This spell will not make money fly out of nowhere. You'll probably find money on the ground, somebody could give it to you, you could win a contest, etc.
You may need:
One or two green candles
You may need:
One or two green candles
Stare at the green candle. Think of gold, think of money, think of coins. Anything that has to do with money.Now imagine that money coming to you, like your body is sucking it in. Imagine your body gleam that color. Replay this a few times in your head, then say:
"Money is powerful. Money is mine. Money for me. None for thee. On the ground. In the sky. Money will be all mine."
This may or may not work, depending on how hard you're trying. But don't overdo this, if it doesn't work, obviously... it doesn't work. Try this one time, if that doesn't work, try it one more time, if it doesn't work then, stop. You're wasting valuable time, or you're probably just stressed. Be relaxed when saying this, I have heard of no backfires recently, but this spell isn't highly suggested.
A Full Moon is the perfect time to bring things to fruition. If you have something in your life that is hanging in the balance, this is the spell for you.
You may need:
You will need:
Parchment seal
Dragons or Doves Blood ink
Brown Candle
Sprinkling Herbs or Spell Powder
Fireproof vessel
You may need:
You will need:
Parchment seal
Dragons or Doves Blood ink
Brown Candle
Sprinkling Herbs or Spell Powder
Fireproof vessel
On the Full Moon, gather your ingredients and depending on your needs will dictate what Seal, herbs and Blood ink you need to use. Ex. If you have a house closing that is just not going through, use a Parchment seal for Earthly matters, herbs could be (powdered) Bay leaves or Earth Spell Powder and ink, Doves blood. Carve into your candle three symbols for the Moon, light candle. Write in ''Blood Ink'' on parchment seal your name and date of birth along with any other appropriate symbols. Sprinkle a SMALL amount of herbs or Spell Powders on your parchment seal, focus on seeing your need fulfilled, light tip of seal in candle flame and place in vessel, and as it burns recite this incantation:
''On this right and ready hour,
I call upon the mystic powers. ,
Secret parchment, ancient fires,
bring to me my hearts desire.,
Let the wheels in motion roll,,
All I seek will now unfold.''
A spell to cast a bad luck curse on someone.
Warning: Do it under your own risk.
You may need:
Black or White Candle
Photo of the Target
Lighter or Matches
You may need:
Black or White Candle
Photo of the Target
Lighter or Matches
"Gods hear my plea
someone hurt me
and made me sad
now I've become really mad."
"Fire of the candle
Heat of the flame
strike of the thunder
and the demon's name.
I call upon you now
to bring revenge upon him/her
make him/her suffer
make him/her cry
take him/her down
with just one try
make him/her think twice
not to hurt me again
and bring him/her
the bad luck chain."
(burn the photo in the candle as you chant this. picture him/her suffering as you do)
I know this spell works but it may not work for you only some people become a mermaid from it.
You may need:
Saying it in the bath with the door locked.
You may need:
Saying it in the bath with the door locked.
"Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, anwer my want answer my need, make me a mermaid."
Many people I have spoken with have trouble with people accepting that they're witches. Here was my solution come check it out.
You may need:
Green or white candle
You may need:
Green or white candle
This is not just for the advanced witch but for any witch who wishes to let others know they are witches. We allow them to walk their path's let them let us do the same.
Stand outside one the Earth bare foot with a lit candle. Recite the following: "There are those who find me unfitting. They mock and look down on spellcasters and bewitching. I reach out to understand. Why can't we find common ground whilst we rest our feet on common land? Roots of tolerance, reach out from the Earth. Courage guide me as you guide the hearth. Make them see, make them see: we are both children of Earth and Divinity".
Begin by filling the glass with water. Place the picture/hair of the victim into the water. Recite: "For a death from ice and snow, to my enemy I will show. As the spirits twist and turn, my enemy's soul will forever burn". Place the cup in the freezer. If the cup has cracked when you check it in the morning, your spell has worked.
This will cause a argument between two people you want to.
You may need:
Glass container with Lid
Hot Sauce
Black Marker
You may need:
Glass container with Lid
Hot Sauce
Black Marker
Mix hot sauce water oil and vinegar make sure you use equal parts then write the two people's name on paper and place in jar then throw it down a hill. Walk away knowing these two people will argue. Works for me.
Begin by making a circle out of six white candles. Relax yourself, then chant: "Tree, tree, come to me. I would like to make some trees. Come to me and we'll make a deal- then we'll try to make it real". Continue to chant this to make the spell stronger. Ideally, this should be done outside in a forest-type setting or a place where trees are growing. When you are done, blow out the candles and remove them from the circle.
If you open this some positive changes will happen in your life within the next year or two. But I don't mind if you use it on another to bring good luck to them, too.
You may need:
You may need:
"For all those whom this ye see,
By the powers within me,
Luck be given unto thee,
So mote it be!"