3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Stitched Lips Gossip Spell
- Forbidden
- Control The 7 Seas
- Gypsy's Luck Beginners
- Make His Mom Accept You
- Money Spell
- Good Luck Locket
- Incantation For Succession
- Day of Misfortune
- Justice
#2741 - Stitched Lips Gossip Spell
Then use the thread to stitch over the drawn mouth. You don't have to actually cut it to make a hole, just stitch through the fabric along the line you drew for the mouth. While you sew, say these words:
Mouth be closed, do not speak
No more trouble will you wreak
When sweeter words become your way
Then you can have your say
Feel free to snuff out the candle when you are done sewing, but leave the sewn face out where you can see it each day until you feel the gossiping has stopped. The intention of this spell is to be directed at one person, but you could do a more general one with no name to help keep gossip away.
#2742 - Forbidden
Get your Ouija Board. Say the Lord's prayer backwards. Summon a demon. Make a sacrifice of your favorite thing into a fire. Tell the demon that you sacrificed (your favorite thing) so you can get a wish. Wish for thing like love,fame,wealth, or immortality.
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2743 - Control The 7 Seas
Drink the 2 soda cans. Wash the top off using the cloth. Hold the top of the cans and say:
"God Of The Water
Please give me control
Over the seven seas.
I will control with all my might.
And relieve the power in sigh>
This is my will
So mote it be"
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2744 - Gypsy's Luck Beginners
This spell will only work on yourself and for as long as you stay calm
you can say this in your mind works quicker if spoken out loud.
Say sing or chant this 5 times for about
(10mins if thought)
(5mins if spoken)
Iask jesus to bless me for I know he's devinedI ask for the luck of a gypsy as long asI keep a calm mind.
(exstreamly) good luck
(being able to control luck)
(Warning will not work in gambleing situations)
Don't exspect results a.s.a.p becuse dares 2 resons it mite not work for you (1 thes spells have only been used by pure blood gypsy's for hundreds of years never by a non gypsy(2 you mite of sed it roung).
Sorry if my english spelling is bad im used to wrighting in my native tounge known as grom-a-ness gromanes thank you.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2745 - Make His Mom Accept You
Light the candles and incense as you focus on the photo with his mom. Clear your mind and chant five times:
"Make this woman give me her son,
Because she knows that for him,
I am the only one.
She must do what she can
To send him my way,
And convince all others
That with me he will stay.
To give him up to me, this she must.
She will send him straight to me, this I trust."
Believe in it and watch it work. If not right away but some day soon.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2746 - Money Spell
1)Draw a pentagram on your empty table
2)Place your tealight candles on the each side and light them.
3)Place your cauldron in the middle and pour water.
4)When your cauldron is half full of water stop and turn of the lights and close the doors or windows the place has to be dead sealed.
5)Make sure that the light of the moon reflects on the water
6)Drop your coin in the middle of the cauldron.
7) Sweep your hand above the surface and chant
''Lovely Lady of the moon,bring to me your wealth right soon.
Fill my hand with silver and gold.All you give my purse can hold.
Repeat this three times
Or you can right your own chant
Pour the water into the earth and keep the coin in your wallet keep it safe
If you want a fortune than you must try pagan rituals
If you have a question or a problem about the spell feel free to mail.
#2747 - Good Luck Locket
Light the green candle and say: "With this green candle, full of luck I bless it and my locket to bind as one. So mote it be." Blow out the green candle and open your locket and quickly catch some smoke in it. Now just wear the locket around one of your body part.
Last edited on Nov 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2748 - Incantation For Succession
I call upon the four Elements,
To guide me on the path to knowledge.
Keep my spirit off the edge,
Grant me Power,
Grant me Strength.
Grant me Wisdom,
I set my faith.
Earth, Fire, Water, Air,
Let me Succeed without Despair.
So mote it be!
#2749 - Day of Misfortune
''Misfortune all day, Misfortune all night. Bring bad luck to [person's name], but only for a mite. Mote it be.''
The person affected will probably have bad luck for the rest of the day.
Life (Anyone dying)
#2750 - Justice
Revenge Spells are performed when all the doors of justice are closed. If someone has done wrong to you, has destroyed your life, made your life like hell, has taken your love away from you, has taken your business or money, has killed someone very close to you, then you may go for this very strong Revenge Spell. If your enemy is very rich and strong and you are very eager to take your revenge then you may go for these very strong and powerful Revenge Spells.
Take a piece of paper of about 3 inch square and write the name of the person that is to be bound, using a black ink-pen or a pencil. While you do this visualize the face of the person in your mind. When you have written the name, cross it with an inverted pentacle (= 5 pointed star within a circle). Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following:
"To be protected from you,
This magic charm I will do,
With this words I bind thee,
For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm,
I now seal this charm".
Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn't have to be so loud that everyone hears it). As you slam it the ninth time say:
"To be protected from you,
This magic charm I will do,
With this words I bind thee,
For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm,
I now seal this charm".
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.