3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Bless a Tree
- Lesson Learned for Mortals
- Dyeing for a Baby
- Duanes Thurstance Wishing Spell
- Revenge on Your Ex
- Increase Success
- To Be Rid Of Whatever
- Black Curse
- Mind Control
- Wishing Necklace
#3151 - Bless a Tree
First, gather the ingredients, and go to the tree. Second, place the stones in a circle around the tree, starting with small, then medium, then large stones Third, chant:
"Gods bless this tree, Gods bless this tree. It is a very sacred tree. It will be used, for so much good, it will not be, just useless wood. Gods bless this tree, SO MOTE IT BE! "
Repeat seven times. Then, take the soil and pile it up, over the rocks, but leave the tree uncovered. Make sort of an ant hill shape. Fourth, go wherever you were before you blessed the tree. Fifth, you're done!
#3152 - Lesson Learned for Mortals
Dip the crow feather in the drop of your blood and write the first letters of your enemys first and last name on your wrist. Take some hair from your hair brush and chant: "Hair, hair, on my head. Hair used to curse". Take your toothbrush and chant: "Enemy, enemy, on my nerve. Enemy to curse". Smear blood on your wrist while you say the full name of your enemy.
#3153 - Dyeing for a Baby
Put the pink baby blanket on the floor and have the boy sit on it.
Put the blue baby blanket behind the boy and have the girl sit on it with her back to her partners back.
Have the boy hold the baby bottle and the girl hold the rattle.
Put the pacifier in between the blankets.
Lay the quilt down next to the baby blankets.
Put the neckalace in the middle of the quilt. Pour the water on it.
Give one piece of paper and a pencil to the boy. Have him write on the top:
"A baby I wish."
Then have him wright the item he is holding and the details. Have him write what he is willing to do for one. The take it and put it face down on the quilt.
Do the same with the girl. Take the papers and rip them , equally so you can put it back together. Say:
''Paper pieces, baby to them _ and_."
Tape the papers back together but make sure the pieces are mixed up so what the girl wrote is taped together with what he wrote. Make them lay togther on the throw blankets. Make them close their eyes and repeat after you.
1. Girl repeates after you, '' Baby is wha I wish.''
2. Boy repeates after you, '' Baby is a dream.''
3. Make them repeate this together after you,'' I will kiss and have a baby.''
Then make them kiss lightly for 3 seconds. There you go! She is pregnant!
#3154 - Duanes Thurstance Wishing Spell
Make 4 points of pentagram big 4 you to sit in then put the picture of pentagram in it and a picture of what your wishing 4 if your wishing 4 love put her picture in it then say your wish then say:
"Ires bring me the wish I wish tonight so it will be."
Then say this to bind spell by mother earth I bind spell three times there so it will be make a pentagram useing 10 pencils this spell will work.
#3155 - Revenge on Your Ex
Light the pink candle and stare into the flame for 10 seconds. Write their first and last name on the back on his picture in the permanent marker. Burn the picture in the candle and put the ashes from the picture in the locket. Put out the candle and pick up the locket. Kiss the locket for good luck and them put it on.
This may sound like a love spell, but thats because it is! If he/she asks you out, say no. It will break their heart!
#3156 - Increase Success
2. fill the jar with with water.
3. Pour onto yourself 8 times.
repeat step 2 and 3 until you poured water on your head 8 times.
Now do this everyday and try hard to reach your goal. Then success will come soon.
#3157 - To Be Rid Of Whatever
''Around, around, around you go,
down the toilet the water flows.
With the water you must go,
down, down, down the toilet you must go.''
#3158 - Black Curse
Now take the candles and put one at each point of the star, and do the same with the nails, needles, and pins / tacks. Rip a small part of the second paper off and write the person's name you wish to curse on it. It's best if you have first, last, and (if they have one) their middle name written down, this way it will be more effective.
Light the candles in a counterclockwise motion. Make sure you know which candle you lit first, you will need to know this for the rest of the spell.
Take the paper with the person's name on it and burn a portion of it in the first candle you lit, then burn another portion in the second candle you lit, proceed to the third one you lit, and so on. While doing this, say the following aloud, picturing them in your mind.
''By Demons and Angels,
By Gods and Goddesses,
I curse ________,
As a punishment for all the hardships he / she has put me through.
This black curse,
This black power,
I curse thee.''
Only say the above chant once, otherwise it wont work.
By the time you get to the sixth and last candle, the whole paper should be burnt to ashes.
Blow out the candles in the REVERSE order in which you lit them, saying, ''So mote it be!'' when the FIRST candle you lit has been blown out.
Divide up the ashes from the burnt paper into six different pouches, and put one of each item you used (except the candles) and put one of each into different pouches. When you have done this you should have six black pouches each containing ashes, one nail, one needle, and one pin / tack inside of it.
Now choose one pouch and bury it on your own property, and take another and bury it close or on the person's property that your trying to curse. You should now have four pouches left. Bury the remaining pouches in different locations around your community. This will complete the Black Curse.
>>Submitted by Haruko
#3159 - Mind Control
1. Concentrate on the target.
2. Think of somthing for the target to do.
3. Feel the energy in the mind of the target.
4. Snap your fingers to activate the spell.
1. Beginners should start out with smaller animals.
2. Task should be somthing simple.
#3160 - Wishing Necklace
Put on the necklace and chant: "I wear this necklace. Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. Give this necklace wishes times three. So mote it be".