3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Protecting Yourself and Others
- Good Luck Herb Jar
- Fly-By School Day
- Memory for Exams
- Moon Money Spell
- Good Luck for a Job
- Attract More Money
- To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
- To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
- To Bring About Compromise
#2701 - Protecting Yourself and Others
Go to the place you feel is magical. Then you must cast a circle with your wand,knife, finger and or rocks. Now, light the candle (if have one)lay out some incense. Now you and your friends take out your (working) wands and or hands. Now, if you have a wand, point it at the object you want to enchant, if you are using your hand grasp the (necklace/object) tightly, and chant
"Great rulers of the earth give this object full power to protect me. I plea you give it protection. Protect me now, protect me for ever."
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2702 - Good Luck Herb Jar
Place any of the ingredients within the jar. Seal the jar tightly and keep it in your kitchen on a shelf or on a windowsill. Place your hands upon the jar each morning after you wake up and say:
"To God and Goddess do I pray
Guide me through another day
Let good fortune com my way
Good luck hither, now I say."
After citing the magickal incantation, gentle shake the jar a few times and then kiss it before putting it back.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2703 - Fly-By School Day
Chant as many times as you wish:
"School day school day
Go by fast
Don't last just pass
Gods and godesses
Make it flee
So mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2704 - Memory for Exams
Light the candle in a quiet room and focus on the the light of the candle. Imagine the light in the candle as your mind as it moves imagine that it is gaining more knowledge throughout the 24 hours in the future. Whilst imagining this think of your exam and what you wish to remember then say:
"O'candle of light, expand my mind,
Allow me to remember all that I find.
From now until its now again
From then which the memory will end"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2705 - Moon Money Spell
Repeat the following three times-
Moon Moon oh beautiful Moon...
Fairer by far than any star..
Moon Moon if it so be...
bring money and wealth to me...
So mote in be
You should start to notice a change in your finances for the better.
Love and Light
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2706 - Good Luck for a Job
Take the thing you chose to take with you on interview days and hold it in your palm. Take 5 minutes to meditate/ground yourself feel the energy of your object imagine a misting blue wolf around you
Then recite these words:
"By the energy I have stored in my (object),
I command thee to be my good luck charm
To help me with getting hired
And helping me with not getting fired
To help me get a job
I carry you with me for ever so long"
Then you should let the possession sit in the sun for 2 days and 1 night after that you should wait calmly This spell should bring you luck to being hired not fired!
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2707 - Attract More Money
Set up your altar as usual, placing the gold and green candle where you see fit. If you are using the citrine, charge it if you haven't already and put it inside your wallet, preferably touching your money directly.
Place your wallet in between the two candles, far enough from them that the wallet won't catch fire of course. As you light the candles, think of what you already have, rather than what you want.
Once you are feeling gratitude, ask the universe/your gods/whatever you believe will grant you prosperity for more. If you have written an incantation for this purpose, use it now. Do this for as long as required.
Put out the candles and thank the powers that be for listening to your request.
Always remember to act on your desires, as well: The opportunities to acquire what you want will slip through your fingers if you let them. Recognize the signs and take what the universe offers you.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2708 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.
Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:
As this hour passes 'round
Be these words forever bound
Bar the lies that seek an ear
Let the truth be all I hear
After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.
*Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!
#2709 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.
Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:
"As this hour passes 'round
Be these words forever bound
Bar the lies that seek an ear
Let the truth be all I hear"
After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.
* Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2710 - To Bring About Compromise
To perform this spell, light the candle and ask that only the most benevolent spirits of compromise and agreements come forth and be present in your Magick working. Give thanks to these spirits. Next, while thinking of the situation in which you need a compromise, chant:
Through ( their minds / his / her mind ) send,
Compliant thoughts, and kindness lend,
To ( their hearts / his / her heart ), decisions mend.
From pure lies, a compromise rend".
If you performed the spell correctly, the flame on the candle should do something very forward to let you know that the spell has indeed taken effect.
For instance: one example would be if the flame dims, completely canceling the reflection of the flame's light on the candle's surface, and then comes back alive to resume all candle light, both reflective and otherwise, then that would be a definite sign from above that your spell has taken effect.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.