3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Revenge Spell
- Get Revenge
- Truth
- Turn Yourself into a Vampire
- Start A Good Rumor About Yourself
- Simple Blessings
- Sleeping
- Protection Spell (spell bible)
- Wish Come True Spell
- Become a Vampire
#3051 - Revenge Spell
#3052 - Get Revenge
While facing the mirror, imagine the face of the person you want to get revenge against. Chant: "Kill, (name), now!" up to 5 times. The next time your enemy gets into a fight, they will die two days later.
#3053 - Truth
Chant: "I need to know. Tell a lie and you will die". Focus on the person you want to speak the truth and they will be compelled to answer you honestly.
#3054 - Turn Yourself into a Vampire
At midnight on a Friday or Tuesday, prick your finger. Put a drop of blood on the dish. Then chant: "take my soul and bend it, shape it and turn me into a vampire. For I call upon the mistress of vampires, make me one of your kind!" Then after you chant, drink the blood, you will be able to be in the sunlight, it will just seem hotter than normal.
#3055 - Start A Good Rumor About Yourself
Light the candle and place your "helper" infront or beside the candle.
With the piece of paper write down the rumor you want to start. Write down where the rumor would be told and how long it would last.
When your done repeat this chant 3 times. "Fama Roman Goddess of Rumor here my plea, turn this into a rumor of me." After the third chant burn the paper when its done snuff the candle then blow it out.
#3056 - Simple Blessings
These blessings can be placed on either yourself, others, or even on inanimate objects. All three are covered here.
1. Calm your mind.
2. Say with an authouritive tone of voice ''By my decree, may my (quality/trait) be (adjective) as a/an (Noun).''
1. Calm your mind.
2. Imagine or visualise your energies gathering into the palms of your hand and then, holding some part of whatever is being blessed, focus those energies onto or into that subject.
3. Say with an authouritivle tone of voice ''By my decree, blessed is (recipient's name). May his/her (quality/trait) be (adjective) as a/an (Noun).''
1. Calm your mind.
2. Imagine or visualise your energies gathering into the palms of your hand and then, holding some part of whatever is being blessed, focus those energies onto or into that subject.
3. Say with an authouritivle tone of voice ''By my decree, blessed is this (Object name). May the bearer's (quality/trait) be (adjective) as a/an (Noun).''
#3057 - Sleeping
Cast a circle. Light the lavender scented candle and carry it around the space to scent it. Light the white candle while saying, "the purity of light - guide the way to gentle sleep. Hence may I be known, for the peace that I keep".
Bend the willow into a hoop and fasten it family using the strong twine. Then fasten the camomile and lavender onto it. Hold up the hoop verticalled before the white candle while saying, "Through this candle I will pass on the road, morpheus, so my spell for sleep is blessed". Pass the hoop over your entire body.
Hang the hoop over your bed.
#3058 - Protection Spell (spell bible)
2. light the candle and say Mars/Saturn , you are honoured here
let no enemy near, whose notice I fear
3. Bind the heather and thymes stems together with twyne . Dip the asorbant cotton in the water and squeeze it outthen apply yo its roots of thyme and heather. Cover the asorbant with foil
4. hold the corsage before the candle flame, visualising the person(s) you wish to avoid passing you by, as if they been repelled.
5. Repeat the following incantation nine times over the corsage:
6. wear the herb corsage on your lapel until it dies off; then dry the herbs and crumble them into an open fire to seal the spell
#3059 - Wish Come True Spell
6 days prior to making your wish, you need to start focusing on what it is your wishing for. On the 6th day at 4:00am, you'll need to already have items prepared as follows. Arrange 6 candle holders with candles inside. On top Aline the sparklers with the wick of the candles and insert them. light the candles first a chant x2:
"Wish, wish, please come true, or I will forever be blue!"
Then say to your self your wish 6 times. then light the 6 sparklers and chant x2:
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Then visualize your wish being true and at the same time put the wet towel over top of the sparklers and candles.
Gather all items in the wet towel wrap it up and bury it somewhere safe... and wish will come true!!!!
#3060 - Become a Vampire
Be outside at night, as long as it's dark out. Under the full moon. Light any color candle. Say:
"Under the gods, under the moon
creatures of the night hide in shadows,
Longing, I wish for part of the life of a vampire,
the blood, the thirst, so mote it be".
Blow out the candle.