Please do not be stupid. This spell is very dangerous and will come back upon you.
You may need:
Picture of enemy
10 minutes of focusing on your anger
You may need:
Picture of enemy
10 minutes of focusing on your anger
Place the photo on the pentagram and then chant:
"Huic nox noctis quod huic hora ego dico super ancient vox. Take meus hostilis take lemma iam. Phasmatis of contemno ego precor thee sumo meus hostilis quod iacio poena super lemma."
At some time in the evening, take a show. After dressing in clean and comfortable clothes, stand near a window where you can see the sky. Sprinkle seven cloves around you in a clockwise direction, forming a circle. Then with your arms above your head, repeat this incantation:
"I am greatful, oh Universe, for this body and mind. As I breathe in cosmic forces, I shall focus with confiende and knowledge".
Breathe deeply for a few minutes until you feel empowered and strong. Put the cloves in a pouch and take them with you. Repeat as needed.
A spell for beginners. It will only work with certain people so I'm sorry if it didn't work out for you.
You may need:
Your belief in magic
Pen or pencil (any color)
Personal book
You may need:
Your belief in magic
Pen or pencil (any color)
Personal book
For you personal book, you should use it to help you use spells.
First, you draw a pentagram.
Then, you draw a large circle around it.
In that space between the large circle and pentagram write down your wishes.
DO NOT ATTEMPT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO! Spend your life looking for your inner truth. Make the world a better place. Don't bring down your own world.
You may need:
Time: Midnight on a Saturday. The dark of the Moon.
Place: Cemeteries, Haunted Places, etc.
Items needed: black candles, brimstone (or any other ''dark'' type incense, black arts etc.)
black onyx (Black Onyx was believed to already possess a spirit so this is why
I use it but you can choose any black stone of your choice.) Sterilized needle.
Disrobe. Arrange black candles in any pattern one may wish, pentagram or what not.
(I use graveyard dirt to draw a pentagram and then place black candles at each cross point.)
You may need:
Time: Midnight on a Saturday. The dark of the Moon.
Place: Cemeteries, Haunted Places, etc.
Items needed: black candles, brimstone (or any other ''dark'' type incense, black arts etc.)
black onyx (Black Onyx was believed to already possess a spirit so this is why
I use it but you can choose any black stone of your choice.) Sterilized needle.
Disrobe. Arrange black candles in any pattern one may wish, pentagram or what not.
(I use graveyard dirt to draw a pentagram and then place black candles at each cross point.)
Light the brimstone as incense. At midnight chant: ''IT IS MIDNIGHT. THE GATES OF HADES ARE OPENED AND DARKNESS IS UPON THE LAND'' 3X Hold the stone in your left palm. ''I CONJURE THEE DEMON BY THE POWER OF THY NAME; ABSHALLAH NEJAR SEPTIA, AS FLESH CLINGS TO BONE SO YOU TO STONE! If done properly you should see with your mind's eye a purplish ''lightning'' dance around the stone. You must never let sunlight hit the stone or the spirit will return from which it came. You can ask of your demon anything but alas, it seems that the relationship is not permanent. If you demon fails to comply with your wishes it may be time to exile it. I've notice that threatening to place the stone in the sun sometimes works to ''compel'' the entity but if it becomes violent immediately cast it out into the daylight. You must reward the demon by feeding it three drops of your blood after if fulfills any of your wishes
Lets you win one with these simple words. It drains more power than a regular good luck spell, but it does work better than the average good luck spell.
You may need:
You may need:
"I want to win,and this may be a sin, but create victory for me, so mote it be."
The title is very straightforward, so you shouldn't have any trouble figuring out what this spell is used for.
You may need:
Sheet of paper
Pure intention to get over your particular fear
Pure concentration/focus
Plant pot with a plant occupying its space
You may need:
Sheet of paper
Pure intention to get over your particular fear
Pure concentration/focus
Plant pot with a plant occupying its space
1.) Write "I am fearless" on the very top of the paper (as close to the edge as you can get it) until you cannot write it anymore.
2.) Then write this affirmation the same way on all the other sides of the paper until you create sort of a "box" around the area of the page.
3.) Next, write your fear in the middle of the page.
4.) As you look over your fear on the page surrounded by the fearless affirmation to snuff it out, chant this over the finished page:
"In this box I place my fear,
To send it far away from here.
Do not let me deviate,
From my mission, nor my fate.
Banish that which holds me back,
So I can get things back on track."
5.) Take the paper and fold it "hamburger-style" (short end to short end), and as it's newly folded fold it again in its folded form "hotdog-style" (long end to long end).
6.) Take your twice-folded paper and place it under an occupied plant pot as you visualize the plant absorbing and grounding your fear, leaving you completely free of this particular fear.
7.) After about 30-35 minutes, take the paper out from under the plant pot and throw the paper away. Thank the plant for all its graceful and healing aid in your Magick.
8.) Now feel, sense the new control and power you have over what you had particularly feared before.
**NO guarantees this spell will work for everyone: If your fear is initially too strong to overcome using Magick then you will need to take a mundane, normal approach to it and deal with it. Afterward, this spell can be used to erase any last remnants of the fear, and/or just to make sure the fear stays away for good.
This is less of a spell, more like a ritual that bans a negative memory from the human mind.
You may need:
Balloon or candle
You may need:
Balloon or candle
Write said memory on a piece of paper. Then you must burn the paper or tie it to a balloon and send it flying to the sky. Then you must say this chant: "This is no more a memory, I am now free".