3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Stop Them From Leaving
- Good Luck Necklace
- Stronger Friendship
- Voice of a Siren
- How to Concieve a Boy
- How to grow a Unicorn Horn
- Ice Powers
- Create a Coven
- To Make Someone Think of You
- Revenge
#1181 - Stop Them From Leaving
Imagine him/her telling you he/she is not leaving anymore and chant;
"Gods and Goddess and spirits around me,
Please listen to me.
(Person's name) and his family is leaving,
I am just a human being.
I beg for your help.
Please make this happen.
This is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1182 - Good Luck Necklace
In a quiet spot where you are by yourself, put water in a bowl, place the bowl facing the direction of the moon and trace your zodiac symbol in the water with the stick or your finger while saying:
"Moon light, moon bright,spirits of the moon, I need your help with this spell I shall cast tonight."
Then place the necklace in the bowl.
"Spirits of the moon I call upon you to enchant this necklace with your luck. Thank you, so mote it be!"
Then take the necklace out of the water and let it dry in the moonlightthis activates it. After you are done activating it, put the necklace on and you are done!
Warning: Remember to thank the spirits of the moon, do not do this spell more than once.
Note: The moon will only grant your wish if you are respectful to the moon and the spirits believe you are worthy of their luck.
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1183 - Stronger Friendship
1. Sit down and believe you can do this spell, while meditating.
2. Stop meditating and go on your knees, and grab the 2 ropes.
3. Tie them together while chanting,
"My friendship with (Her/his name here) will be stronger than ever, let this happen, let this happen."
4. Once tied, pull on them. If they break, go to step 8. If not, continue.
5. Light the candle.
6. Burn the knot of it.
7. Take some water and dunk it.
8. Untie it (Or cut in half), and put one in your room.
9. Put the other half in your friend's room.
10. Wait 2 days.
Voilà! Stronger than ever!
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1184 - Voice of a Siren
Sirens of the sea, hear my plea.
I wish to sing like you, to lure sailors to their doom.
Then end with:
So mote it be (3x)
Side effects:
Sore throat
Want to sing
Please message me if it works! Blessed be.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1185 - How to Concieve a Boy
Step 1: Place the 9 red rose petals and the blue baby item in the plastic bag.
Step 2: Take the blue candle and break it in four places and put it in the plastic bag, zip the bag closed. Then say these words:
"__________________________the bearer of children, I come to thee in hopes of what shall be, bring me a baby boy."
Say this 3x's before trying to conceive your baby boy. Now place the plastic bag under your mattress.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1186 - How to grow a Unicorn Horn
1) Find a rainbow and with a jar capture some rainbow air,then quickly put on the lid.
2)Collect some flood water.
3)In a bowl add flood water, lava, narwhal scale and rainbow air.
4)With a spoon mix it all in.
5)Drink this potion
After steps
Add glitter to your shampoo and conditioner and use this as your usual hair product. After 3-5 days you will find a little unicorn horn stump.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1187 - Ice Powers
You must believe and Chant x3:
"Shiva, goddess of ice and snow.
I wish to have the power of ice,
I shall use it for good, never bad.
Make my wish true, I beg of you.
So mote it be!"
In two months you will have your powers!
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1188 - Create a Coven
One person goes up to the other person with anathame and point it a few inches in front of that person's Chest and say:
"It is better that you should rush upon this blade than enter the circle with fear in your heart how do you enter."
Then the other person says:
"With perfect love and perfect trust."
Then the last person says as above so below.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1189 - To Make Someone Think of You
Light the incense and the candle. Lie or sit on the floor and imagine yourself going into their brain. Imagine yourself as them thinking of you. By doing this you are placing the thoughts in their heads, so make sure they are positive ones. You may feel a tingling sensation in your head. Say:
'Lady and Love, Hand in Hand,
Your thoughts are in my command
In all you do and all you see,
Only and always think of me'
Place the picture/name under the candle if you have not done so already. After speaking the incantation, spend some more time imagining the thoughts you want them to have. Allow the candle to burn out by itself.
#1190 - Revenge
Each person in the circle must say one line-
"This persons has wronged me
Bring him pain
May he never find love again
Crush his dreams
Remove the sane
By our voice we sell your name"
Repeat 6 times
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.