3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- White Wings
- Adult Sleep
- Working Sickness Curse
- Wings Spell
- Guide for Simple Luck
- Throat Healing
- Cleanse your Wand
- EWW: Emma and Jax
- Mystic SilverThread's Dark Cauldron
- Hydrokinesis
#741 - White Wings
Say three times:
"Gods of Three
A wish from me:
Wing of white
Grow overnight
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#742 - Adult Sleep
Fix yourself a cup of hot tea, coffee or hot chocolate. After you have drank whatever you fixed a cup of, plug your head phones into your cell phone,and go to youtbue and just type in 9 hours of meditation music.
Put your head phones in your ears and lay down on your bed and you will be asleep in no time at all.
Last edited on Jan 07, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#743 - Working Sickness Curse
1. Think of the person. You can be next to them, or far away, but you should be able to focus on them.
2. Point your finger/wand where they are. This is optional, but it increases their chance of getting sick.
3. While thinking and pointing at them, chant the following:
"You fill us/me with hate,
Now you have a terrible fate."
3. Focus on their form. Now in the next couple days, they should get sick.
1) It is easier to do this with someone, so you can double curse someone. In that case, say you fill us with hate, instead of me with hate.
2) Message me if it doesn't work for you, it should work.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#744 - Wings Spell
Say/chant this three times:
"Gods of three, I have a wish from me. wings of black, grow on my back. so mote it be."
Just remember to believe and this is my first spell so don't get mad at me if it doesn't work.
Side effects may have things like back pains and nausea. It depends.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#745 - Guide for Simple Luck
Imagine you're (or someone you want to have luck) is in a field full of clovers. Now, you/they bend down and pick up a four leaf clover.
Next, all you have to do, is chant the following:
"The winds of change I feel tonight, The waters are calm and the sky is bright, Luck be mine, come into me, my desires are true, so mote it be."
Now you should have some luck!
1) You should probably meditate before trying this, you should be calm and in peace.
2) If it doesn't work/only gives you luck later, you should try this the day before.
3) Message me if you need some help/anything else!
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#746 - Throat Healing
1. Put tap water into a cup- about halfway.
2. Take a spoonful of the table salt and dump it into the water.
3. Stir. While you stir, chant these words until you feel it is enough:
Salty water, hear my plea, I wish this nuisance of a sore throat to vanish, so mote it be!
There! Voila! Your throats should heal!
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#747 - Cleanse your Wand
Take the sage and rub it all over the
wand after that, sit down and hold the wand in your writing hand, and point the tip at your other hand. Visualize black smoke or strings energy flowing out of the tip of the wand into your other handinto a ball like shape.
Do before every ritual or spell you cast
and your spell should have better results
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#748 - EWW: Emma and Jax
Spell: "I wish to have powers like (person you want to be here). I want to have their powers and use them wisely. Please let me be who I want to be. Please grant my wish."
This spell is mostly recommended to be done during the full moon at night time. But make sure it's in your view. Don't do it during a new moon or a waning moon. It won't be as affective
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#749 - Mystic SilverThread's Dark Cauldron
This spell came to me after long debate over a "problem" that I HAD with another witch. The inspiration came from one of my dark Lwa and ever since, I have not had the problem again.
My cauldron is suspended (in a dark corner) under my working altar and above a dragon flame candle.
The purpose of this cauldron is to be a place of agony, pain, misery, torture and destruction for whoever the witch decides.
Once the cauldron is ready, all that would be needed is a "link" to the subject to be placed in the cauldron.
A link could be hair, nail clippings, bodily fluid, photograph or piece of paper with as much of the subject's information as possibly.
This can easily be customized by the witch as needed.
****This cauldron, once completed, if done right should make the witch cringe a bit and that is the point. I am not saying you should be afraid of this... but it should, at the very least, make you nervous opening the lid. Not because of its ingredients but because of the purpose and its power!
I use a medium to large sized cauldron for this spell as I never know how many subjects will be in at the same time. You are free to use whatever you have on hand. Not all ingredients will be available to everyone and that is ok, Magick is mainly about the intent and not so much about the ingredients. The more of these ingredients you can get the better and if you only have a few for now and can order or wait for others later, then work with what you have and add as you go.
When you construct this spell, it is REAL IMPORTANT that you are mad, upset, angry and hurt. Now, it is also REALLY IMPORTANT that you separate those feelings from whoever or whatever was the cause. When you do this spell, you want only the negativity to go into the cauldron and not the person who caused it for you. The reason is that you will want this cauldron to work with more than one subject (if not, then disregard).
Each ingredient can be used for positive or negative, in this case, we want the negative for most ingredients. For some ingredients you want to use for force and/or power.As you place each item into the cauldron you want to transfer the energy into that item. You will want to have a cauldron full of anger, fear, poison, hatred and destruction. Once everything is all complete, you will want to consecrate the cauldron. Be creative and mean/feel what you say.
For me, I place a photo of the subject into the cauldron. The photo usually will have the name, date of birth and a sigil. *If you don't have a photo of the subject, be creative or message me for ideas.
Right before putting the subject into the cauldron, I find it helpful to think what they did that wronged me and decide how long I will keep them in the cauldron. I let the anger build up then I transfer the energy into the photo and place it into the cauldron and walk away.
*I like to come up with the length of time they will stay in the cauldron before I get angry that way it doesn't become a ridiculous amount of time. I don't use this spell on the folk who back talks me or trash talks me, my family or loved ones as I have other methods of Magick for them. This is for someone who has truly caused torment, harm, hurt, and pain (Examples would be: someone who raped you or a loved one, someone who tortures you, someone who tries to ruin your name or attack you).
(I encourage you to make this personal to you, if you need help with ideas I am more than willing to offer suggestions within reason so feel free to message me.)
#750 - Hydrokinesis
What to Do:
Hold the water.
Visualize yourself controlling water making it.
into all kinds of shapes, moving it, etc.
Saying this spell 3x
After saying the spell, you can do anything with the water.
"I call on Pontus
To give me hydrokinesis
The ability to control water
I shall (hand movement) to control the water
Pontus Pontus
I call on you
To give me the ability
To control the H2O
To control the blue
After (time you want the spell to work)
So mote it be."
On hand movement, you choose your hand movement to start
controlling the water. Don't ask me your hand movement is all on your choice
The "time you want spell to work" is the time you want the spell to work obviously.
If you want it to work in 1 day then choose 1 day, 1 week choose 1 week, all on you
I cannot believe some people actually asked this
Pontus is the ancient god of the deep sea.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.