3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Easy Love
- Fall in Love
- Someone Special: Garlic Charm
- Great Money
- Aphrodite's Love Enchantment
- Eyes of Green
- The Orchestra's Curse
- Spell To Make A New Friend
- Horse Attraction
- The Potion
#1401 - Easy Love
First, light the candle. Next, right your name and the person's name you want to fall in love with you on the paper. Fold the paper in half and the say "We shall fall in love with me. His love will be unconditional. Our love will be strong and pure. This is my will, so mote it be" You will know that it worked when you feel a weird feeling. If you don't give it time to at least 2 days.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1402 - Fall in Love
First draw a big heart and where the middle of the top dips make the line long. At the tip of the line draw a satanic pentagram connecting the sides and the line. On the left top side of the heart write the first name of the person you want to love you. Write the last nameon the right side. Then focus your magic and close your eyes and chant this:
"Oh satan from hell below hear my wish. I wish for (name of person) to fall deeply in love with me. In return I give (sacrifice). So mote it be." Fold the paper hamburger style and draw a red satanic pentagram. Then fold that hamburger style and put it under your pillow when you go to sleep.
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1403 - Someone Special: Garlic Charm
Hide this charm in a dark, private place at least until the other person begins to demonstrate signs of affection (or you no longer want them.)
Should the bottom garlic sprout, this is a very auspicious sign.
#1404 - Great Money
"I need money
Please show me how to get it
Before I have a cow
I want it, I need it
I have it, to spend it!"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1405 - Aphrodite's Love Enchantment
''Aphrodite of beauty and love,
Set him free and make him come.
Enchant this rose and the water I drink,
To ensure it is me that he thinks.
If this is a part of your will,
This is a destiny he must forfill.''
After saying that, take a deep breath and imagine the one you wish this enchantment to be cast upon. Then say this chant 3 times:
''And so by the power of three, it is my wish, so mote it be.''
After repeating that 3 times, take a final deep breath and picture your love once more. Then open your eyes and grab the jar with the rose and water in it. With the rose still in the jar, drink all the water. After that, blow out the candles and stayin the same room as them until the wax has hardened. The next day your love should reveal a liking towards you.
Last edited on May 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1406 - Eyes of Green
1. Meditate
2. Grounding
3. Intention
4. Visualization
5. You must believe that it will work!
After taking about 5-15 minutes to practice these steps, you must sit crossed-legged and stare into the candle light. Then you must chant once:
''Shining candle oh so bright,
I shall go to sleep tonight.
But in the morning I shall find,
The color green upon eyes.''
After saying this chant once, you must then cover your eyes and say this next chant once:
''However there's a price, I fear.
I cannot look into the mirror.
If I do before it's dawn,
My new eye color shall not spawn.''
Then you must take a deep breath. When you breathe out, imagine your eye color changing.At this point you can uncover your eyes, but be sure to keep them closed. Then repeat this chant 5 times:
''One, two, three, from (old color) to green I see.''
After repeating that chant 5 times, take another deep and once again imagine your eye color changing as you let the breath out. Finally say this last chant 3 times:
''By the power of three , it is my wish, so mote it be.''
After that keep your eyes closed and imagine them changing until you feel like you're going to fall asleep. As you go to rest, avoid all eye-contact with people, especially your own reflection. If you look into the mirror or someone sees your eyes, this spell will not work. If you do avoid eye-contact with anything, your eyes should have a shade of green temporarily when you wake up in the morning. Hope this helped!
#1407 - The Orchestra's Curse
This curse works for every instrument. You need to conduct while casting this.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1408 - Spell To Make A New Friend
Stare into the candlelight while taking three slow deep breaths.
Visualize having a new friend who you love to be around. You two have fun together, share intimate conversations, and tell each other your secrets. See the two of you laughing together and hugging (if you like to hug your friends.)
Hold that picture for as long as you can.
Gracious Goddess, hear my plea,
and bring a new best friend to me.
or if you prefer:
Fire and Rain, Earth and Air
Listen to my urgent prayer
Please bless me with a new best friend,
Someone honest and true until the end.
Write a note to your new friend, telling her how excited you were to meet her. Write it as though it has already happened. Say anything to her that you'd like. Thank her for being such a good friend to you and always being there when you need her.
Read your note at least once a day or more until your new friend arrives. If you'd like, you can keep the letter close to you to remind you to think about her. The more you think about her and visualize having her in your life, the more your vibrations will attract her to you. (Just be sure not to act desperate or needy around people, as that will scare them away.)
#1409 - Horse Attraction
Tie your hair to horse hair using the string as you chant: "Horses,horses come to me I wish to be a horse".
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1410 - The Potion
Light the candle. Add the herbs once the water boils. After boiled togather add honey then drip candle wax into potion. Put in a vial until needed.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.