2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Mihans spell To find you'r true lover
- Love Me
- How to Know your Spirit Animal
- More Power
- Easy Love
- Waxing Moon Hair GrowtH
- Speak to Hades
- Blueberry Expansion
- Call a Witch's Power
- Love Spell
#1041 - Mihans spell To find you'r true lover
I'm the queen and you are the bee
As I desire so shall it be
#1042 - Love Me
With The Person's Picture Sit or kneel in a quiet room with a picture of the person you want to Love you. Draw a heart around the face of the person's picture with the red marker. Next, take the pink Marker and write Love Me in the heart. Hold the picture to your heart and say, "Eros, God of Love, shoot him in the heart with your arrow. Make him love me, I beg you!" Close your eyes, still holding the picture to your heart, concentrate but remain calm and chant, "You know you love me, I know you do. It's only True, (their first & last name)" No Picture Sit or kneel in a quiet room and think of the person you want to Love you. Picture red heart around their face and pink words in it saying, "love me." Hold your heart and say, "Eros, God of Love, shoot him in the heart with your arrow. Make him love me, I beg you!" Close your eyes still holding your heart,concentrate but remain calm and chant, "You know you love me, I know you do. It's only True, (their first & last name)" The spell will work within 24 hours - 48 hours. Enjoy!
EDIT: I've come to realize with love spells, they tend to fade rather quickly. It works best if you love them and they already have a natural attraction to you. Won't work on that sexy music star you want to date (Someone seriously tried that so I'm writing it here)
Last edited on Jun 15, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1043 - How to Know your Spirit Animal
You have to draw a pentacle on a piece of paper. Then if you have any candles, light them. The candles will help you concentrate. (If you have any candles, it doesn't matter what color it is.) Then, get into a meditative state and close your eyes. Imagine you're in nature. You could be in a meadow, a forest, or even a jungle, whatever suits you. Just keep walking in your dream and chant the words:
"Spirit animal come to thee
Reveal what you are to me" (3x)
An animal should appear while you are walking and chanting the words. Go up to it and ask if they are your spirit animal. If they say no, continue walking to find your spirit animal. If they say yes, then you know that they're your spirit animal. You can ask them questions. But you do have to leave. If you wan to meet your spirit animal again, then you can meditate again.
This worked for me. Mail me if it works for you.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1044 - More Power
Say x2
"By the power of the moon and
The Rays of the sun
The power within has just begun
Gods and Goddesses
With all your might give me the power
To win this fight"
"By the most powerful three
This is my will so mote it be"
Last edited on Sep 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1045 - Easy Love
If you are using a wand, wave the wand and chant:
"Love be mine with
Energies bright
Send to me with
Love and Light
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1046 - Waxing Moon Hair GrowtH
While washing your hair as usual, chant
''Goddess of the moon, Goddess of the sea, Goddess of beauty I ask this of thee, let my hair grow ling and strong with the waxing of the moon, let it grow past my lips down to my hips, this is my will so mote it be.''
As you do this imagine your hair the length, and thickness you wish it to be and imagine I growing and become like that.
Repeat this until the full moon, you may do this on the night of the full moon as well but that is your choice.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1047 - Speak to Hades
Set up your candles in the order of red and black in a circle around you put the mirror in front of you and light each candle on the red ones when you light it say:
and on the black ones say:
"Death while doing so you should be in the middle of the circle of candles."
When they are all lit you should chant while looking into the mirror:
"Hades oh Hades powerful god of the underworld I wish to speak with you Hades oh Hades."
Three times then stare deeply into the mirror and he should appear for a short time but long enough to talk to.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1048 - Blueberry Expansion
First squirt the juise from the blueberry onto the gum next chant this one time. The more you chant it the bigger you get ok? "Blueberries so round. Goddesses, hear my plea. Please turn me into a living blueberry. I know this is what I want. Hear my pleas, so mote it be".
Now put the gum in your mouth your belly will tingle. Get ready to inflate it will take 30 mins for the juice to get through your system.
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1049 - Call a Witch's Power
Use belief and use your wand and chant:
"Powers of the witches rise,
course unseen across the skies.
Come to us who call you neat,
come to us and settle here."
Mail me if it work or not (or just comments)
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1050 - Love Spell
get a bowl of water (perferibly hot) and place it still
get the charms must be to dont have to be the same (could be headphone wire) dip it in the water them roll it in salt
dip it in the water again and say this spell
gods and godess of the world please help me out
with my true love i want to be so please help
we will saty to gether for a long time and help
eachother out i want to be with (name of love)
for all i wish SO MOTE IT BE!
then wait 5 min draw 2 harts in red and put them in the water and write yours and your loves name on a nother paper and put it in the water
stir for 2 minets and then take them out and kiss them the u may throw away
take the leaf and hold ur items or item in and have your love use it on carry it for at lease 5 min
in 1 hour your love shall be true but only to u and no one elce but no one shall know that yall are in love