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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3307 Life Spells
  1. Protection Grid
  2. Talk to a Dragon
  3. Happiness
  4. Honest Truth Spell
  5. Transfiguration
  6. Remember Past Lives Oil Blend
  7. Get Good Grades
  8. Cat Ears
  9. Noctis Dominae
  10. Wolf Tail

#791 - Protection Grid

A crystal grid that is used for protection against spirits and negative energy.
You may need:

  • 1 Quartz generator (point)
  • 2 tigers eye stones
  • 1 Amethyst stone
  • 1 onyx stone
  • A wand
  • A cloth (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Quartz generator (point)
  • 2 tigers eye stones
  • 1 Amethyst stone
  • 1 onyx stone
  • A wand
  • A cloth (optional)
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    If you have an altar cloth you may lay that out. Place the Quartz generator in the center of the cloth, in a circle around it place your 2 tigers eye, the Amethyst and the onyx.

    Next you have to activate the crystal grid. Take your wand (or finger) and start at the Quartz generator. Visualize a line of energy coming from the wand linking all the crystals up starting and ending at the Quartz generator. You may say a chant if you have one that you think will help.

    When you're done you can keep it activated for as long as you like. Do deactivate it you just need to use your wand and unlink all the crystals. Remember to charge and cleanse the crystals again when you're done.

    Added to on Oct 01, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #792 - Talk to a Dragon

    This spell will enable you to talk to any element of dragon no matter how big or how small.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go to this secluded place and sit down in indian style position. Then gather as much energy as you can inside you. Bring something with in case the dragon wants to trade something for his wisdom and then project all that energy into your voice and say

    "Dragons of the north south east and west: any one of you come to me and grant me your wisdom so that I may know what no one else knows. That I may use this knowledge for the good of my friends family and lively hood"

    When you say this a dragon will probably persistently ask you to do things for him and maybe if your trade is good enough he might grant 1 wish but if you use the wish you cant get his wisdom.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #793 - Happiness

    This spell will help you to become happier and banish any sadness inside of you.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Dedication
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Dedication
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    Recite the following once:

    "Allah, yurja mill
    lee mae alssayadat
    waltakhallus eye
    hizen almucksanat
    daki lee,

    Added to on Sep 30, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #794 - Honest Truth Spell

    This truth spell will make whoever you cast it on unable to lie to you.
    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • Pen
  • A match (or lighter)
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • A piece of paper
  • Pen
  • A match (or lighter)
  • Salt
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    1. Write the full name of the person you wish to tell you the truth.
    2. Set it on fire. Stare into the flame and chant:

    "Gods and Godesses, hear my wish. Make this person unable to lie in my presence. I give you the name of this person, in a gift of fire."

    3. Sprinkle salt into the fire, and continue:

    'Listen to my wish and make it so, so mote it be."

    They should now be unable to lie to you. Lemme know if it works!

    Added to on Sep 28, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #795 - Transfiguration

    Transform into any animal.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Relax and feel the animal's power flow through you, think of how a day in the life of this animal is like and breath, in and out. Slowly open your eyes and go with your instincts. Side effects: your memory will enhance and you will feel happy.

    Added to on Sep 26, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #796 - Remember Past Lives Oil Blend

    This could be useful for anyone, but was made specifically with the otherkin and therian community in mind, to help recall past lives.
    You may need:

  • Lilac fragrance oil (remembering past lives
  • Forget Me Not fragrance oil (memory)
  • Vanilla fragrance oil (aiding memory)
  • Everything else varies depending on the use of the oil blend, all other ingredients for the foundations to each of the blends is provided in the instructions.
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    You may need:

  • Lilac fragrance oil (remembering past lives
  • Forget Me Not fragrance oil (memory)
  • Vanilla fragrance oil (aiding memory)
  • Everything else varies depending on the use of the oil blend, all other ingredients for the foundations to each of the blends is provided in the instructions.
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    Is this the same as the other oil blends for remembering past lives? Yes. Yes it is. However when I published the last one I didn't realise that the line-break command doesn't work here so the formatting made the instructions impossible to follow, and I couldn't edit it nor take it down, so here we are.

    Important General Notes For Beginning Witches:

    If you're new to the craft, please read this section. This is important information.

    Oil blends are useful in a lot of things, ranging from aiding meditation to spells and potions. This is here to provide a foundation to your oil blend, after that it's up to you to add other oils to suit your purpose. Especially because this guide has been made mainly to help otherkin and therian individuals, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work here.

    I've provided a list of relevant correspondences beside all my ingredients. If you don't have something, don't worry: just find something else with the same correspondences, it'll work just as well. The ingredients for a spell or potion are chosen because of what they correspond with, so very rarely will you actually need exactly what's listed in the ingredients. That being said, I've tried to ensure that the base ingredients for these oils are easy to obtain. There are lots of digital herb grimoires online, a few websites I recommend are,,, and

    I have the herbs but I don't have the oil from them! I've often found myself in this situation as well, I personally find that it's hard to find oils for herbs often used in cooking, so here's a quick how-to on making plant fragrant oils (this method also works with tea, just so you know). This guide uses fragrant oils. Fragrant oils consist of a base oil with little to no scent and an essential oil, which is the part that makes the fragrance. Common bases include almond oil, canola oil, sunflower oil and olive oil. What I do to get fragrant oils is I fill a small(ish) jar about 2/3s of the way with my base oil of choice and then fill the rest with whatever herb, flower, or resin I want for my fragrance, close the lid, and let it steep from a couple days to a week. After that time has passed, I strain out the plant matter, pasteurise* the oil if needed, and then bottle it. Voil, fragrant oil ready for all your witchy needs!

    If you're going to use your oil blend in something that you will eat or put on your skin, make sure the plant/s it's made from aren't poisonous. If you're using other oil blends for this one, they usually list ingredients on the label of the bottle. Not sure about wether something is poisonous or not, try googling "is [plant] safe to eat?"

    Discount stores often sell fragrant oils very cheaply. For anyone in Australia, stacks discounts sells 16mL bottles of fragrant oils for $2.00AU, and 50 mL bottles for $4.00AU. Tumblr and Pinterest have a lot of information on where to get supplies cheaply, some good tags to look through are budget witchcraft, witch on a budget, and frugal witch. Another suggestion is to buy wholesale goods from places like eBay. For anyone who's unaware, Spells of Magic also has an online store that sells fragrant oils and blends fairly cheaply among other things. End of General Notes


    This guide is geared towards recovering kin memories, however, if you aren't otherkin or therian this should work just as well. That being said, I should warn you that not all memories will be pleasant, so keep that in mind when you put these to use. What you use in your blend will vary from person to person, but each of these requires a few essential ingredients, a foundation, if you will. However, what you need for your foundation will vary depending on what you intend to use your oil blend for, an oil for meditation will need a slightly different base than one to invite prophetic dreams, for example. The idea is you make up your base and then add oils that are relevant to the life (or aspects of) that you want to recall. The measurements specified are just recommendations, feel free to tweak them as you will.

    Oil base for aiding meditation
    To use: add to an oil defuser before meditation. If you add non-toxic plants to this base it can also be applied directly to the skin before you meditate.

    • Lilac (remembering past lives, harmony) 2 parts
    • Vanilla (aids memory) 1 part
    • Bay leaf (psychic powers, divination) 1 part
    • Cinnamon (psychic powers, mental focus) 1 part
    • Forget-me-not (memories) 2 parts
    • Jasmine (meditation) 1 part

    Oil base for inviting prophetic dreams
    To use: add to a dream sachet or an electric oil defuser before you how to bed or use in dream spells. If you add non-toxic plants to this base, then feel free to apply it to the skin as you would with aromatherapy oils. - Lilac (remembering past lives) [2 parts]

    • Forget-me-not (memories) 3 parts
    • Lavender (sleep, peace) 2 parts
    • Vanilla (aids memory) 1 part
    • Jasmine (prophetic dreams) 2 parts

    Oil base to aid astral projection
    To use: add to an oil defuser or use to anoint a protective charm or amulet before astral projection. Can be used to add to spell-jars to aid in astral projection, but keep those jars specifically for recovering memories of past lives. If no toxic plants are used in your oil blend, feel free to apply it to your skin as you would with aromatherapy oils.

    • Forget-me-not (memories) 2 parts
    • Vanilla (aids memory) 1 part
    • Lavender (protection, peace) 1 part
    • Lilac (remembering past lives, peace, harmony) 2 parts
    • Aniseed (protection during astral projection) 1 part
    • Mugwort (aids astral travel) 1 part

    General base for use in spells, potions, etc:

    • Vanilla (aids memory) 1 part
    • Lavender (protection, peace) 1 part
    • Lilac (remembering past lives, peace, harmony) 1 part

    S uggestions for oils you might add to your blend

    Not otherkin specific (by correspondence):


    • Basil
    • Cherry
    • Chestnut
    • Coriander


    • Basil
    • Comfrey
    • Cashew
    • Cinnamon
    • Camellia
    • Grape


    • Cinnamon
    • Camellia
    • Basil


    • Cinnamon
    • Ginger
    • Clover

    Suggestions for otherkin blends
    This is a little more complicated than the last section, partly because it's hard to find plants that correspond with certain animals and other creatures, and partly because there's too many different kin-types to just make a list of suggestions based in each kin-type. That being said, if you don't already have a selection of oils in mind, you'll need a jumping-off point, so here we go.

    The most obvious thing that comes to mind is plants that have a pre-existing correspondence with your kin or therian type, such as catnip for a cat-therian or dragons blood for dragonkin.

    That last thing isn't always easy nor always an option, so the next step would be to find oils that you associate with your kin-type. I mean this on the most basic level, like a ghostkin person may associate roses with their kin-type, possibly because people lay roses on peoples' graves.

    You want to tailor your blend to be as specific to the life you're trying to recall as possible. In this case even vague memories of that life could come in handy. Another suggestion along this vein would be to include oils that you associate not just with that kin-type but that life. Remember certain colours, try plants of that colour. Remember certain plants, try those plants. A particular climate, plants that can grow in those conditions. Plants that grow in the types of places you remember. Remember a country, try their national flower. Something that might be useful is that fragrance blends are often used to refresh potpourri, so you might be able to find blends that you associate with certain places, such as an ocean-themed blend for oceanic kin-types, etcetera.

    Added to on Sep 20, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #797 - Get Good Grades

    This spell blesses a pencil, so when you use it you get good grades.
    You may need:

  • Anointing oil
  • A new pencil
  • A pencil sharpener
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    You may need:

  • Anointing oil
  • A new pencil
  • A pencil sharpener
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    Take a new pencil and sharpen it, and as you do, think about all of your intentions for the pencil, and what the pencil will help you achieve. That will charge the pencil. Then anoint the pencil and say what you want the pencil to do out loud. I would specify it will help you with your grades, and can learn the material you're studying. Now always use that on your homework, schoolwork, tests, etc. If the pencil becomes too short due to use, turn it into a charm and wear it around your neck.

    Added to on Sep 19, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #798 - Cat Ears

    These will replace your human ears with cat ears so... be careful when using this spell if you truly want cat ears!
    You may need:

  • Faux fur (the type of color of fur, usually found online or in craft stores.)
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    You may need:

  • Faux fur (the type of color of fur, usually found online or in craft stores.)
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    Hold the piece of faux fur in your hand, and just feel its soft fur. Once you have done that, say this spell twice. (2x) "Cats and nekos alike, I wish, I want, cat ears like you in the color of (color of faux fur), please, in one lunar cycle, let this wish come true, so shall it be!" Ears starting to hurt/ache Top of your head starting to hurt/ache/feel more "fur like" Do not get angry at me if this does not work! All spells do not work for certain people.

    Added to on Sep 19, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #799 - Noctis Dominae

    This spell requires the caster to have a knowledge of using intent and directing large amounts of energy.
    You may need:

  • 6 candles: A white candle specifically for yourself, along with five other candles that can be black, or another variety of colours, so long as the intent is there.
  • Chalk mixed with black salt.
  • Wear items that symbolise your belief and faith, along with preferable ritualistic wear.
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    You may need:

  • 6 candles: A white candle specifically for yourself, along with five other candles that can be black, or another variety of colours, so long as the intent is there.
  • Chalk mixed with black salt.
  • Wear items that symbolise your belief and faith, along with preferable ritualistic wear.
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    Draw a five pointed pentacle (star inside a circle), and draw a circle in the middle of it using the chalk and black salt, though regular salt works just as fine. The best idea is to grind the chalk and mix it with black salt before hand and sprinkle it, though it needs to remain perfectly visible.

    Place five of the candles at each point of the pentacle, and say a prayer or something wrapped with intent that regards to your protection, and that it also attracts the night and it's beings. Before you place your last of the five candles, ensure that you're inside the pentacle, and then resume.

    Stand in the smaller circle inside the pentacle, and light your white candle, and say a prayer or something similar. Your intent should include your ultimate protection and why you are doing this curse, along with making that smaller circle your absolute safe haven. Absolutely nothing can get you there. Fix that thought inside you, and nurture it.

    In an audible tone, begin to incite your circle. Go to each candle, starting with the north candle, and pray over them or something similar and light them. Direct your intent to making the flames of your candles beacons to the terrors of the night, along with ensuring they protect your circle.

    Returning to your smaller circle, say another quick prayer or something similar regarding your protection and intent, which ultimately should be along the lines who you want this to affect, why, who you are, and those kinds of things.

    Speak to the night and it might listen. When done, hold your white candle level with your chest and meditate with your eyes closed. Think of the most terrifying things imaginable in that dwell in the night; the boogeymen that kept you petrified in bed, the "demons in the closet", and bloody well else you can sum up. Consciously beware of your flow of energy and connect it with that of the full moon and the casting hour. Wrap your intent, cursing someone and ensuring your protection during the entirety of it, with the energy you connected, and let that empower you. Try to be more conscious of things around you, and if you sense there's a lot of activity, something that you can't see, going on outside of the pentacle, it's time to begin.

    Make yourself audibly known while in your meditative trance, and speak of your intent. Speak of who the person is, what they look like, and every other piece of information about them that you can think of. Again, state your reasons why, who you are, why you're asking them (honestly they can be terribly terrifying if they completely reveal themselves), and so on. Try to sense if the 'air' has changed and if they find your intent agreeable. If so, and try to be as sure as can be before carrying on, ask them specifically if they can help carry out your will.

    You're able to specify certain circumstances to the victim, though it doesn't hurt to let the night have it's own way. When you finish, stare straight into the night and try to bring a sense of immense calm and obvious willpower over yourself and wait. This can take anywhere from two minutes to up to four hours. The source I originally attained this from mentioned to me that this specific part of the ritual has taken up until daybreak and that he had heard that if you don't break the ritual, you will be admired for your patience. I'm not sure what to make of this. You'll feel something almost 'shift' and you'll know that it won't be long before the victim will be having terrors and frights.

    Say a prayer or something similar about your protection, and make it known that you are closing the pentacle and carrying on. Blow out five of the candles, and leave the area with your white candle still in hand. Blow it out when you have left the area completely and go home.

    Added to on Sep 18, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #800 - Wolf Tail

    This spell will give you a wolf tail obviously, and these don't usually take as long like wings, but its still a good process.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Imagine your wolf tail, it can be as short or as long you want it to be, and you can have it be any design or color. Once you have imagined your tail in your head, say this spell once. "Call out to me wolves! I would love to have a tail like yours. Swishing, swaying in the wind. Make me have a tail like the one I am imagining right now. So mote it be!" Tail bone starting to hurt and feel more furry/soft.

    Added to on Sep 18, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters