3304 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Luck Spell
- return what's lost.
- A simple yet powerful wish granting spell (be careful what you wish you)
- wish spell (not tested)
- Healing Abilities
- Win a Lottery Spell
- Female giant
- animal spell
- Wish Spell
- Confidence Boost
#641 - Luck Spell
2. Drop the hair (if you have it) into the flame.
3. Hold the personal object in the flame (over it if it's flammable) and then smear it with the blood (if you have it).
4. Draw a magic circle and place the personal object in the center.
*If you're casting it on someone else
5. Get into lotus position and chant: ''O Fortuna potens fortuna, quaeso, tibi sit bene ac fortunae obiectum protegant (person's name) dum a malo induere.
*If you're casting it on yourself
5. Get into the lotus position and chant: ''O Fortuna, quem fortuna, cum fortuna hoc peto benedicere fortunae, quamdiu mala prohibere induere.''
#642 - return what's lost.
around the word, draw a pentagram. Trace the pentagram with salt. Burn the lavender and scatter the ashes around the pentagram.
Light the candles, and set one on each point of the pentagram.
Then chant this with your eyes closed:
''To everything I've ever lost,
In summer or the winter frost.
Please Return what once was mine,
It will be back before day nine.''
Now burn the paper, and keep the ashes.
Withing nine days you will find your object.
message me for questions, or comments on this spell.
#643 - A simple yet powerful wish granting spell (be careful what you wish you)
Now think of your wish, to be short and simple and to the point; the more detail and the more specific you can be, the better the wish will come out when it has been manifested onto the physical plane from the spiritual plane.
Chant anywhere from three to ten times
''By sun and moon and stars above, with positive intentions and the energy of love, like summerland my wish shall shine, let my will be done and this wish be mine, as I do will so mote it be''
Now bind your spell by saying ''For the good of all and to harm none, this spell is bound and is to not be undone, by the power of three times three, as I do will, so mote it be''
Give thanks to the divine and the higher powers as well as the elements f aiding in your spell! And don't forget to say farewell!
#644 - wish spell (not tested)
#645 - Healing Abilities
In a true spell, it takes effort, time, and energy to make it work. You practically have to control your every thought, emotion and trigger all your senses. For a spiritual healing the best times to do this is either a full moon or waning moon (7 to 10 days after full moon), or dark moon ( 11 to 14 days). Best time to do a spell would be 3:00 am because that is when our spiritual veil is more open. Make sure you have done a protection spell before using any spell. Before you light the white candle ask for purity and protection. After you light the violet one, ask for spiritual healing, after you light the indigo, when you blow let it take you into a state of euphoria and clairvoyance. Then light both incense together and smell it closely and feel its energy. Hold it over you and talk to your god/gods or if you don’t believe in a god just talk to yourself. Vent, cry and heal. Take about 30 minutes. As the candles burn and the incense diminishes. Put a water bowl in front of you and acknowledge your taste, smell, touch, hearing, and higher abilities. Meditate on them. When you feel completely relaxed and ready to heal, take the water and hum "love" until you feel the water is full of light and love, then splash your face with the water and breathe in through your nose and out your mouth and smile.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#646 - Win a Lottery Spell
Put pinch of lottery oil, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of marjoram and pinch of prosperity magical oil in the oil diffuser.
Light the votive candle as you concentrate/meditate on your winnings (no specific amount). Place it under the oil mixture and say:
''Lottery Lottery be far to me,
Grant me any amount you wish that may come to me.
With a grateful heart I shall receive
the great gift that will come to be.
As I say, so mote it be''
Not sure the timeframe of this spell working, but keep playing those numbers!
#647 - Female giant
Go outside and look at the full moon. Chant "I want to be big bigger and taller then thing. That no one can't stop me forever so mote it be." Feel the air blowing on you and close your eyes in one hour whan you open your eyes they will change to blue.
Last edited on Aug 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#648 - animal spell
''gods and goddesses let me be a (animal). every wound and cut i have will grow into this animal. thus i will be a (animal). please hear my plead let me be a (animal). Release the (animal) in side of me.Hear my plead .SO MOTE IT BE.''
drink the blood from your wrist then sing your favorite song. wisper ''mote it be''
#649 - Wish Spell
Chant This:
"May the goddess and god of light and love grant me my wish and quiet my heart. I place my desire in your hands for you to do as you will and I deserve so mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 09, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#650 - Confidence Boost
I am confident, I am strong.
I can do this, I will win.
I will not listen to those who hate
I will not give up
I will not be shy
I am _________ and this is me
I am confident, nothing can stop me.
Note: you don't have to say these exactly as written. Say it in any order you like, and add some of your own if you wish.
As you repeat the words, channel positive energy through yourself. Repeat until you feel confident in yourself.