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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3307 Life Spells
3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Speak Truth
  2. Lost Something
  3. Turn Into Any Animals that aren't Extinct
  4. Summon A Fairy
  5. Fortune Spinner
  6. As Below Up Above
  7. Meus Infantis
  8. Honor Your Household Spirits
  9. Dreaming Exercise: Meet Your Unborn Child
  10. Puppet Magick

#3231 - Speak Truth

A spell to let you know if someone is telling the truth or not.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Spiders that crawl and bats that fly- silence will tell if you have told me a lie".

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    Last edited on Sep 27, 2015
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    #3232 - Lost Something

    This spell can help you find something you've lost or misplaced.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    When you cant find something say: "What is lost must now be found. Take my luck and turn it around".” Say this three times and you will most likely find what you're searching for.

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    Last edited on Sep 19, 2015
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    #3233 - Turn Into Any Animals that aren't Extinct

    You can turn into an animal and turn back into a human.
    You may need:

  • 1 Picture of the Animal You Want to Be (One of the internet is fine)
  • 1 Item that relates to your animal (Such as a chew toy)
  • 1 picture of a human
  • 1 item that relates to a human (such as a fork. Animals don't use forks)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Picture of the Animal You Want to Be (One of the internet is fine)
  • 1 Item that relates to your animal (Such as a chew toy)
  • 1 picture of a human
  • 1 item that relates to a human (such as a fork. Animals don't use forks)
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    To turn into an animal you must follow these steps: Take the picture of the animal and place it beside you Hold the item that relates to your animal in your hand while you recite the spell On verse one, in the blank you must say your name On verse three in the blanks you must describe your animal (example: Loving,Furry, Purring) On verse four in the blank you must say what animal you want to be My name is _______ and I will be
    The animal I was always meant to be
    The ________, ________, and _________ creature
    Known as a __________
    ----------------------------- To turn back into a human again remove the photo from from your side and don't hold the item in your hand anymore and think this in your head: My name is _________ and I will be
    The wonderful ________(Woman or Man) I used to be
    With only two hands and only two feet
    Who stands strait and tall that are made of human meat

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    #3234 - Summon A Fairy

    You can summon a fairy by chanting this
    You may need:

  • 1 Black or Blue Pen
  • Hope
  • 1 peice Computer paper or Notebook paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black or Blue Pen
  • Hope
  • 1 peice Computer paper or Notebook paper
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    In order to summon a fairy you must get your piece of paper and draw a picture of the fairy you want to come. You will draw it's hairstyle, it's clothing, it's shoes, etc. You will make up a name for it and write it on the piece of paper. Once you have written the name, write the gender of the fairy. After writing the gender of the fairy, write it's powers. (Don't create an evil fairy please.) Then, for about 10 seconds, imagine the fairy coming, and concentrate really hard on that.(Not so hard you feel pain) Once the 10 seconds are up the fairy will come in about 5 minutes or so.

    NOTE: If it does not come in a day, that's natural, sometimes it takes a while for them to recieve your message.

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    #3235 - Fortune Spinner

    Allows you to ask a question about the past present or future.
    You may need:

  • Any Pendulum (Enchanted, or Magick Crystal is better)
  • Paper
  • Pen (Blessed or Regular)
  • -or-
  • Pencil
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    You may need:

  • Any Pendulum (Enchanted, or Magick Crystal is better)
  • Paper
  • Pen (Blessed or Regular)
  • -or-
  • Pencil
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    To use this spell, draw an arrow arced to the top right, label it 'YES', draw a second arrow arced to te bottom right, label this one 'NO', them draw a line straight through from left to right, label it 'MAYBE'. Let the pendulum rest in the center of the circle (you must be holding it above the paper), the diagram should make a circle with two arrows pointing at each other. Next, ask a 'YES/NO' question about the past present or future. Now let the perdulum swing back and forth, it will start to swing in the direction of the answer: yes, no, or maybe. (Don't make it spin, it'll spin on it's own.)

    Note: Make sure to be very specific, or else the answer you get, might not be the one you expected. Also, depending on the time the question is about, you may have to wait to see if the answer comes true or not.

    It's worked for me, good luck!

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    #3236 - As Below Up Above

    Spell sneaks up on the person and can be disregarded as a foot fungus or a common cold. Though really it infects the person virally and can subdue or handicap them.
    You may need:

  • 4 black candles
  • Strong hateful emotion
  • Personal item of the person
  • Dry graveyard dirt
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • 4 black candles
  • Strong hateful emotion
  • Personal item of the person
  • Dry graveyard dirt
  • Bowl
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    Before doing this if you don't want to be attacked or harmed by evil use my other spell called 'The Field of Protection'one or two days in advance. This spell is simple but a whole lot of dangerous. This is for advanced witches only. Please dont be bold or stupid to try this because it can backfire terribly on the common practitioner.

    Light the candles,crush the dirt and mix it with the personal item. Then chant 4 times: "I need revenge and I need it now, Another way I don't know how. I summon you dark witches guide, My word and rule you will abide. Meririon, Ichthion, Sphandor(sa-fan-der), Atrax destroy him/her you know why. After 120 hours then you die. Let the council of magic justice watch over you: To make sure you do what i summoned you to."

    Now sprinkle the dry dirt where the person has to walk everyday. The spell's effect takes longer if the person wheres shoes on the floor you sprinkled the dirt on.

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    #3237 - Meus Infantis

    Makes the child of a pregnant female be yours spiritually and sometimes have your physical traits.
    You may need:

  • Chamomile tea
  • Honey
  • Milk
  • 2 spoonfuls of sugar
  • Cup
  • Hot water
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    You may need:

  • Chamomile tea
  • Honey
  • Milk
  • 2 spoonfuls of sugar
  • Cup
  • Hot water
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    The child will need to know you while it’s in the womb. Your conscious or unconscious mind will hold the baby in your stomach on the psychic plane. You will be linked to the child in a deeper way than the mother could ever be. This making it also revenge because you’re preventing a mother from truly ever being close to their child.

    Drink the tea twice each day for it is the only way you can grow close to the child it is like the milk of your breast to the child. Say this spell after drinking the tea: "Bring to her laughter and joy. Giveth thee a girl or boy. Goddess aid me in such doing: To grace (name of girl) with a baby's cooing. Tiny toes and widened eyes, like a drought I can stop its cries. Control of power is what'll have to be taught. My help and guidance for the child will be sought. Love me like the child loves no other.

    I am before grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother.Blessed by my hand on all the child shall embark. Blessed by the Goddess may the child bear her mark. By the power of Mother Earth I commit these words into thy soul. By the powers of three times three. As I will it so shall it be."

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    #3238 - Honor Your Household Spirits

    Present your household wraith with a welcoming spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense,candles or what not you can say this little chant: "Wraith of the house, take heart and live. To every chamber, this light I give. To every corner, this breath I send. Approve and favor my willing hand".

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    #3239 - Dreaming Exercise: Meet Your Unborn Child

    Bring dreams about your unborn child.
    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
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    Keep a pen and paper beside your bed so that you may write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Keep in mind that you may awaken during the night and should write down any dreams before falling back asleep.

    As you lie down to go to sleep, count yourself down from ten to one, stopping periodically to remind yourself to take a deep breath and go deeper. If you find you are still tense from the day, count down again from ten to one. When you are very relaxed and nearing sleep, tell yourself with belief and intent that you will meet with your unborn child this night during dreaming and that you will remember it upon waking.

    Turn your attention to the child in your womb. If you are not the mother, focus your attention on your image of the baby and continue as directed. Visualize your intention to meet with this being in a dream that night and send it with the feel of a question. Be specific that you are asking the child to meet you in a dream.

    Allow yourself to fall asleep.

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    #3240 - Puppet Magick

    Turn someone into your own puppet.
    You may need:

  • Clay or cloth
  • Personal items of the person
  • Red candle
  • Holy water
  • White linen
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    You may need:

  • Clay or cloth
  • Personal items of the person
  • Red candle
  • Holy water
  • White linen
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    In the doll, add anything you find that is personal to the person (nail clippings,written paper, blood on a Band-Aid, hair left on a brush, etc.) Bless all of the items you are using to make our doll, be it clay or cloth and proceed to make the doll. Get a clear mental image in your mind as you concentrate on the persona while you are making the doll.

    To reinforce your concentration keep repeating the following affirmation: “(Name), as you I see. (Name) you represent to me”. Continue this chanting and visualization until the doll is completed. Lay the doll on the altar with a red candle. Place both hands over the doll and will your energy to flow as you chant 3, 5 or 9 times: “Though separate you are, you are linked as one. As (name) your life has begun.”

    Pass both sides of the finished doll through the flame of the red candle saying:“With fire do I consecrate this doll as (name)”. Sprinkle both sides of doll with holy water and say: “With water do I consecrate this doll as (name)”. Pass both sides of the doll through the incense smoke as you say: “With air do I consecrate this doll as (name)”. Keep the doll wrapped in clean white linen until it is ready to be used in the ritual.

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    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters