3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Home Success Magnetism Spell
- Change Your Eye Color
- Cleansing
- Summoning Spell
- Breast size spell
- Beginners Wish Spell
- Summer Sun Jar
- Call Upon The Horse Spirit Animal
- Blood Wish Potion (OUTDATED)
- Garden Growth Spell
#481 - Home Success Magnetism Spell
Use this to dress a small blue candle.
Place the candle onto a saucer or plate.
Place the saucer on top of a disposable tablecloth or newspaper.
Cast a large circle with sea salt on the paper around the saucer & candle. The circle must be large enough for you to maneuver comfortably within in.
Enter the circle; You may either stand or knee in the paper, & light the candle.
Close the doors & let the candle burn out(always maintain an eye on fire safety
When the candle is finished,gold everything up securely inside the tablecloth or newspaper.
Do not spill even one grain of salt.
Take it to a moving body of water. Side all biodegradable materials I to the water.Throw everything else into a trashcan at a distance from your home.Walk away & don't look back.
NOTE:- Repeat every year at the end of summer.
#482 - Change Your Eye Color
Take the can (or cans) and put them next to you. Say :
"Oh God's and goddesses take to me (say the color or colors that you want) this special color shall be nicer than the old I love you new eye (or eyes ) color. Imagine the colors or color swirling around you. Then wait one hour. Also you can put away the thing now."
Last edited on Nov 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#483 - Cleansing
Fill the [insert] blanks with the name or title of the item you will be cleansing. Fill the [name] blank with your witch or craft name. If you don't have a witch or craft name, your own name is fine. While you say this chant, visualize all energy being removed from the item. This incantation can be coupled with other cleansing methods.
"[insert], You are hereby cleansed.
You are cleansed from any energy, positive or negative.
You are cleansed and are a blank canvass.
You are cleansed and ready to receive energy.
You are cleansed and will serve the purpose, I, [name], have for you.
[insert], You are hereby cleansed."
Repeat as needed. After the item is cleansed, you should charge it with an intent or energy.
#484 - Summoning Spell
Get the drawing and while soaking it in water chant:
"Summon, summon, boil and create. Become real. Do not hesitate."
Take out the drawing, burn it and release the ashes into the wind.
Get the drawing and slowly (and safely) burn it and chant:
"Summon, summon, boil and create. Become real. Do not hesitate."
Then, get the ashes and pour them into water, go to a local natural water source (such as a river) and pour the water in. Feel free to message me any questions.
Last edited on Oct 02, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#485 - Breast size spell
Note: the process will be slow at first, but after several days, will (hopefully) speed up. it may also be painful, and/or you will feel a MASSIVE tingling sensation in your breasts. it may also feel like there is an immense pressure over them as they change size, with the pressure becoming more intense the faster they grow. You may also feel mild pleasure while the spell is active.
#486 - Beginners Wish Spell
Please remember, before doing any spells, it is best to draw a circle. Yet, not required.
This spell will not make your wish come true on its own. It will just make it easier to obtain your wish. An example would be, wishing to lose weight. You can not do this spell and then sit on your butt and eat fatty foods, and expect to lose weight.
BUT THIS SPELL WILL: make it easier, and quicker to lose weight by exercise and a change of eating habits.
1) Light the Candle.
2) Take the piece of paper, on one side, draw a pentacle.
On the other side, write your wish or desire.
3) Burn the paper while concentrating on your wish.
How will you get there? The end result. (In the example, visualize yourself exercising, lifting higher weights with ease, and being smaller.)
You may place the paper on a plate or safe surface while burning.
WHILE THE PAPER BURNS say aloud or in your head :
'' May this candle represent me,
as I bathe my desire in flame,
let it be seen in great light,
let me __( name desire such as ''lose weight easier''___,
with ease, and confidence.
Let it Harm None,
So mote it be. ''
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#487 - Summer Sun Jar
Cork and shake it to mix everything. Leave it out in the sun for at least two hours, more if you like.
After it is done charging, hold the jar over your heart and say:
Though its light may fade away,
Summer sun is here to stay.
If you have the wax, melt it and seal it now.
To Use: When you are cold or just need positivity, hold it over your heart and visualize warmth and hope radiating out. It can be used more than once.
Note: You may want to strain it after a week to prevent mold. This will not affect the spell in any way. It has already absorbed all of the properties.
#488 - Call Upon The Horse Spirit Animal
2. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Keep doing this until you are fully relaxed. After you are calm, you can open your eyes or keep them closed. In your mind, imagine what the horse spirit animal might look like. Imagine it approaching you slowly, a light fog and shining stars surrounding it with a soft white or yellow glow around the spirit.
3. Say this out loud or in your thoughts, it doesn't matter which.
''Spirit animal of the Horse, please guide, protect, and teach me your ways, help me to be more confident in myself, and to not be afraid to be independent. Watch over me as I face my problems and decisions.
Thank you''
Last edited on Dec 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#489 - Blood Wish Potion (OUTDATED)
I suggest you clean your whole body, meditate for calmness, and ask your deity to bless the ritual to work.. Step 1: gather your ingredients Step 2: add water, honey and mix the components together clockwise Step 3: after doing mixing, take your hands around the mortar and draw energy from yourself (only good and positive energy) and bring it into the mixture. You may think about what you want Step 4: while bringing energy, say the following incantation ~Wishes all And wishes one What I ask for May it be done All I wish for May it please come true Here is an offering just for you~ Step 5: quickly add a drop of blood to the potion and mix it while still thinking about your wish Step 6: after done mixing, drink all of the potion quickly as if the blood will become toxic as your wish will become toxic as well. -Depending on what you wished for it can come true in either hours, days, weeks, or even maybe years... just be patient- If you attempt this ritual, email me your results~
Last edited on Mar 30, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#490 - Garden Growth Spell
It works best on herb gardens, but will work normally on any other garden.
Place the 2 candles on the two points above the closest point
Place the rock and the leaf inside the pentagram.
Light the candles.
Say this three times.
''Mother Nature, Mother Nature,
Let my garden grow.
Make the stalks tall and big and let the flowers sow.
Gods of the garden, hear me now.
Please, oh please.''
At the end pick up the leaf and say
''This is my wish, so mote it be.
So mote it be.''
Put down the leaf and close your eyes, thinking of your garden.
A rune should come into mind
Open your eyes and blow out the candles.
Draw the rune on the rock and bury it in your garden, putting a leaf on it every week.