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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3307 Life Spells
3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Save A Tree
  2. Lunar Wish/Lucky Spell
  3. Make a Wand
  4. Banish Bad Memories
  5. Call of the Haunted
  6. The Truth
  7. Turn Into a Cat
  8. Cat Ear Curse
  9. Become a Baby
  10. Gender Swap

#3261 - Save A Tree

Help and save a tree in need.
You may need:

  • A Strong Voice
  • Hope
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    You may need:

  • A Strong Voice
  • Hope
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    Chant this spell three times while having your hand on the tree.

    By the power with in me,
    I give some to the tree,
    To keep living on,
    To keep its bond,
    To keep it going,
    So i wont see it gone.

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    Last edited on May 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3262 - Lunar Wish/Lucky Spell

    this will give you luck and or get a wish
    You may need:

  • You must do this on a ''New Moon''
  • Clear Your head!
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    You may need:

  • You must do this on a ''New Moon''
  • Clear Your head!
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    Go outside under the New moon And Chant AS Follows:

    Here is the New Moon..
    The New Moon Has Arrived!
    Be Lucky For Me Now!
    You've Found Me Penniless
    Leave Me Rich and Prosperas
    Leave us With Money
    Leave us With Good Health
    Leave us With Love!!

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    #3263 - Make a Wand

    Make your own wand for spellcasting.
    You may need:

  • A hollowed out stick
  • A bird feather (any kind)
  • Ground herbs
  • Water
  • A tub
  • A cork
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    You may need:

  • A hollowed out stick
  • A bird feather (any kind)
  • Ground herbs
  • Water
  • A tub
  • A cork
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    First fill the tub with the water and place the stick in it (the stick should be hollowed out beforehand). Second take the stick make sure there's water in it. Add in the bird feather and ground herbs.To finish, put a cork into the end of the stick to stop the ingredients from leaking out. Let the stick dry out. Once dried completely, chant:

    "From the elements of fire water wind earth, I summon thee: make this stick become my tool. Make cast spells strong and powerful, never wrong. Make this stick into my wand".

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    Last edited on Aug 08, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3264 - Banish Bad Memories

    Use to rid oneself of potentially damaging blocked, or denied memories and rid oneself of bad memories in general.
    You may need:

  • Yellow candles
  • A group of friends
  • A box of any shape, or size
  • A solar incense
  • Music
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    You may need:

  • Yellow candles
  • A group of friends
  • A box of any shape, or size
  • A solar incense
  • Music
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    The premise for this rite is that we all have blocked memories in ourselves: ones that we either won't, or can't face. They may include everything from being teased at school by our 'friends' to emotional, physical, or mental abuse by parents, loved ones, etc. You will need a group to perform this rite.

    The purpose of this rite is to draw these hidden memories up into a closed box, open it in a manner similar to the Pandora myth, then meet, greet, and make peace with the memories. Resolving these issues with memories can be important, as they can be very detrimental to one's ego growth if kept hidden. Instead of finding hope in our boxes though, we will find acceptance, and peace with oneself, and one's past. This rite is good for anyone, even those who assume they have had perfect childhood's. You don't always realize the past is dragging you down until it is too late, and you would be amazed by what you can find out about yourself!

    The box should have a lid. Paint the inside glossy black, or line it with an irregular reflective surface, such as aluminum foil. The outside should be decorated with any drawings, pictures, or whatever one may want to help evoke a childlike state of mind, and to help trigger childhood memories.

    Start with an opening of any sort you feel comfortable with. Light candles and incense as desired. State the intent: "It is my will to greet my past, and accept it for what it is." Recite the invocation: "I call the past to meet the present, that the future may be bright. I bring myself forth from the dark, and hold me to the light. Let not the past control my present, let not my future be dark as night. I meet and greet me with open arms, and move back into the light."

    At this point, one person sits in the center of the group with their box, keeping it closed. That person focuses on the box while the rest of the participants circle around, teasing, insulting,
    degrading them. At this point, the teasing should not be too personal. When they reach gnosis, they open the box, and gaze inside. At this point, the taunting should reach a more personal, and vicious attitude.

    This continues until they close their box again. The box then is dealt with in whatever manner the person sees fit. It can be destroyed, left open in a spot of sunlight, kept for future uses, as it may be a good idea to do this more than once. When the first person is finished, another takes their place, until the entire group has a turn. Banish by laughter and embraces.

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    Last edited on Jul 15, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3265 - Call of the Haunted

    A spell to help you see spirits.
    You may need:

  • Lemon
  • 5 green candles
  • A red rose
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • Lemon
  • 5 green candles
  • A red rose
  • Knife
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    First, light the candles. Then, take five petals from the red rose and burn them. Use a knife to cut your finger slightly and allow your blood to drip onto the candles without extinquishing the flames.

    Chant: "God of my world and the next, lend me your sight. Give the power to see stuff that gives people frights. Too long they've been trapped in the dark but now let them in the light".

    Use the lemon's juice to extinquish the candle.

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    #3266 - The Truth

    Get the truth out of someone.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All you have to do is say this: "For the ones who want the truth revealed, open hearts, and secrets unsealed."

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    Last edited on Aug 08, 2015
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    #3267 - Turn Into a Cat

    This spell will let you turn into a cat and let you turn back by will.
    You may need:

  • Cat fur
  • Milk
  • Yellow candle
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Cat fur
  • Milk
  • Yellow candle
  • Bowl
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    Light the candle. Fill the bowl with milk and put the cat hair in it. Chant the following:

    " Cats are cunning, cats are wise. Make me small and make me fast. Turn me now into a cat".

    Lick the milk from the bowl like a cat would.

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    #3268 - Cat Ear Curse

    Make your enemy have cat ears grow from his/her head.
    You may need:

  • Picture of your enemy
  • Marker/pen
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    You may need:

  • Picture of your enemy
  • Marker/pen
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    Take a picture of the person you dislike. Print it out and draw cat ears on the persons head. Chant the following:

    "Meow meow, this lesson starts now. Lets have a laugh, with you having the ears of a pussy cat".

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    #3269 - Become a Baby

    Turn your life around with a spell to turn you into a baby for an hour.
    You may need:

  • A rattle
  • Baby picture
  • Baby blue candle
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    You may need:

  • A rattle
  • Baby picture
  • Baby blue candle
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    First, light the candle. Start shaking the rattle while you chant:

    "Goo googa ga -turns my skin soft,my legs short. Goo goo ga ga- no hair, no rules. A baby's life for me".

    Stick the picture of a baby over the candle and let it burn. Keep shaking the rattle until the picture is gone.

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    #3270 - Gender Swap

    Change your gender in a flash.
    You may need:

  • A pink candle
  • Women's clothing
  • Wig
  • Powder
  • A blue candle
  • Men's clothing
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    You may need:

  • A pink candle
  • Women's clothing
  • Wig
  • Powder
  • A blue candle
  • Men's clothing
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    To turn from a guy into a girl, first rub the powder on your skin till your skin becomes silky soft. Then, put on the clothes and wig. Lastly, light the candle and chant these words: "I wish to be free. I wish to be what I want to be. Give me long hair, give beauty, give me grace. Allow me to lose what I don't want and gain the stuff a womans got. Give a voice like a baby bird and make it beautiful like nothing thats ever been heard".

    To turn from a girl into a guy, put on the men's clothing, light the candle and chant: "I wish to be free. I wish to be what I want to be. Give me a short hair, and a body with muscles that flair. Give me a handsome face and remove my womanly grace. Let me lose what I don't want, and gain the stuff a man has got. Deepen my voice and give me strength. Help me reach that special place".

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    Last edited on Aug 09, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters