3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Forget a Friend
- Protection
- Get More Out of Life
- Make Somebody Forget Something
- Have More Stamina
- Truth
- Create your own Wings
- Mermaid Potion
- Hydrokinesis Spell
- Become a Witch Spell
#981 - Forget a Friend
- Wait for the sky to be completely dark
- Gather the object that represents your bond and the thing your friend has written on.
- Get rid of the object, make sure is out of your sight, and others sight too. E.g. Bury it (I threw my object into a gutter and it worked)
- Chant this however many times you wish: "Tonight this bond shall shatter. I shall think of you no more (person's full name). This longing shall cease. I swear it on (a god/goddess/the moon/sun-anything you wish) Aeternum vale* (person's full name.)"
- Rip up the thing they have written on into as many pieces as possible, dispose of this how you wish.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#982 - Protection
1. Take 3 deep breaths.
2. Say this as many times as you want or until you feel safe: "I am a being of violent fire, purity that God desires."
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#983 - Get More Out of Life
1. Choose 3 colours depending on what you want.
2. With those 3 colours, draw a rainbow on the paper, Then put 1 stone on each corner of the paper.
3. Say this: "Gods and goddesses, I want more out of life. I want (the 3 things you want). This I plea, so mote it be!"
4. Somewhere on the paper in the colour that represents the thing you want most, write down: I want more out of life.
5. Take the stones off the paper and put it under your pillow. The next day, take out the paper and rip it into 7 pieces.
Here are the meanings of the colours:
- Red: Love, Energy, Passion.
- Orange: Health, Attraction, Stand out, Wealth, Youthfulness, Happiness.
- Yellow: Cheer, Attention, Childishness, Fresh, Warmth, Energy, Optimism.
- Green: Soothing, Natural, Balance, Restful, Satisfaction.
- Blue:Trust, Smart, Calm, Faith, Stable, Power.
- Purple: Royal, Curiosity, Luxury, Childishness, Creativity.
- Pink: Tenderness, Sensitive, Caring, Sympathy, Love, Sexuality.
- Black: Bold, Rich, Power, Mystery, Elegance, Strength.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#984 - Make Somebody Forget Something
1. Make the room as dark as possible. The brighter the candle shines, the better.
2. If you have any, put the cowries and stones around the candle in a circle.
3. Say this chant 3 times: "(persons name) knows something I do not want them to, erase their mind and make it like new. This is my will, so mote it be!"
4. Think about what you want them to forget and concentrate really hard If you get disturbed while doing this, you must re-do the whole spell.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#985 - Have More Stamina
Sit down in a comfortable spot with your legs criss-crossed. If you have the feathers, put one on both thighs. Say this once: "Oh, the stamina I will possess, oh, how fast I will run when the spell is sealed and it is done. Magic, all I ask of you is to give me speed like the wind and stamina like it too.This is what I ask of thee, so mote it be!." Now, wave your wand if you have one and if you don't, tie the string an a knot and whisper: "The spell is sealed." After that, keep sitting down for 3 more minutes. After the 3 minutes, pick up the feathers and stand up. Hold your hands up high and let go of them. You'll know it's working if you are light headed and your legs feel wobbly and weak. If they do feel wobbly, wait 30 seconds before running.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#986 - Truth
First have the person in sight and say:
"Tell me the truth
Straight to my face
If you do lie
Your tounge will pay"
Go to the person and ask them a question and say: "Tell the truth." While looking directly at them. If they lie the spell will backfire, and they will bite their tounge.
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#987 - Create your own Wings
Print or draw your wings. On the back of the paper write how fast you will go with them, how strong they will be, and their weaknesses. Chant this 3 times: "I wish I am going to earn my dream wings in a few days. So mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#988 - Mermaid Potion
Add vanilla extract, apple juice, and thyme. Stir, then leave it to sit in sunlight for around two hours. For best effects, leave it overnight. Strain it into the container for storage. If you want, drop in the shell. Optional: add a drop of blue food colouring for flair and recognizability.
Use the potion by drinking it, adding it to bath water, or rubbing on the body. Be very careful not to use too much! Use only half of the mixture. Stay safe, and message me if the potion works.
#989 - Hydrokinesis Spell
What to Do:
Take the bowl and fill it with water then put your hands above/in the water
say this chant 3x
Then after saying the chant put the cup/bowl somewhere near a window
Then say the second chant 4x
1st Chant:
"I call on the H2O
To give me the power to control
I ask of thee
I wish to control the water of things
I shall make the water move to the motion of hand
And while I think of it in mind
ponds, lakes, and rivers
I wish for the power to control water
so mote it be."
2nd chant:
"After letting the sun and moon shine on the hydro
I shall have the power control
To control the H2O
Grant me this in () days
so mote it be."
Note: Whatever days you put, leave the water in the window for the amount of days
You can refill the water each time you want to. It will be a great idea.
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#990 - Become a Witch Spell
What to Do:
Take the jewelry and put it on.
Say the spell 3x:Take the jewelry off
Hold it in your hand tightly
Imagine yourself as a witch using your powers, flying, etc.. With lots of belief!
"I call on the witches
I call on elements
To grant me my deepest wish
My wish
To become a witch
With the power of flight
I shall fly to the greatest distance and height
With the power to manipulate and summon (element) and (element)
I shall summon and control it in any way I plea for
With the power of wish granting
I shall grant unlimited for anyone including me
There is one power
That is for you to choose based on my personality
I shall cast spells
Make potions
Do all magic
I ask for this plea
Make me a witch in 2 or 3 days
So mote it be."
Tips & Notes:
This is quite a long spell so you can write it down if you want or memorize it.
What I would do if I want to know how to use the elements is to go to the website and find the element or power.
(ex: ability to manipulate and summon fire, that is pyrokinesis so I would go to the site and find the power and it will show you how to summon and control it)
I would do that to the other powers in the spell like flight, wish granting, it has all of it.
Website with the powers: http://charmed.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Powers
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.