle.
Then some salt and water.
2nd get some water and pour into bowl half-way.Then Put alot of salt and dump it in.Ok so now get the candle and place in the middle.(DO NOT LIGHT)You will see later.Get some kind of spoon and mix around gently.While spraying alot of purfume onto it.Lastly you will see that its a blue ish tint and put a sprinkle of sand in it and seashells.
2.The spell
Go and write down this on paper.
Oh please,Great gentle mermaids and merman of the deep.Lisen close.I wish to what you are.A (Mermaid or merman).I beg you.I do.I belive. I would love to have the coler/Colers of( Tail coler ex.Neon green and black.Etc.) And wish that this ( neclace , braclet,Etc) Will be on me forever!And my power will be (Fire,Wind etc.)Also my loyal companion of the deep will be(Water animal)
Please.I will not hurt but only love.
Then put somewere near the tub will it will not get wet but readable.So keep your legs togather and it.Then get out and dry off.Medatate alone.When you are think only abount being one of them.Wake up then grab the potion and rub it all over your legs.
3.Im not sure what the sideaffecs are.You will turn next full moon
#2654 - Chamber of Treasure
Take the pot and put water in it. Add grass, wine, flowers, boiled eggs and bread. Boil them while mixing them for half an hour. Put then the pot on the table. Put the green big candle in front of it( take the knife and draw a pentagram on it) and the small candles in the back to make a triangle.
Light the candle and say: '' Ceres Mater Agrorum, Goddess of Earth and Rich, grant to me money, and I will give you blessing of your Earth to Earth. Never turn your face to me again, but now respect my comand!!'' take the pot and pour it near a tree. Let the candles burn and wait a few days.
Last edited on Nov 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2655 - 6 Figure Job
Light the green and yellow candles. Take just a pinch of silver glitter and sprinkle it over the candles' flames. As you do so, visualize yourself in that job that pays you an annual 6 figure pay; see yourself happy and completely satisfied with your new pay opportunity.
Speak these words aloud:
"6 figures weave your way
Into my life and do not stray
In good hands you are to stay
Luck be a job with this kind of pay"
After 24 hours from when you initially cast the spell, go looking for a job. It is sure to come to you in the right circumstances.
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2656 - The Spiderweb Cures.
To:(name of person that had ill intent to you)
North, South, East, West
spider's web shall bind him best
east, west, north, south
trap his limbs and bond his mouth
seal his eyes and choke his breath
and make him fear he's bound for death.
now take the parchment forthwith and fold it four times than wrap it together with the dead insect and the cobwebs in the black cloth. make them in to a small black pouch that is bonded by the black string. hang the pouch up on your sailing and do not disturb for a long time until it has a thick cote of dust on it. now berry it in the ground were it well never be disturbed. and the cures is now compete.
WORNING: do not use this spell unless you have good reason to do the spell towards someone for if you are just doing the cures because you fill like it it will backfire fiftyfold on you.
#2657 - How to Speed Burst
This was very hard to explain. But if you possess the talent that of course you will be able to do it.
#2658 - Wish Potion
Put salt in water then hair strand and say "I drink this and reicieve a wish of three".
Last edited on Nov 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2659 - A+ spell
i wish you the best of hope
ps mail me on here if it works bye
#2660 - How to Meditate
Outside: Go in a nice relax area like so sit down a criss-cross or put one foot on top of the leg on each side. Then close your eyes thing of nothing.
But a circle around you and if you have air then you see clouds around swooshed around. If fire then flames. Water the a lake around and earth is grass. Think of whats around you for abount 15 min. Open up and relax and chill. It helps.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.