3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Good Grades
- Cat Ears
- Noctis Dominae
- Wolf Tail
- Give You Wings
- Grow Wings
- Pokémon Shifting
- Turn Someone Into a Baby
- Revenge on Someone Who Has Done You Wrong
- Become a Witch
#791 - Get Good Grades
Take a new pencil and sharpen it, and as you do, think about all of your intentions for the pencil, and what the pencil will help you achieve. That will charge the pencil. Then anoint the pencil and say what you want the pencil to do out loud. I would specify it will help you with your grades, and can learn the material you're studying. Now always use that on your homework, schoolwork, tests, etc. If the pencil becomes too short due to use, turn it into a charm and wear it around your neck.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#792 - Cat Ears
Hold the piece of faux fur in your hand, and just feel its soft fur. Once you have done that, say this spell twice. (2x) "Cats and nekos alike, I wish, I want, cat ears like you in the color of (color of faux fur), please, in one lunar cycle, let this wish come true, so shall it be!" Ears starting to hurt/ache Top of your head starting to hurt/ache/feel more "fur like" Do not get angry at me if this does not work! All spells do not work for certain people.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#793 - Noctis Dominae
Draw a five pointed pentacle (star inside a circle), and draw a circle in the middle of it using the chalk and black salt, though regular salt works just as fine. The best idea is to grind the chalk and mix it with black salt before hand and sprinkle it, though it needs to remain perfectly visible.
Place five of the candles at each point of the pentacle, and say a prayer or something wrapped with intent that regards to your protection, and that it also attracts the night and it's beings. Before you place your last of the five candles, ensure that you're inside the pentacle, and then resume.
Stand in the smaller circle inside the pentacle, and light your white candle, and say a prayer or something similar. Your intent should include your ultimate protection and why you are doing this curse, along with making that smaller circle your absolute safe haven. Absolutely nothing can get you there. Fix that thought inside you, and nurture it.
In an audible tone, begin to incite your circle. Go to each candle, starting with the north candle, and pray over them or something similar and light them. Direct your intent to making the flames of your candles beacons to the terrors of the night, along with ensuring they protect your circle.
Returning to your smaller circle, say another quick prayer or something similar regarding your protection and intent, which ultimately should be along the lines who you want this to affect, why, who you are, and those kinds of things.
Speak to the night and it might listen. When done, hold your white candle level with your chest and meditate with your eyes closed. Think of the most terrifying things imaginable in that dwell in the night; the boogeymen that kept you petrified in bed, the "demons in the closet", and bloody well else you can sum up. Consciously beware of your flow of energy and connect it with that of the full moon and the casting hour. Wrap your intent, cursing someone and ensuring your protection during the entirety of it, with the energy you connected, and let that empower you. Try to be more conscious of things around you, and if you sense there's a lot of activity, something that you can't see, going on outside of the pentacle, it's time to begin.
Make yourself audibly known while in your meditative trance, and speak of your intent. Speak of who the person is, what they look like, and every other piece of information about them that you can think of. Again, state your reasons why, who you are, why you're asking them (honestly they can be terribly terrifying if they completely reveal themselves), and so on. Try to sense if the 'air' has changed and if they find your intent agreeable. If so, and try to be as sure as can be before carrying on, ask them specifically if they can help carry out your will.
You're able to specify certain circumstances to the victim, though it doesn't hurt to let the night have it's own way. When you finish, stare straight into the night and try to bring a sense of immense calm and obvious willpower over yourself and wait. This can take anywhere from two minutes to up to four hours. The source I originally attained this from mentioned to me that this specific part of the ritual has taken up until daybreak and that he had heard that if you don't break the ritual, you will be admired for your patience. I'm not sure what to make of this. You'll feel something almost 'shift' and you'll know that it won't be long before the victim will be having terrors and frights.
Say a prayer or something similar about your protection, and make it known that you are closing the pentacle and carrying on. Blow out five of the candles, and leave the area with your white candle still in hand. Blow it out when you have left the area completely and go home.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#794 - Wolf Tail
Imagine your wolf tail, it can be as short or as long you want it to be, and you can have it be any design or color. Once you have imagined your tail in your head, say this spell once. "Call out to me wolves! I would love to have a tail like yours. Swishing, swaying in the wind. Make me have a tail like the one I am imagining right now. So mote it be!" Tail bone starting to hurt and feel more furry/soft.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#795 - Give You Wings
You can say this spell as many times as you wish. Hold the feather to your heart and once you have done that, say this spell:
"Winged creatures, I call out to you! I wish to be winged too. With wings of the (wing type), and the color of (feather color), My prayer shall be heard! In (a little more than a month), they shall be fully grown. So mote it be!"
Once you have said this spell, take the feather with you and wait. Possible vomiting, Backaches, Shoulder blades getting bigger, Gray lines on your shoulder blades.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#796 - Grow Wings
While standing/sitting with the air blowing say the spell 3x
"Elements of wind
Give me wings
To soar and fly
All day and night
Even to the greatest height
I wish for (type of wings) the color of (color)
If I say (summon word), my wings will grow
If I say (disappear word), my wings will go away until I say the
Summoning word again
I can show my wings to (people you choose/everyone/no one)
Elements of wind
Please grant me this wish
After (time you choose)
So mote it be"
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#797 - Pokémon Shifting
Chant: (replace the question marks with the name of your Pokémon)
"A (?) in spirit, so shall I be
My body will change and my true form run free
(?)! (?)! Come out! Be free!
I am a (?)! This is me!
And when I wish, human again I shall be!
Changing back and forth as I please,
Human to (?) and back when I need!
Gods above, grant this to me.
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Now focus on the image of your Pokémon, in the colours you want, with the additions you want (if any).
Possible side effects: (better list will be on my profile)
- Acting more like the chosen Pokémon
- Aches and pains
- Nausea
- Pokémon dreams
- Bits of fluff, fur, scales, etc. on skin
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#798 - Turn Someone Into a Baby
Get the bowl of water and place it at a table (or flat surface). Take the picture and place it behind the bowl of water, and take the strand that you got from the victim and place it in the bowl of water and say these word:
"Human that cries like baby; by turning into what (he or she) sounds like"
Say this three times and they will be transformed.
Last edited on May 08, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#799 - Revenge on Someone Who Has Done You Wrong
Be worked into a rage at the person. Draw a pentagram in red or black ink. Write the person's name in the middle. Use a Q-tip and put melted wax over the person's name.
Chant the following: "(Person's name) you have done me wrong and have angered the wrong witch and now you deal with the consequences of my rage, you also deal with the problems from the hex I have put on you."
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#800 - Become a Witch
Place the bowl down and stir in the sugar, then add the herbs. Place gemstones in and around the bowl, then put the candle above it. Light it if you wish, but it will work unlighted.
Put in the hair, and the power items, then place your hands in the bowl and visualize energy flowing through your body into the bowl, gemstones, and items. Then imagine yourself using your witch powers, and riding past the moon on a broomstick, wearing the traditional witch garb (hat and cloak). Then when you're done, remove your hands and chant three times:
"Cauldron black of witches' brew
Witches and spirits, I call to you
Bring alive my only wish
Give me power to join you as a witch!"
Now stir the water with a hand. Feel the herbs, stones and items. Chant:
"Make me a witch with the power to make infinite wishes to myself and others! I will also be able to change my shape and fly, and I will have the powers of (first power) and (second power). I will also control and summon the element of (elemental power)! I will be marked as one of you with a (geometric, tribal or realistic) mark on my (place on body, touch place while saying this), bearing the image of a/n (image you want)."
Remove your hand and say the rest of the spell:
"My wand will be made of (wood type) wood, (describe wand), and when the spell takes effect I will find it, along with a familiar. My familiar will be a (describe familiar) named (familiar name), and if I grow tired of its appearance I may change it at will with its permission. It will have the power/s of (powers, no more than 5) and be my loyal pet and ally forever. And with them I will find a spell book where I may write my spells, and any spell will work for me as I will be a witch! Witches and spirits, make me like you! Give me my powers, familiar, wand and spellbook! Allow my every spell to work, no matter how simple or strange! And give me infinite wishes! This is my greatest wish, so mote it be!!!"
Repeat the first spell six times, to a total of nine. Drink the water from the bowl, but don't choke on the items inside! Then finish with one more "so mote it be" and then kneel (if you're not already kneeling) and bow. You may now bring the materials in. Every day look around for your wand, book and familiar. When you find them, you will receive your powers and wishes!
Powers for power one:
- Super strength (black, smooth stone)
- Catlike senses and agility (cat fur)
- Healing with a touch (flower blossom)
- Telekinesis (Purple string)
- Compulsion (temporary mind control, eye charm or eye drawn on paper and cut out)
Powers for power two:
- Superhuman endurance (feather)
- Enhanced memory (star cut from paper)
- Particle kinesis (sand)
- Communicate with animals (animal hair, if using cat fur just add extra)
Elemental powers:
- Water (nothing needed)
- Fire (piece of candle wax or charcoal
- Plants (piece of plant)
- Earth (a rock)
- Darkness (piece of black cloth)
- Light (shiny tinfoil or something else shiny)
- Electricity (a paper lightning bolt)
- Ice (ice cube)
Pick one of each! Pictures of the wand, spellbook and familiar keep it from getting misinterpreted. Only you can see your familiar, and it won't need food. But if you tell someone about it, they'll see it too! Your familiar and you will communicate through telepathy.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.