3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Bendy's Curse
- Knot Curse
- Fear Inducer
- Make Hair Fall Out
- Bones of Anger hex
- Revenge on your Ex Spell
- Financial Potpourri
- Harvest Husk Wealth Spell
- see spirits spell
- A Covet Candle
#561 - Bendy's Curse
Now steps!
Step 1:Play the original/remix of Build Our Machine
Step 2:Imagine your new body (you can add Customs Things)
Step 3:Repeat the Step 1
Step 4:Say the Spell 3 Times
Spell:''Dear Bendy, let you to do a ritual for change my body, a body like your but with (Customs Things), This is my wish, So mote it be
-(Your Name)
Step 5:Say:'I will make my dreams come true'' and go sleep
(Note:In the Morning, Go to a Morror if your body is changed, is not, try again)
(Note 2:you can do a update of this spell, but, you should give me a mail for i test)
#562 - Knot Curse
When the new moon is in the sky, start with the yarn in your left hand. Close your hand around it and visualize the pain you want caused upon the victim. Chant out loud 3X:
"Oh goddess, as last resort, hear my cry,
Make __________ feel like he/she to die.
Bring him/her pain, darkness, rot his/her mind,
Make him despair until the time,
The cord be severed, yes, cut in two,
On the day the moon again be new."
Knot the cord, once in the middle and feel the pain you wish to inflict on him/her.
To lift the curse, on the next new moon:
Prick your finger on a needle and let a drop hit the knife you will cut the cord with. Say:
"With this blood I remove the spell
But let __________ remember the flames of hell.
With this cut, (cut the Rope at the knot) make all go away.
But let the memory in his/her mind forever stay."
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#563 - Fear Inducer
Just Your Averaged Fear:
Just simply place the name/pic in the pentagram and say:
"Dark forces, corrupt thy foe and feast on his/her fear, all his nightmares will be about me...all of the frightening tales he'll hear will be about me in his ears."
The next morning when you see him/her at work, school, or just at the grocery store, he/she will look at you like you're going to strangle him/her in front of everyone.
Fetal Position Fear:
Slice the name/pic in fourths and place each four in the middle of the pentagram, when he sees you he won't help curling into a fetal position.
"I Wish I Was Never Born Fear."
Throw the name/pic into the Bonfire and chant:
"Satan, Make thou soul suffer, make his/her heart jump from thy chest to throat. Make him/her be very afraid."
When you even look at your victim now, you'll be most feared since slender man.
Scared (censored)-less:
Slice the First letter of his/her name off (If pic, slice off the face) chant:
"Thou is no more, light be removed from this sorry excuse of a human being and darkness be placed inside of this shriveling monkey."
Then next day, he/she sees you, they will run as if they were running from Death.
Deathly Scared:
Slice the pic/name into a star shape and place it in the middle, take the red marker and place a circle in the exterior. Chant:
"Now, Satan, It is my turn to be feared, I am true Satan. There is no divine power more divine than mine."
The next day your victim will act as if he/she is staring into the eyes of the devil himself.
Last edited on Aug 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#564 - Make Hair Fall Out
#565 - Bones of Anger hex
Gather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a few days. Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure you are worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred. This will add to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all this while doing this hex and when it says:
'With these bones I now do crush."
Take a hammer or use your feet to stomp and crush these bones as if they were your enemy before you! When you are done sweep them up and place them in a bag. You will then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the bones on your enemies property around his house.
If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say:
"I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my bidding
I invoke Cthulhu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld
hear me now."
"Bones of anger, bones to dust
full of fury, revenge is just
I scatter these bones, these bones of rage
take thine enemy, bring him pain
I see thine enemy before me now
I bind him, crush him, bring him down
With these bones I now do crush
Make thine enemy turn to dust
torment, fire, out of control
With this hex I curse your soul"
So it be!"
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#566 - Revenge on your Ex Spell
This may sound like a love spell, but that is because it is. If he/she asks you out, say no. It will break their heart!
#567 - Financial Potpourri
#568 - Harvest Husk Wealth Spell
With the power of harvest corn,
Bring me money, dusk till morn
Harvest wealth
Financial health
And now success is born.
Lay the dollar on the husk, and roll the two together into a tight tube. Tie it closed with the green ribbon, leaving a little extra ribbon for hanging. Hang it above a main door in your home (it doesn't have to actually dangle into the doorway) and wealth will soon follow.
Last edited on Feb 10, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#569 - see spirits spell
A Spell to See Spirits
An incantation to encourage the spirit’s presence is:
“Guardians of the Spirit realm,
hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true,
bring my relationship, name of person to me.
Other souls who hear my call,
are not welcome in this place.
Only the one known as name of person may enter sacred space.”
Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for
indications of a presence.
Signs include the scent of flowers, or favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of
curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically.
Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long.
Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their
assistance before closing the circle.
A Word of Caution:
Spiritual entities should not be banished or called for amusement.
It is best to contact a knowledgeable, experienced psychic for advice or
assistance before undertaking any spells of this type.
It is used for communication, and understanding the purpose of spirits.
The best times are in-between times, such as noon, midnight, dusk and dawn.
Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter.
When the Moon is in Libra. Eclipses. Wednesday
#570 - A Covet Candle
And it may not work in a literal sense. If you want their TV, they can lose theirs through damage or theft and then you find yourself with extra money to buy your own. You don't always get their item exactly. You get the idea. It depends on the situation.
Put the two images together, face to face, with a sprinkling of red pepper flakes between them. Fold the pages in half, and then in half again. Make sure the flakes stay inside the paper. Repeat the following:
I covet and seek,
To take from the meek.
Bring this to me,
I wish it to be.
Visualize the person you wish to take the object from, and light the paper bundle on fire in the dish. Before it burns out completely, use the flames to light the candle. Repeat the words again, focusing on the object and the person who has i
Last edited on May 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.