2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Pledge to Artemis
- Artemis Song
- Love Spell
- Power Ring
- Love Perfume
- Create A Familiar
- A Lost Lover's Rage
- Sisterhood Bonding
- Friendship Potion
- To Draw You Closer To Your Crush
#1151 - Pledge to Artemis
Say this once and wait for Artemis' approval.
"I (name), pledge myself to the goddess Artemis.
I turn my back on the company of men,
Accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt."
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1152 - Artemis Song
Sing this song once and Artemis will hear you. Ask her to be her child. Once again this is copyright if you post it somewhere else.
Verse 1
"I'm on my way
I'm coming to the night
I'm on my way
I will be back in the night
I'm on my way
Back to my dwelling place
I'm on my way
Ready to go back to the dark"
"Run, run, run for your life
Run, run, run for the moon light
Run, run, run for your love
Run, run, the hunt has begun"
Verse 2
"I'm on my way
To my mothers throne
I'm on my way
Back to Artemis' home"
Verse 3
"There is no more time
It's time for you to die
There is no place to hide
This is a sacrifice
We can smell your fear
We know that your here
We are here to play
But this game isn't safe"
Verse 4
"Come, come,.come here and die
Don't, don't, don't bother asking why
Run, run, the hunt isn't fun "
After singing that in a chant like motion, ask Artemisto be her child.
Last edited on Apr 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1153 - Love Spell
Say: ''Rose, bring me love, please come to me, for I say to thee, bring me love, Blessed be.''
Through the Rose petals and leave for the wind to take.
*If the flower petals are still on the ground the next day, the spell isn't working.
#1154 - Power Ring
''On this night and on this hour summon to me great ancient power. Come to me into my ring. Let me boost my power times three. So mote it be!''
Last edited on Apr 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1155 - Love Perfume
First mix about a 1/4 cup of water with 30 sprays of perfume. Shake the two together in a spray bottle. Next mix in lotion and soap. While doing this say: "I use these things to make me pretty, let (insert name of crush here) relize that I am pretty in many ways." Set aside.
Now take one piece of string and say: "let this string represent my lonesome soul." Pick up the other string and say: let this piece of string represent the beautiful soul of (insert name of crush here). Tie the strings In a knot and leave them in the perfume. Put on the lipstick and kiss the rose petal. Place the rose petal in the perfume.
Now place the jewelry in the perfume and let it sit for 5 mins. Wear the jewelry and perfume when you see your crush and he will be attracted to you!
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1156 - Create A Familiar
First you need to get your pet in the same room as you and you guys need to be alone. You need to make sure you and your pet has a very strong relationship. You also need very high power this spell may take a very long time to master. Make sure you also believe and love your pet. So once you and your pet are alone in the room you take the close item and put it in front of your pet and make sure your pet interacts with him/her.
Stroke your pet while chanting 3x "we are here in this room together me and you. We shall have the greatest bond ever and we shall be with each other till the end. I must ask you please be my companion and let's be together forever" after chanting that your pet will be your familiar but, you must give it a name one that no one but you two shall ever hear.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1157 - A Lost Lover's Rage
Write the name and D.O.B. of your ex on 2 pieces of paper and the name and D.O.B. of your ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend on 1 piece of paper. When you say the name of your ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend in the spell, use one match to burn their name, D.O.B. and picture. Same with when you say the ex's name in the spell.
Light the tall red candle and say: "My rage grows. As my the flame of my love burns low. Let this man or woman (name of the ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend) who dare'ith to keep my love from me feel love no more for the woman or man that was once with me. Let them now be apart and never again as one and when this spell is done, he or she that be'ith with my past love known as (name of the ex) be on his or her way to search for love from someone new. Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of love this is what I call upon thee to do. Break their hearts and let them be eternally apart. So mote it be"
To reunite you with your lost love, wait till the next night. then light the short red candle and say this. (NOTE-make sure to burn with 3 matches the last piece of paper with your ex's D.O.B. and name and second photo of your ex when you say their name in this spell.):
"Now that no one stands in my way. My pain and rage have gone into decay. And my flame of love is ready to burn ever so bright once more. But only if I am reunited with a lost love whom I still adore. Gods, Goddesses and Spirits of love, I cry out to thee. To reunite the hearts of (name of ex) and me. Mend and heal our hearts lovingly and reignite our love eternally. Let this be done for me. I beg'ith thee. So Blessed Be."
Last edited on May 24, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1158 - Sisterhood Bonding
Over the bowl, make a small cut on your finger and let your friend do the same. Then stir the blood together until it becomes one. Dip the end of both necklaces n the blood and hold them over the lit candle. both of you chanting:
"Matrem deam, et sorores, et custodivt nos et nobis bonum"
Remove the necklaces from the flame and alow both to cool. After both have cooled each put one on.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1159 - Friendship Potion
Pour the oil into the cup of water and mix it with the spoon. Then drop your lock of hair into the water and stir with the spoon while saying, "My friend, my friend. Let them be my friend. We shall laugh and play together, and never ever think rude of each other." Repeat the same chant with the other persons lock of hair. Once done, wash your hands in the cup so that the potion soaks into your hands. The potion will have done its job within a week.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1160 - To Draw You Closer To Your Crush
In a strong voice with belief chant,
"I call upon the ancient power,
Bring me and my crush closer,
Hear my spell O powerful thee,
Bring him/her towards me."
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.