3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Sirens Song
- Love Spell
- Get Someone to Love You
- Find Your Soulmate
- Sing Better
- More Than Just Friends
- Attention Spell
- Adoration Spell
- Troubled Love
- A Leader is Born
#1591 - Sirens Song
In the night, say this: "The sea is deep,the sea is wide,the sea is always on your side.Listen to my voice and you won't have a choice.Forever you'll remain here with me."
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1592 - Love Spell
On a Friday evening, light your pink candle. With your favorite pen and a white piece of paper, write your first name and your lovers last name. Draw a circle around the names and close your eyes and meditate on what you want (the two of you together, how happy you will be, etc.) Repeat three times:
''Our fate is sealed
We are one
So mote it be
It is done!''
Watch your pink candle for at least 15 minutes while meditating about the person you want and the wonderful love you will have together. If possible, meditate until the candle burns out. You may also use a larger candle and do the spell every night for seven nights, meditating 15 minutes each night.
#1593 - Get Someone to Love You
Take the paper and put lip stick/gloss on and kiss the paper. Sing: "Oh dear (Venus, Aphrodite, or anyother love god/goddess) please make me beautiful. My skin (insert whatever you want ex paler skin ex2 flawless skin) make me the most beautifulest girl in the world so (crushes name) will love me, for I'll be his one and forever."
Draw your crushes name all over the paper with red pen. Draw hearts around the entire thing too. Put under pillow and sleep.
Last edited on May 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1594 - Find Your Soulmate
Put the 2 candles in front of you, the red on the left & white on the right. Light them in that order. With regular flames ( May use magic 2 light candles but regular) Chant.:
"Ive been alone for a long time. Ive had many relationships but I can't find a good person for myself. Please if you can here me! Aphrodite! Cupid! I sacrifice this (object 4 sacrifice name) for the sake of love! Bring me a lover! A soulmate! For eternity!"
Then draw a heart on the paper with a pink pen. Then sprinkle ground up unicorn horns or pixie/fairy dust on the paper more inside the heart. Then take it outside a church & burn the paper & sacrificial object with the 2 candles. Then sprinkle some of the dust or horns. The put out the fire & sprinkle again.
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1595 - Sing Better
Say this spell 5x
"My voice needs improvement
Like the moon it shall shine
My voice 10x better
Let it be mine"
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1596 - More Than Just Friends
"Dear friend of mine, I have something to say, I finally found the courage and strength, to reveal to you today. Our friendship I see as a gift, and carry in my heart, but now our friendship, I would like to shift, and make love be the part. How I wish you feel the same, for its your love I would like to gain. Thank you Oshun please accept these yellow roses as my gift".
Put some water in the vase, and set it down in front of you. Hold the roses in both hands and breath in the scent as you recite. when you are done put the roses in the vase.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1597 - Attention Spell
Start with giving to your gods first prayers. Follow by giving your offerings.
Now start the spell by lighting the candle and stare at the flame for a minute or two. Watch it dance. Hold your hands on each side of the candles and chant 3 times:
''I am the sun I am the key
All attention be focused on me.
See what I do and hear what I say.
Let all head turn and face my way.
I am the center, I am light
I am this flame, dancing so bright.
I sparkle interest, wherever I go
Let all look at me, be it sunny or snow.''
Into the candle send orange energy of ''drawing.'' That is to say, drawing others attention to you. Continue to do this for as long as you can hold the visualization.
Now place the magnet in front of the candle, cover it with you hand and send into it the power of attraction. and chant 3 times:
''Magnetism is currently all mine
Drawing the attention I deserve.
And those that give me such
Will be the first that I serve.
People attention now drawn to me
And as my will, so mote it be.''
Place the hematite in top of the magnet and chant 3 times:
''Stone of iron, ore from the ground
To draw attention make this spell sound.
As you go with me all day, all night
In work and business, give me your might.
You shall make all pay attention to me
To hear my words and record my deeds
And give me the credit that I'm due
To these tasks I now ask of you.''
Leave the objects by the candle till it snuff's itself out. Once out, take the hematite and carry it in you pocket or in a power bundle or satchet. Carry it where you are looking for the attention.
Just remember not to abuse this spell. If you do it will not work or the stone may end up disappearing on you.
#1598 - Adoration Spell
Give first prayers and offerings. The best offering for such a spell would be Frankincense and Myrrh.
Take the three candles in hand and speak the following, while sending white and burgundy light into the of adoration energy:
''Within my eyes spark these emotions
admiration and pure devotion
let all those who seen me before
think well of me and feel well adored.''
Repeat this for each candle. When done take up the white rose and say the following:
''Flower of elegance, Rose some white
power of adoration I seek this night.
White for clarify, White so clear
Make me respected by everyone that comes near.''
Place the white flower down in the middle of the candles.
Now take up the ring or pendant and hold it in your hand. Speak now a second set of prayers to the gods you invoked earlier and ask them with all grace and humility to bless you with adoration. When done place the ring/pendant on the rose.
Now light the candles and sit back. Feel the power of the candles and the power of adoration pulse out from the candles and flower fill you with their energy. Speak the following chant again:
''Within my eyes spark these emotions
admiration and pure devotion
let all those who seen me before
think well of me and feel well adored.''
repeat this spell for 3 nights, preferably held about the same time.
Last edited on May 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1599 - Troubled Love
"To my love that I adore, I don't want us to fight no more. Let us have peace and our love no shame, I give to you and expect the same. Let us live in harmony and our love be so true, this is what I wish for me, and also wish for you. Oh how I need to feel you love, I need for it to be intense, let us come together as a team, and build a strong defense. Against all others cause your my lover, they cant take away, and with these apples I show my Thanks on this very day. Thank you Aphrodite(Venus)"
Now prepare the apples sliced, sprinkle with sea salt, get naked and admire yourself in the mirror as you recite. Truly admire oneself this will help your lover feel how you feel about yourself
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1600 - A Leader is Born
By the Moon I wish to become a leader
For (insert how long you want to lead for) I wish to lead for....
I believe I will make the perfect leader....
So mote it be!
Say this once or more if you wish to.
Spell effects have been known to wear off so you may want to chat it more than once.
You can also cast this on others.