3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Goddess Harmonia Love
- Siren Love Charm
- Go to the World of Touhou
- Get Your Crush to Like You
- Cupid's Love Pillow
- Love
- Goddess I Hear You
- Make 2 People Fall in Love
- Lovers spell
- Good Luck for You
#1571 - Goddess Harmonia Love
Goddess Harmonia is the queen of Thebes. Her twin flame is Cadmus whom was given to Harmonia as a gift from her father Zeus. Zeus had Cadmus's sister Europa go missing. On his mission to find Europa Cadmus was told not to return without her. However, along the way Cadmus founded the city of Thebes where he became king. He slayed Apollo's dragon and sewed the dragons teeth into the ground. On his journey Cadmus met Goddess Harmonia and they fell in love.
Harmonia is the goddess of harmony and love of all. Marriage would not exist without Harmonia. Harmonia came up with marriage because she felt that it was the right thing to do. Cadmus was turned into a serpent for sewing the dragons teeth into the ground. Out of real true unconditional twin flame love, Harmonia begged to be changed into a serpent with Cadmus so they could always be together forever. The gods granted Harmonia's wish. Together Cadmus and Harmonia were turned into serpents but they were also granted eternal harmony and peace. Their love is everlasting, eternal, and unconditional. Harmonia is the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares but also of Zeus and Electra. Cadmus was a prince who became King of Thebes and a hero. Together Cadmus and Harmonia got married.
This is why It is great to call upon the divine of Goddess Harmonia for a love spell. Her roman name is Concordia. For the marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia all the gods were present at the wedding. Together Cadmus and Harmonia had many children in which who also became kings and queens of Thebes to come for centuries. There is a building in Cadmus and Harmonia's honor as Thebes is still around to this day in central Greece now known as Budva.
The Spell
Anoint your candles with Adam and Eve oil. Set the candles up on your alter with rose petals around each candle. Inbetween or in the center of the candles place your Harmonia incense to burn. The rose petals will be used as your offering to Goddess Harmonia. Now, relax and meditate for a moment. Allow peace, contentment, and love energies to surround you. Once you feel relaxed Chant:
"Goddess Harmonia, goddess of harmony and love of all I call to thee. Come to me please. I ask of you to bless my love with (insert name) and me (insert name). Please bring us happiness, harmony, love, and peace. I offer you these rose petals to symbolize the love that I seek. As the daughter of Aphrodite, Ares, Zeus, and Electra this is my plea. Bring (insert name) and I (insert name) together please. With harm to none I ask of you to grant my wish and bring balance into my love life. I thank the goddess of harmony so mote it be."
Feel her energy and presence surround you. After your incense burns completely out you may then blow out the candles. It is done. Love, Goddess Harmonia
Last edited on Jul 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1572 - Siren Love Charm
Set your candles in the shape of a heart on your alter. In the order of pink, purple, red, pink, purple, red, and pink, purple, red. Burn some love incense. Take your love herbs and add them by sprinkling them in a bowl with some water. Next, before lighting your candles anoint them with love oil (such as fire of love, attraction, or adam and eve).
Then, take a love amulet you want to empower and place it in the center of the heart candles. Place the bowl of water and herbs next to the love incense. (In case you're wondering water is the element for love that's right not fire because fire is for passion which would be lust and passion. We're using water for actual love here by drawing in and calling to the right person to come and be with you. The herbs empower this spell more. All of the herbs in which I listed are also used for love.)
With everything set up close your eyes, take three deep breaths, focus, and concentrate. Visualize the right person for you coming into your life by drawing them near and closer to you. Think about the qualities that you want them to possess both physically and personality.
Next, dip your left index or ring finger in the water and dab the water over where your heart chakra is while focusing on the person you're calling to. Now CHANT this three times:
"It is my love that I send out into the universe now to call upon this love of mine. I draw you near me and closer now. Come to me and come find me into my life. Let this love fill your heart and soul to bring you closer. It is you that I seek so hear my voice, hear my plea, come to me, come to me, come to me!"
After chanting that three times loud and clear say:"As I will it, so mote it be." Then, with the candles still lite dip the amulet into the water. Dry it off with a cloth or paper towel. Put on the amulet to wear. Wait for your incense to burn out and then blow out the candles. It is done.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1573 - Go to the World of Touhou
First, imagine really hard about you going to the portal.Then, go to a mirror, and imagine there's a portal that reimu is pulling you. Say this chant: "Oh goddes yukari. Take me to your world with such gracefulness, please listen to my plea, so mote it be"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1574 - Get Your Crush to Like You
Go in a place were no one is a round then write your crushes name in big letters on the paper. Then put your lip gloss on and kiss under his name. Make sure the lip gloss gets on the paper then fold up the paper and then go to the window and open it and let go. The next day your crush should call if he knows your number or he will ask you on a date at school
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1575 - Cupid's Love Pillow
Cut a small slit on the pillow. In a bowl mix all of your herbs and incense together. This mixture will not be used for burning. add the mixture inside of the pillow along with the swallow heart. Cast a circle and place the pillow in the center. Place the pink figure candle of a couple first behind the pillow, the red male (if this spell is for a female use a female figure candle) in front of the pillow. Then next to the pink couple place the love candle followed by the soul mate candle and regular red candle until it meets the red male candle. This should be set up in a circle.
After the red male place your regular white candle followed by a regular pink candle. Next, take the black salt and make a circle around the candles and pillow. This will be beneficial and used for your circle of protection. Black salt is used for keeping evil forces, bad neighbors, negative spirits, and negativity away so it will protect your spell and your twin flame from all harm. Drop one single drop of your love oil into each candle.
Then, anoint the male figure candle with hummingbird oil. When a female rubs hummingbird oil on the man she loves he will not be able to escape or avoid her which empowers this spell so much more when focusing and concentrating on your twin flame if this spell is for him and you know for sure they are your twin flame (twin flame means your one and only true love and soul mate; the one).
Next, rub the hummingbird oil on the picture of the intended (your partner or twin flame). Set the image a side for a moment. Take a piece of paper with doves blood ink and write the full name of the person you are doing this spell for (your twin flame for example: Michael Adam Shultz) Then above the persons name to the left side draw a symbol that represents your love between you and that person (for example a firework, a heart, a dove, a star, or a butterfly).
Next to that symbol above the persons name draw the infinity sign to represent eternity (this represents eternal love between you and your twin flame). Now place that piece of paper on top of the pillow. Then, in the center of that piece of paper place the image of the person you anointed with the hummingbird oil. Sprinkle some salt on top of this persons picture and on each candle to represent protecting them, healing, and cleansing their energy. If you feel it's right you may do some smudging to also protect the person. Next you may also burn some love incense if you wish for more empowerment.
Now relax, clear your mind, focus, and concentrate. Allow love light to surround you and your circle to fill your heart. Feel that love energy all around you and your twin flame. Feel the strength and power in the palm of your hands and hover your hands. Place your love amulet around the persons picture on the pillow. Now, over the image of the person on the pillow and allow the love energy to pour through you and into that person and the pillow.
Chant: "With this spell I surround you now protecting you and filling your heart with love. With this pillow every time I touch this pillow you will feel me, hear me, smell me, and sense me. My embrace, energy, and spirit surrounds you with me through this pillow. With this pillow I call upon your energy and spirit now. Your energy, presence, spirit, and embrace surrounds me. Open your eyes and you will see me. Allow my love to fill your heart, mind, body, and soul. This spell will not fail. With harm to none, no force, and no manipulation I call unto you my twin flame true love divine. With the assistance, help, and guidance I call to thee Aphrodite, Cupid, and Harmonia the gods of love. I bless you and this love that has descended from above. This is my will, so mote it be."
Then, allow for any incense to burn out completely. Relax, meditate, and allow love to fill your heart. Take it all in. Then when you feel the spell is complete blow out the candles in the same order you lite them. Now clean up your mess and sleep with the pillow every night, hold it whenever you miss the person, are apart, or want them to feel your energy. This pillow will ease your heart from aching and help you feel more comfortable.
Last edited on Jul 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1576 - Love
Chant this:
Feel the love,
Feel the power.
Smell the flower,
In the heart of a dove.
#1577 - Goddess I Hear You
"Goddess, goddess, above us all,
One who hears will never fall,
I, your sevant, hear your call,
To you I give my heart and soul,
To you I give my life,
Spare me from the knife,
Of magic which may turn
And cause me trouble and strife,
I who do your will,
Like the people of the ancient hill."
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1578 - Make 2 People Fall in Love
Light the candles and place the photos standing behind them. Have the paper laid out in front of you and draw a Pentagram it doesn't have to be perfect. Put the bowl on top of the Pentagram. Grab the sugar and cinnamon and put it inside the bowl, mix it around till it fully is, add the roses and mash them in there until their small and scattered. And start putting it into the vile. Chant:
"Goddess Aphrodite, hear my cry
Give these two people love at firts sight
Let them have strength and passion
Let them be protect with all your might
Let (name) and (name) be together
So mote it be"
When you are done put a drop of lavender and vanilla extract on top then close the vile. If you have a garden I prefer you burry it deep if you don't just hide it somewhere no one will ever find it.
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1579 - Lovers spell
#1580 - Good Luck for You
First, ignite the candle and make sure it is ignited by watching it for a few seconds. Second, have someone draw blood from your arm through an insulin needle(if you do not have the knowledge of where to draw the blood from do not attempt this, use common sense please).
Also if you fail to extract blood after three attempts, the ritual is not meant to be so cease it and try it again another day.
Third, call upon what deity you follow, if you do not follow a deity simply use the flame's spirit as the substitute. After this, state what it is that you desire, be specific.
For example: ''Oh spirit of the flame that is here before me, I ask thee to bring me good fortune for as of late my luck has been on the down in the slums and unfortunate events have been occurring left and right. I ask thee to hear thine prayer and relieve me of this unfortunate bestowed upon me and bring me 'O spirit of fire purge this negativity from me, renew me as a phoenix from the ashes.''
Take the insulin needle filled with blood and let a few drops fall upon the candle, for an offering to the flame spirit. Do not be too close for blood does pops like hot grease mixed with water. Be cautious.
Now, on the paper put a little pool of your blood from the needle and write in your own blood what negativity you desire to banish. It can be in sigils, a different language, it is whatever your heart is saying. If more blood is needed extract more. Reminder: (if you do not have the knowledge of where to draw the blood from do not attempt this, use common sense please).
Proceed to burn the paper after you write it and visualize the flame purging the negativity from your life and after it completely burns see yourself revitalized and revived like a phoenix from the ashes.
I hope whomever tries this succeeds, and is very careful. I hope this helped.