Say "Oh familiar tell me my sacred beast. Oh tell me familiar, please tell me". Chant this 1 or more times and you will have a dream about your familiar(s) the night you say this.
Mint leaves: healing,energy, fears people to you,communication.
Using herbs
Get your mini bottle and put inside your chosen herb. Put on the lid. Secure elastic round the neck of the bottle. Now wear around your neck
Say: "with this herb I am wearing
Let it work it's natural magic
So mote it be, mote it be".
This is a love spell. I put it up for people who are lovesick and go against free will.
You may need:
Picture of someone
Pink candle
You may need:
Picture of someone
Pink candle
At night time get the picture of someone else. Light the candle. Say: "Oh love of mine. I love you love me back. Oh freyja goddess of love, I wish of you bring this love to me so mote it be."
This spell makes a moon ring which harnesses the moons power to make you have powers that are unexplained to humans. Must be a mermaid to do this spell.
You may need:
Ring with blue gemstone in it
You may need:
Ring with blue gemstone in it
First go outside on a full moon put the ring on and face it towards the moon then say spell outloud
"I call upon the moons rays to give me the power of mako. To use my powers for good and only good never to harm others. You see me now as ordinary but soon I will be not I call upon the moons rays. Give me the power of a mako mermaid"
By the time the sun rises your powers will rise with it and never take the ring off. Or you shall lose your powers in a day
This spell helps trees grow instead of 20 years it will refuse to about 16 years.
You may need:
Red candle
You may need:
Red candle
Sit in a meditative position near the tree with the leaves on your lap and the candle in front of you imagine the Qi energy entering the candle then entering the tree and say: "Tree grow for me. Grow so great all will see". Now repeat this 10 times and it will reduce the grow time.
This is a spell that will help you to take away your tears and pain.
You may need:
A blue candle (symbolising sadness)
A yellow candle (symbolising happiness)
You may need:
A blue candle (symbolising sadness)
A yellow candle (symbolising happiness)
Light the blue candle and let your troubles flow over you. Let the tears out. Then, blow the blue candle out and light the yellow candle. Think about all the positive things that are in your life. Think about how you can stop being sad and start being happy. After you are content, say this twice:
''Gods of happiness, hear my plea,
I wish to be as happy as can be.
Take away these tears and pain,
And make me happy once again.''
I used this spell for my aunt, it works to attract love to you.
You may need:
A jar
A red rose
A picture with the couple
4-5 red candles
2 pink candles
You may need:
A jar
A red rose
A picture with the couple
4-5 red candles
2 pink candles
Put the jar on a table. Light the candles and make a circle with them around the jar. Now put the picture of the couple in it, then the rose. Now put some honey in the jar and close it. Put a red candle on the lid and let it burn for 2-3 minutes.After that with the wax smeas the jar. Put it near the window. Next morning bury it.
This spell is to make a couple break up for revenge on one or both of them.
You may need:
1 envelope
1 black candle
1 long piece of black twine
1 piece of parchment
Black maker
Picture of the couple (optional)
You may need:
1 envelope
1 black candle
1 long piece of black twine
1 piece of parchment
Black maker
Picture of the couple (optional)
-Light the candle.
-Draw a heart on the parchment with the black marker. On opposite sides sevenof the heart write the couple's names on the parchment. Then draw a line down the middle of the heart separating the two names.
-While focusing on your intent start to drip the black candle wax over the drawing while chanting, ''Discord and pain come between these two lovers. Make them hate eachother. All the pain that I felt before. Make them suffer through ten fold. Their love insults me to my deepest core. Break up their love, destroy it to the bone. This is my will, for them to split with my glee. This is my will, so mote it be.''
-Meditate on the drawing and the candle working yourself into a rage and frenzy (looking at the picture may help with this).
-While in a state of rage tear up the parchment and picture thinking about their relationship ending in hate and pain.
-Once you feel you have torn up the objects enough stuff them into the envelope along with some matches.
-Tie the envelope closed with the black twine and pour more candle wax onto the envelope thinking about your intent.
-Let the candle burn itself out.
-On the next full moon take the envelope and light it on fire in front of one of the houses of who you wish to break up. Upon lighting it say, ''so mote it be.''