3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- He Loves Me
- Lover
- Together Forever
- Attraction Spell
- Surprise Spell
- Love
- Get Some
- Arrow Love
- Cupid's Cleansing
- Love Spell
#1521 - He Loves Me
Sit in a meditating position. Put the paper down in front of you and hold up the needle. Chant two times "Aphrodite, I call on thee, hear my plea. For true love that is not recognized. To form an unbreakable link between our hearts. With this needle, I call upon Cupid. Make this needle enchanted, grant me my wish of love. This is my will, so mote be!"
Gently murmur his name ten times and put the needle through the heart on the paper in a way that won't poke you. Warning: tip must be pure. If you poke yourself or even draw blood, throw the needle away and care for the wound. get a new needle and start over again.
Last edited on Jun 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1522 - Lover
First chant:
"Lover, Lover of the night
Make me yours and make you mine,
Night of nights will be tonight,
Lover, Lover of the night
So mote it be."
Last edited on Jun 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1523 - Together Forever
On a full moon cast your circle. Light the three candles. Take the needle and thread and the two pictures. Place one picture next to the other. Whilst sewing the picctures together chant:
"Together forever
Till death do us part
One in the same
In that one heart
Love eternal
Love sublime
Love like no other
Till the end of time
This is my will so mote it be."
Then drip the wax of the three candles onto the join between the two pictures. This will seal the two people together. If you want to end the love tear the pictures apart from another and chant:
"Goodbye forever
That stray heart
Leave now apart"
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1524 - Attraction Spell
Set this thought in his (or her) mind
Set this thought in his (or her) heart
Set this thought in his (or her) life
So that we will never part
Focus on that person and feel them being drawn to you. Leave the flower with its contents in a vase of water and let it stay until the blossom completely droops. Bury the flower, and save the paper and stone on your altar to continue the effect of the spell.
#1525 - Surprise Spell
#1526 - Love
Say 3x "My love is fair, I want my love to be mine. Please, make them love me back. No tragic story to this. This is my will, so mote it be"
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1527 - Get Some
Put the 6 red candles in a circle and the 2 pink candles in the middle of the circle. Then light all 6 red candles and write your lovers name on the paper in red or pink ink. Now light the 2 pink candles which reprsent you and your lover. Now chant:
"Oh mighty gods please let me break the virgin barreaer.The lover that I call mine is in need of my skin pressed aginst hers/his.This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1528 - Arrow Love
This is a spell intended to arouse passionate love from a woman. It is adapted from the great scholar of magick and spiritualty, Idres Shah, who is in his turn adapted it from the ancient sanskrit magickal text, the Atharva Veda. Kama, Hindu Lord Of Love, weilds a bow and arrows, just like his european counterparts Eros, Amor, and Cupid. The spirits referred to in the incantation, Mitra and Varuna, are legendary soul mates, each other's perfect compliment.
Craft a ritual arrow, accompanied by the following incantation. The incantation, reminescent of Aretha Franklin's song "Dr. Feelgood" is chanted repeatedly while the arrow is made. Insert the target of the spell's name into the chant, personalize it as you desire
"With this-all powerful Arrow of Love, I pierce your heart
Love, love that causes unease, love overcomes you, love for me!
This arrow, flying straight and true
strikes you with burning desire for me and me alone
My love is its point
My determination to possess you is its shaft
Your heart is pierced!
The arrow has struck home
This arrow overcomes your reluctance
You love me now!
Come to me lover!
Submissive, without pride as i have no pride
But only longing for you
Your mother can't stop you from coming to me
Your Father can't stop you from coming to me
your sister can't stop you from coming to me
your brother can't stop you from coming to me
your friends can't stop you from coming to me
You are completely in my power!
Oh Mitra! Oh Varuna!
Strip (name), daughter of (name) of resistance
Only I have the power over the heart,
Soul and mind of (name), daughter of (name) my beloved."
Once the arrow has been crafted, the maker holds it and gestures with it, setting up the magickal vibrations, all the while continuing the chant. Repeat from step 3 as needed.
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1529 - Cupid's Cleansing
Before getting into the shower, chant,
O Cupid hear my plea,
This man calls out to me,
His name is (name), and oh I beg thee,
To break his love chains and set him free,
Unto me, together as we,
I will be in love forever with he,
Dear Cupid, by the power of three,
Please grant this wish, So Mote It Be.
Use your favorite shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, and be cleansed.
Afterward, anoint with the ritual oil.
#1530 - Love Spell
Be careful with love spells
Love is what I wish
[_______] is who I want to charm
Never to be alone
He/she will love me so
Take my heart
Take [_____]'s heart put it next to mine
Now light the pink candle
Make him/her love me
Love is what I wish
Love is what I yearn
Make him/her love me
So mote it be
Then blow both the candles out