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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. The Summoning of Phoenix
  2. Witch's Lucky Candle
  3. Visitions of your Future
  4. Money Magnet
  5. Decision Spell
  6. Unblocking Spell (Ritual)
  7. Don't Come to Class
  8. Its a Girl
  9. Creativity
  10. Make someone's Hair Fall Out

#3141 - The Summoning of Phoenix

The Summoning of Phoenix for the melody. . .
You may need:

  • chalk or salt
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    You may need:

  • chalk or salt
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    Phoenix must be kept focused on the task at hand and should never be allowed to wander without the circle.

    Draw a circle upon the ground and recite the following invocation aloud:

    I conjure thee Phoenix, in the names of Baell, Paimon and Zagan and by their virtues and powers I charge thee Phoenix, that thou shalt not depart out of my sight, nor yet to alter thy bodily shape, that thou art appeared in, nor any power shalt thou have of our bodies or souls, earthly or ghostly, but to be obedient to me, and to the words of my conjuration, that be written in this book. I conjure thee Phoenix, by all thrones, dominations, principals, potentates and virtues, and by their virtues and powers.

    I conjure and charge, bind and constrain thee Phoenix, by all the words aforesaid, and by their virtues, that thou be obedient unto me, and to come and appear visible unto me, and that in all days, hours, and minutes, wheresoever I be, being called by the virtue of the highest, thou shalt look ready to appear unto me, and to give me good counsel, to give to me thy melodies and poetry, and in all other things my will quickly to be fulfilled: I charge thee upon pain of everlasting condemnation, Fiat, fiat, fiat, Amen.

    When Phoenix appears, stay quiet and listen but if he should linger long on one single note or word, he must be distracted and redirected with a question. When the engagement is complete, dismiss Phoenix with the Dismissal of the Spirit.

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    #3142 - Witch's Lucky Candle

    Need some luck? Try this spell out, always send good luck my way.
    You may need:

  • Orange Candle
  • Cinnamon oil, clove or lotus oil
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    You may need:

  • Orange Candle
  • Cinnamon oil, clove or lotus oil
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    Take an orange candle anointed with cinnamon oil, clove, or lotus oil.
    Light the candle and say 3 times:

    "Brimstone, moon, and witch's fire,
    candlelights bright spell,
    good luck shall I now acquire,
    work thy magic well.
    Midnight twelve, the witching hour,
    bring the luck I seek.
    By wax and wick now work thy power
    as these words I speak.
    Harming none, this spell is done.
    By law of three, so mote it be!"

    Do this spell at midnight.

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    #3143 - Visitions of your Future

    A spell that will allow you to see your future.
    You may need:

  • Melted wax
  • Mirror
  • Crystal
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    You may need:

  • Melted wax
  • Mirror
  • Crystal
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    Melt some wax and pour it on your mirror. Meditate as it dries. Take the crystal and draw a pentacle into the dried wax. Lay down and focus on your future and goals you want to achieve. Relax and as you slip into sleep you will see glimpses of your future.

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    #3144 - Money Magnet

    This spell using a magnet to attract money towards you. literally!
    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • Green Crystal
  • Magnet
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    You may need:

  • Green Candle
  • Green Crystal
  • Magnet
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    1. Light the candle and place it in front of you.
    2. Hold the crystal and the magnet in your hands and say the following:

    "Plutus, god of money and wealth, I summon thee
    Bless me with your good fortune and luck
    Grand me wealth and prosperity
    Like a magnet attracts metal, let me attract money,
    So mote it be."

    Snuff out the candle. Carry the crystal and magnet around with you where ever you go and you will attract money.

    Mail me and let me know the outcome of this spell.

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    #3145 - Decision Spell

    If you cannot make up your mind, signs shall tell you what to choose.
    You may need:

  • Stick/twig
  • Bowl of water (salt water, preferably)
  • A voice
  • One candle (white)
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    You may need:

  • Stick/twig
  • Bowl of water (salt water, preferably)
  • A voice
  • One candle (white)
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    Set the bowl of water down and place the candle behind it, so it goes candle, bowl, you. Then place your hands on your knees with your palms facing the sky. Meditate for a moment, allow yourself timw to gather your focus. Once you feel ready, light the candle and say:

    "With this fire,
    Fulfill my desire. "

    Now think of your problem that you cannot decide what to do. Place the stick in the water and stir clockwise whilst saying:

    "I am stuck and need your advice,
    Send it once or maybe twice.
    Yet maybe thrice will show I've tried.
    Please help me (God of your choice), help me decide!"

    Once saying this, lay the stick on the water surface and wait for the water to stop moving. Wherever the stick points to, is where you must travel to discover your answer. Once you have decided, remember to say:

    "Diola lle." (Thank you)

    NOTE: You must go in that direction until you decide. This may take you as much as a minute, half an hour or maybe even a few hours. This spell is best performed in the morning and best results shall occur if you are completely focus. It will also happen faster if you worship or follow the god of your choice but this is not necessary for the spell to work. If you wish to burn some incense to help you focus you may but again this is not compulsory. If you have any trouble understanding how this spell works just PM me.

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    #3146 - Unblocking Spell (Ritual)

    If you're suffering some sort of misery and can't seem to leave it behind you, this spell can work miracles...
    You may need:

  • 1 bowl
  • Seawater or rainwater
  • Your tears
  • Your favorite plant
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • 1 crystal
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    You may need:

  • 1 bowl
  • Seawater or rainwater
  • Your tears
  • Your favorite plant
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • 1 crystal
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    First, fill the bowl with seawater or rainwater.

    Cry into the bowl of water. It is ''living'' water because it came directly from the earth(this is very important!).

    When you can't cry anymore, take the water and feed your favorite plant with it.

    Nurture this plant; tell it your desires and dreams.

    Write your wishes and dreams on a pieces of paper and bury them together with a small crystal beside the plant's roots. As the plant grows, also will your goals and dreams...

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    #3147 - Don't Come to Class

    This spell will avoid the teacher to not come to class today.
    You may need:

  • 1 peice of paper
  • pen
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    You may need:

  • 1 peice of paper
  • pen
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    Write on the paper:

    "Let thy (teachers name) not come to (your class) today
    as I write now, let the power of 13 . Then tear the paper into 13 piceces ,then throw it throw the way which the teacher might enter the class (do this before lunch or it might not work)."

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    #3148 - Its a Girl

    A spell to increase your odds of having a baby girl.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 pink blanket (or some sort of cloth)
  • Bowl of water
  • Pen and paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 pink blanket (or some sort of cloth)
  • Bowl of water
  • Pen and paper
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    Light the red and white candles right next to each other. Then sit on pink blanket, and write:" I wish to have a girl" on one piece of paper. Now fold the piece of paper and light it on fire. Then chant "I wish" while thinking about a baby girl three times. Dunk the piece of paper in a bowl of water.

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    #3149 - Creativity

    We all know how hard it can be when we have a creativity block. It feels as if nothing will come to you. The following spell uses personal power in order to spark inspiration.
    You may need:

  • 1 Long blue candle
  • 1 Holder
  • Any kind of incense
  • Pot filled with water
  • Altar
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    You may need:

  • 1 Long blue candle
  • 1 Holder
  • Any kind of incense
  • Pot filled with water
  • Altar
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    Hit the altar thrice with your candle. This awakens the power that lies within. Invoke the Goddess. Light the incense. Light the candle and chant over its flames, "From theses flames shall flow inspiration!" Repeat this 3 times and snuff out the candle. Pour the wax onto the surface of water in a pot, or, ideally, your cauldron. You will receive messages through this. It can be adapted as a divination.

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    #3150 - Make someone's Hair Fall Out

    It may sound humorous but this spell is actually a sort of revenge spell. In fact, revenge spells should not be taken lightly and are sometimes of fierce nature.
    You may need:

  • An image of the person who's being targeted. Can be a photo or you can use a doll or toy.
  • 4 Black candles
  • 3 Red candles
  • Rue oil or Olive oil
  • A few strands of the hair of the person or black thread of medium thickness.
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    You may need:

  • An image of the person who's being targeted. Can be a photo or you can use a doll or toy.
  • 4 Black candles
  • 3 Red candles
  • Rue oil or Olive oil
  • A few strands of the hair of the person or black thread of medium thickness.
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    Make a circle in any isolated spot like your backyard or terrace. You may even perform this spell in your room. Make sure that this spell is performed only on a full moon night. Cast an imaginary circle around you. Place the image (photo or doll) of the target at the center of the imaginary circle. Then place four black candles around the circle, each one facing one direction (North, South, East & West). You will sit facing the south. At this direction place two red candles, one on either side of the black candle. At the northern end place the remaining red candle. Now take the hair/thread of your target and affix it on the doll or the photo. Once this is done, pick up the red candle behind you and bow down once in each direction and seek the pardon of your deities for the action you are going to perform. Then using the same candle burn the doll or the photo starting with the hair/thread first. Once it is completely burnt, exhaust all the candles and leave the room for the next twenty nine (29) minutes. The spell will work overnight.

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    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters