3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Extreme Pain Curse
- Fertility
- Weight Gain
- Relaxing Spell
- Dice Spell
- See Someones Past
- Shrink Someone
- Teleportation
- Merlong's wish spell
- Easy Money Chant
#2901 - Extreme Pain Curse
With your enemy in front of you point your wand or wand finger at them and say ''I will hurt you, so mote it be!''.
#2902 - Fertility
Get your girlfriend or boyfriend in one room with you. In complete silence take out either a pink blanket symbolizing a girl baby or a blue blanket symbolizing a boy baby. Take your permanent black pen and draw a pentagram. Put the pentagram in the middle of the blanket, then put the silver cup on top of it. Take the pen and let the girl write her name first on the paper with the pentagram on it. Then the boy must take the pen and write his name on the paper. Writing the name on the pentagram will have the spiritual power know the couple that wants the baby. Take out all three candles and put them in a line to the right side of the couple. Do not put the candles on the blanket unless you have a metal plate for the candles to be put on. Use the lighter to light the candles. Take the holy water and pour it in the silver glass without spilling a drop. Let the women take the rose petals and crunch it up until it is just crumbs of rose petals. After the petals are crunched put them in the silver cup. Then the boy must take the wooden spoon and mix the dried rose petals in the holy water until the rose petals are covered in water. The the boy with his own hands must take the holy water and lather it on his girlfriend's stomach. The girl will then concentrate on the pentagram sign. As the boy rubs it on the girl's stomach he too must think of the pentagram sign. After five minutes the girl will pull down her shirt covering her belly. The boy and girl must join hands, even though the boy's hands are wet, and chant these words:
"Baby Baby come to me,
Baby Baby Mote it be.
God will give you life with me,
Baby Baby mote it be.
Life with you will be so good,
playing games and building wood.
You'll be ours and you will see,
Baby Baby mote it be."
After saying this once, the woman will become pregnant in a matter of 24 hours. This spell is for couples who cannot have babies or for couples who don't want to go through sexual intercourse. This spell will make the female pregnant and she can still keep her virginity.
#2903 - Weight Gain
2. Lay out your five stones around the glass in a pentagon shape. Each stone represents the five spiritual elemants.
3. Take a black pen and a piece of paper and draw out the pagan sign.
4. Concentrate on your goal to inflate and begin to chant these words:
''Earth, water, fire, air,
other elements that pair.
The only way to pop buttons,
is to pray upon thee. Mote it
be, mote it be. Make me fat
and still growing. I want to
stretch with a big belly,
Mote it be, Mote it be''
After this you will begin to feel an odd pain in your belly. Soon you notice your pants or shirt is tight (I suggest you wear a button shirt because that is always much more fun to see your buttons fly off). After a while when your first button pops off your shirt, the process of inflation begins to quicken and you notice more buttons pop. After you look as you are about to explode, the inflation stops. You will stay fat like this for 1 hour and then you will slowly deflate. To recharge the spell wait 2 hours before you cast it again.
#2904 - Relaxing Spell
Sing slowly in a quiet voice:
"Kursha kurshu I really need you,
Kursha kurshu I really miss you."
#2905 - Dice Spell
Just recite all of the following, then roll the die. Sing:
1 is good.
2 is bad.
3 is happy.
4 issad.
5 finds love and
6 is a random trait.
This die shall decide your fate!
Gambino Fatum!
The results are based on the number that's on the top of the die when it comes to rest.
#2906 - See Someones Past
Take a deep breath, look into someones eyes and focus on there eyes. You should feel emotions rushing in, If none of this is working please email me and I will have the answers.
#2907 - Shrink Someone
''Turn the size of a frog
Now the size of a mouse
I'm now the giant
You're now the louse
Now the size of a flea
This is my will,
so mote it be!''
Please rate this!
#2908 - Teleportation
If you are doing the second option, you must draw a pentacle on your dominant hand, and on the other, you must write your destination.
Whichever one you do, you MUST be able to visualize the place you are going to teleport to.
Say this spell three times then close your eyes. If you did the first you should envision the psi glowing and engulfing you. If you did the second, then envision the pentacle glow on the floor around you with you in the center, and imagine your destination
There is somewhere I would like to be
Get me there fast and quick like the speed of light
So mote it be
#2909 - Merlong's wish spell
#2910 - Easy Money Chant
Imagine money coming to you and chant:
"God and goddess hear my call,
please make money come my way.
Help me gain money every day,
please listen and hear me as I say:
As above- so below, blessed be!
So mote it be!"