3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Harvest Husk Wealth Spell
- see spirits spell
- A Covet Candle
- To Banish A Awful Memory
- Protection over Area
- Mojo mirror
- Voodoo Revenge
- 3 bells of wealth
- Confession Circle
- Elemental enhancement/protection spell
#571 - Harvest Husk Wealth Spell
With the power of harvest corn,
Bring me money, dusk till morn
Harvest wealth
Financial health
And now success is born.
Lay the dollar on the husk, and roll the two together into a tight tube. Tie it closed with the green ribbon, leaving a little extra ribbon for hanging. Hang it above a main door in your home (it doesn't have to actually dangle into the doorway) and wealth will soon follow.
Last edited on Feb 10, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#572 - see spirits spell
A Spell to See Spirits
An incantation to encourage the spirit’s presence is:
“Guardians of the Spirit realm,
hear and guide my plea.
When the witching hour rings true,
bring my relationship, name of person to me.
Other souls who hear my call,
are not welcome in this place.
Only the one known as name of person may enter sacred space.”
Repeat the request three times, twenty minutes apart, then wait quietly for
indications of a presence.
Signs include the scent of flowers, or favored cologne, a cool wind, movement of
curtains, and candles going out or twitching erratically.
Once you feel sure the spirit is with you, do not make it tarry overly long.
Take care of your business, say farewell, and thank the guardians for their
assistance before closing the circle.
A Word of Caution:
Spiritual entities should not be banished or called for amusement.
It is best to contact a knowledgeable, experienced psychic for advice or
assistance before undertaking any spells of this type.
It is used for communication, and understanding the purpose of spirits.
The best times are in-between times, such as noon, midnight, dusk and dawn.
Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter.
When the Moon is in Libra. Eclipses. Wednesday
#573 - A Covet Candle
And it may not work in a literal sense. If you want their TV, they can lose theirs through damage or theft and then you find yourself with extra money to buy your own. You don't always get their item exactly. You get the idea. It depends on the situation.
Put the two images together, face to face, with a sprinkling of red pepper flakes between them. Fold the pages in half, and then in half again. Make sure the flakes stay inside the paper. Repeat the following:
I covet and seek,
To take from the meek.
Bring this to me,
I wish it to be.
Visualize the person you wish to take the object from, and light the paper bundle on fire in the dish. Before it burns out completely, use the flames to light the candle. Repeat the words again, focusing on the object and the person who has i
Last edited on May 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#574 - To Banish A Awful Memory
Hear these words,
hear this plea,
spirits I ask you to help with thee.
Remove a memory from my mind,
the awful memorie that haunts me until the end of time.
#575 - Protection over Area
#576 - Mojo mirror
Repeat the name of the person you are casting the spell on 5 times, and then smash the mirror (do this over newspaper or cloth to minimize the mess). Gather up the shards and throw them in the garbage. Even though the mirror is not left intact, it's reflective energy persists to keep this Voodoo revenge spell active until it reaches your target.
#577 - Voodoo Revenge
If you are using a drawing to represent someone, make it accurate with features that would distinguish them (proper hair color etc.) and write their full name on the image. Now rip up the picture into little pieces and stuff them all inside the poppet. Add a good dose of dirt dug from a graveyard (not necessarily a fresh grave, but dirt from within the boundaries of the cemetery) and some patchouli. Give it a little shake to mix the contents and finish sewing it up.
Now bend the two arms together and sew the ''hands'' to each other. Take the doll and bury it upside down behind your home.
#578 - 3 bells of wealth
Ring, ring, ring
The sound of the bells
Ring, ring, ring
The sound of all wealth
Light the center candle, ring the bells three times again. Say:
Ring, ring, ring
Bring money to me
Ring, ring, ring
By the power of three
Leave all of the candles alone to burn out naturally. Leave their stubs along with the bell on your altar until you see some new money coming into your life.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#579 - Confession Circle
The circle doesn't have to be perfect. Sit comfortably around the lit candle, forming a circle. Make sure this is ONLY done with people who you trust already and want to talk to about dark and deep things. One person from the circle, usually the one who decided to do the circle, will go around and mark everyone's right/left wrist with a cross using just their fingers (no actual marks just gently use your finger to make a cross). Make sure you mark the same wrist for everyone.
Now everyone needs to say this:
"In this confession circle, I promise to only tell the truth. I understand whatever is said in this circle will remain here and I will not tell anyone anything that is said within this circle. I will accept my fate or punishment if I release another person's confession outside of the circle."
Now ONLY TELL THE TRUTH about deep things that is usually hard to get off your chest if you want to. Deep things such as assault, traumatic experiences, or difficult issues are usually what people talk about but anything is fine so long as it's true. Only confess things if you want to, you do not have to confess things you want to remain private.
If someone confesses something, you are not to spread it around. If you do, usually you will feel an odd feeling within your wrist where the mark will slightly show or produce pain. The punishment of telling someone else's confessions within the olden days where that people used to slit the wrist of the person who spread the confession of another. HOWEVER, I highly recommend you do not slit their wrist but punish them in a way that is not illegal.
History of the confession circle: The confession circle formed roughly around the middle ages. People used it to usually trick another being into revealing themselves, usually aimed at witches. The confession circle was eventually changed into just being used to get to know each other better throughout history because people slowly stopped believing in the mystical beings. The confession circle eventually stopped being used and was slowly forgotten over time. People now just trust each other with their secrets. However, people who still use it today use it to tell their trusted peers about things that have been sitting on their minds, such as being sexually assaulted, abused, or going through something they can't casually bring up.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#580 - Elemental enhancement/protection spell
A pentcle is a five pointed star that keeps bad spirits/energy away from you.
First put on your pentcle if you have one.
Second place the candles in the correct spots making a star with you in the middle. Make sure there is enough room for you to be in the middle, the candles ar evenly spaced, and you don't catch on fire.
Place the candles as so:
- White on top
- blue to the right
- yellow to the left
- red to the lower right
- green to the lower left
Now light each candle starting from the white candle down (any order will do but lighting the white candle first gives respect to spirit).
Now sit either criss-cross or on your legs. Make sure you're alone and your mind is clear. You don't have to but while you chant the first line you can make a pentcle with your arm movements if it helps.
Fire, Spirit, Earth, Water, and Air
Free me from any negative energies that try to interfere
Bless my body and my soul
Allow me to have full control
May the elements protect me for all eternity
So I have said it, so it shall be
Now blow out the candles in any order but make sure fire (red) is the second to last or is the last to blow out and spirit (white) is either last or second to last to blow out. It is more respectful to blow out the fire candle second to last and the spirit candle last.