3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- remove your pain
- vengeance spell
- Strenght (buffing your body) spell
- lucid dream animal spell ~
- Good Day
- Become a Wolfblood! (Tested)
- Stichomancy
- Hair growth spell
- A+ On Your Exam Spell
- Mermaid When You Touch Water Spell
#401 - remove your pain
on a cloudless night , during the full moon go outside alone. find a comfortable position on the ground and stare up at the moon. now you will pray to the goddess of the moon. your prayer should consist of the strongest emotion your feeling and why it needs to leave you.when you finish, look up to the moon and stare until you see the blue ring surround it. this means your prayer has been received . breath in deeply, and when you breathe out your lungs will feel fuller and your shoulders lighter. thank the goddess for her guidance, then return inside and sleep. in the morning you will feel lighter as the negative emotion has left you.
#402 - vengeance spell
clear you mind of any doubts before you begin.out loud ith your face looking at the blood moon begin chanting
"before the day is through, before the night is over what ever (person name) has done to others will come right back to him/her, by the gods and goddesses of war and vengeance, mote it be."
#403 - Strenght (buffing your body) spell
forgive for my sins oh lord...(you need to always say these before doing any kind of magic actions)
"Oh lord of magic but this world is tragic"
"give me powers to increase my strenght as my body is hollow without your scent"
"give me powers oh angels oh lord trust me i shall use this for myself and my poor squad"
#404 - lucid dream animal spell ~
where to start.... where to start...
ok, ok
bare with me-- hey dont click away be patient.
i shall come to thee with a wish
the ability to lucid dream
make my will mine
ok, now just think abt the animal(s) you would like to become
now stay within the quietness for about 30 seconds.
and please do understand that stuff like this does take time and practice-- mental practice--
now lemme just get one thing straight, if you really want massive results feel free to buy lucid dream pills, i mean, tbh im an amateur and i just started making spells, so dont yell at me if your lucid dream doesnt come the night you do it.
okiii bye~
#405 - Good Day
First, you have to think of the person you want to affect, can be yourself. Next, say 3x's: Give (Person you want to effect full name, for yourself say me) a good day for he/she/I don't/doesn't want a bad day, so please let good luck come her/his/my way.
Works straight away, and for the whole day.
#406 - Become a Wolfblood! (Tested)
Say the spell 3 times:
"Gold eyes that shine in the night,
so bright to bring humans fright.
A Wolfblood I wish to be.
In my human form I will be faster and stronger.
A keen sense of smell,
Supernatural vision,
And hearing to locate even the quietest noise.
I will shift whenever I want or when I get angry;
The full moon too.
Dear wolf spirits I beg you.
Make me a Wolfblood.
I will have (adjective) (color) eyes,
And (adjective) (color) fur when I shift.
Please make this me,
Side Effects Include:
-slight burning up
-aches (anywhere)
-craving for meat
-running faster
-being stronger
-eyes yellow when angry or feeling threatened
-sick on New Moon
-urges to howl (it's weird, I know)
-improved senses
-wanting to go outside
-more obsessive over family and friends
-might be more aggressive
-smelling a bit like a dog
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#407 - Stichomancy
Randomly pick a page from a book, which can be randomly picked from a library. The passage you see will give wisdom on your situation. You can also ask a question before randomly picking a passage, and the passage will answer your question.
Stichomancy was first done with the Book Of Changes. A stichomantic reading from the Book Of Changes is called I Ching. A stichomantic reading from the holy book of a religion, such as the Bible, Qur'an, Vedas, et cetera, is called bibliomancy.
#408 - Hair growth spell
Chant this 6 times while holding your hair:
Grow,grow four times more like ever before.
My hair won’t get lower.
Please let my hair grow 4 inches,
so mote it be!
Side effects:You will feel your hair growing.
#409 - A+ On Your Exam Spell
Harvest the rosemary in the morning after the sun has dried the dew but before the heat of the day sets in. Use a sharp magical knife (a bolline) to cut it, as usual. Lay the rosemary at your window sill until 8 PM. Take a bath at 7:30 and use all you desire to make it the most relaxing it can be. Then, wear your comfiest clothes and get the rosemary off the window sill. Lay somewhere in your quiet place and put the textbook, pencil, and rosemary next to you.
Make sure you can really smell the rosemary. Close your eyes and imagine yourself going through your school. Imagine yourself sitting at your desk and finding a piece of paper with the grade 90-100 on it. Get up and break the rosemary over the pencil before rubbing parts of it over the pencil. Make sure you use the pencil the next day, and you're sure to get that A!
Last edited on Aug 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#410 - Mermaid When You Touch Water Spell
Make sure it is either a full moon or a new moon night. Go into the bathroom and lock the door. Go into the bath (I'd recommend sitting down as your legs might feel weak). Have the water in your chosen glass and dump the salt into it. Stir the water until the salt has dissolved. Swish your necklace or bracelet in the salt water and put it on. Now drink the salt water and immediately say: Mermaids, Mermaids, of the deep. I have a wish I would like you to hear. I wish to be a mermaid of (say your tail color here) and I wish to be able to (say freeze, boil, or move water). Please hear my request and grant my wish. I wish to be a mermaid.
Now keep your necklace on at all times and whenever you touch water you will grow a tail. You should be able to use the freezing, boiling, or water movement powers at all times, as long as your necklace is on. If you take your necklace off for more than 24 hours you will lose your powers and will have to repeat this process all over again. If you do this spell on a full moon you will have stronger powers on the full moon and weaker powers on the new moon and vice versa.
Side effects include: Legs being weak, colored scales sometimes being visible on legs, being incredibly thirsty, and craving fish.