3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Become a Mermaid / Merman
- Beauty in Love
- I Love You Dream of Me
- Easy Love Potion #1
- Recipe for: Love Potion Tea
- Drops of Love
- Get Your Crush
- Female Breast Enlargement
- A Charmed truth spell
- Gender Coin Curse
#1271 - Become a Mermaid / Merman
#1272 - Beauty in Love
2) Visualize the person you ''like''
3) Whisper 3 times into the cup: ''Apple, apple, passion fruit,
If (s)he's my true love, make me 3 times as cute.''
4) Still visualizing, drink the whole cup.
5) Once you finish, close your eyes and imagine him/her fading away while smiling
Warning: This did not get the person I visualized to like me any more that he already did, nor did it do said effect to my friend, however you should still be careful. Love spells to control one particular person are extremely dangerous and can be considered unethical by others. This spell was not intended for that use. Once again, you should still be careful. Use at your own risk.
Should work anywhere between one day and one week.
#1273 - I Love You Dream of Me
First things first, you cast this spell before you go to sleep dear. Chant: "With dreamers eyes I wish you to see just a little piece of me all my love for you is real reveal to you as is my will" Blow out the candle when finished.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1274 - Easy Love Potion #1
Pour salt water in Harpeden Jar. Take out your Belican beans and dissolve in salt water. Place small amounts of FRESH Alison Balm. Fresh is always good for use. Place in some Plantet from a Sovereign Worm. DO NOT GET ANY Plantet on your hand...because it causes copper piping. Please be careful.
Place whatever personal item you have in the potion. If its a card or whatever that is big, cut it up and place pieces in potion. Stir mixture to 0.001 Billiliters. Pour potion into potion bottle. Then drink potion to its entire content, when in the pressence of your target.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1275 - Recipe for: Love Potion Tea
To make another person fall in love with you, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxing moon (moving from empty to full). Place all ingredients in an earthenware or copper tea kettle. Boil three cups of pure spring water and add to the kettle. Sweeten with sugar and honey, if desired.
Beforedrinking,recite this rhyme: "By light of moon waxing I brew this tea, make (lovers name) desire me". Drink some of the tea and say: "Goddess of love now hear my plea. let (lovers name) desire me. So mote it be"
On the following Friday, brew another pot of the love potion tea and give some to the person you want to love you. He or she will soon begin to fall in love with you.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1276 - Drops of Love
Draw a pentagram on the ground and put the candles on each side. Then light them, place your mixing bowl in the center and sit in the centre with the bowl and make sure there is water in it. Put 7 drops of the 7 drops of love oil in the bowl of water and then put your attraction oil in next. Add your forget me not oil and mix them together with your mixing spoon.
After that add your love spell spirit oil and mix them, then add your rosemary and patchouli and sprinkle your rose petals on top. After you mix them say this 10 times: "Gods and goddesses hear my plea, make true love come to me"
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1277 - Get Your Crush
Okay if your a boy and you want to be their boyfriend say 'bio'
If your a girl say 'Iro' or pronounced I-ro
Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1278 - Female Breast Enlargement
Ground yourself.
It is important for you to be naked. Your partner may be too, if she/he wants to.
Draw a circle of chalk/salt around yourself and your partner(if you wish). I usually draw one to protect myself from psychic energies that want to distract me.
Light a green candle. Invoke the Goddess and the Element earth.
Let your partner smear the honey from the raised part of your nipple till the edge of the circle in anticlockwise circles.
While she/he rubs, chant thrice,
''Goddess hear me tonight,
Under this moonlit night.
Make full my breasts
As you think best
Ask this, I of you
By the power of three
So mote it be''
After chanting thrice,let your partner lick off the honey. douse the candle. The spell can take anywhere between 3 days to weeks to take effect. outcomes depend on the phase of the moon, strength of intent and will.
Intent matters. So does concentration.
Caution: Do not try during waning phase of moon.
#1279 - A Charmed truth spell
truth revealed,
Opened hearts and secrets
From now until it's
now again,
After which the memory
Those who now are
in this house,
Will hear the truth
from other's mouths.
#1280 - Gender Coin Curse
Light candle. Say 3x while holding coin over candle
"This coin will hold the power,
to change my sex,
heads for change,
tails means not, this change will not wait,
for now it will be fate,
whomever flips this coin,
and lands or heads will change their sex,
So mote it be!"
Set coin down with tails side up to cool off. Before flipping coin say once "Change, the change I wish for". Flip coin
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.