3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Sexual Hurt
- Protection Incantation
- Increaser Skill
- Birthday wish spell
- Getting Money
- Wisdom
- Wish
- By the Demons Confession
- Dragon Transfer
- Refuel Your Mana
#2811 - Sexual Hurt
Sit alone in a room. Lighting must be dim (candlelight is optional although it has been reported that this does yield the best results) Peel the petals from the rose, as you chant the following: "Romance Blossomed. Romance Gone" Chant this once for each petal you peel.
Once the rose has had all its petals removed, take the item representing your target. Push it into the condom (until it is right at the top), and then insert the thorny rose stem. With each thorn, pierce the condom (take care not to cut yourself, not only will this hurt, but if your own blood comes into contact with any of the items this may have negative effects on you. My advice is if you cut yourself, destroy all the materials, perform a purging spell of your choice, abort the spell you were trying to do, and wait at least 24 hours before trying again).
For each thorn that pierces the condom, recite the following:
"For your evil,
For each Day,
For your evil,
You will pay".
Once all of the above is complete, seal the spell by shutting off all of the light completely, and reciting the following once only: "For whom has myself aggrieved: The damage is now achieved"
Stay silent for 5 seconds as a minimum (to be on the safe side, wait at least 10). You may now dispose of the materials as you wish, the spell should begin to take effect within a 1-2 week period, and should last anything from 2 days to a full lunar cycle.
Last edited on Oct 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2812 - Protection Incantation
Call upon a specific deity. Say, "(Deity), help me to remember that nothing will harm me on this day. That I won't be beat. (Deity), help me".
Last edited on Oct 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2813 - Increaser Skill
Focus on the skill you want to increase, then chant: "Increase my skill from pain - don't let it happen in vain".
Last edited on Oct 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2814 - Birthday wish spell
#2815 - Getting Money
(NOTE: I have done this spell a few times, even not on a fullmoon, and it ranges on what you get, the most i was given is $300 au the next day... it works!)
#2816 - Wisdom
"The old pond is still
Suddenly a frog jumps in
No frog, no pond"
Last edited on Oct 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2817 - Wish
Holding the feather in one hand and the mistletoe in the other, chant: "I had a wish. A wish I had. I wish to you to make my wishing words come true. Pheonix mistle mistle pheonix!"
Last edited on Oct 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2818 - By the Demons Confession
Face the person you want to confess murmmer: "By the demon and God combined: I give in to no one. So confess, confess, confess" Repeat this as many times as needed under your breath. When you feel it is appropriate, take a deep breath and look the person in the eye. Stare them down until they confess the truth.
Last edited on Oct 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2819 - Dragon Transfer
Lay the pic of the dragon in front of you place the golden candle on top of the pic and then chant:
"Dragon of love
Dragon of hate
Maybe even dragon of fate:
Please, by the Gods
Let me enter your mind
To soar with you
And all your kind"
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2820 - Refuel Your Mana
Step 1
Decide where to make the psi ball
Step 2: Cup Your Hands Together
Step 3: You may stand outside if you like. Standing outside will give you a super charge of mana. Find the object you will like to use to draw energy from.
Step 4
Start drawing energy from your source
Drawing energy from your source is easy. All you have to do is visualize energy coming from your source and entering or surrounding your body. Visualizing is just like imagining or pretending, just picture it in your head. You can visualize anything you want, as long as it seems like your absorbing energy from the source. Some people close their eyes, some don't - do both and see what works for you. For example, I visualize myself standing on the Earth with energy coming from the core, through the ground, and into my body through my feet.
Step 5
Direct the energy inside your body to the location you're making the psi ball
Now, while still drawing energy from your source, direct the energy to where you're making the psi ball. Once it gets to the location, visualize the energy swirling around in the shape of a ball. For example, I visualize the energy twisting around my arms and swirling around in my hands.
Step 5
Adding more energy to the psi ball
To add energy, you just keep visualizing the energy entering the psi ball. There are two ways though... one, you could make the psi ball get bigger then compress it down, or two, you can make the psi ball denser and leave the size the same. If you're going to make the psi ball bigger, I suggest moving your hands apart then bring them closer together when you compress the ball. Note - you are not compressing the psi ball with your hands, you have to visualize it.
Personally, I do it the other way - leave the psi ball the same, just make it denser. Here is what you could visual.
Step 6: Congratulation you have made your psi ball. Now soak in the vibes. Soak in the energy into your palms.
Now you have more mana.