3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Change Your Eye Color
- Grow 7 inches
- Draw New Friends
- A Simple Dowsing Pendulum
- Show the Truth
- Love
- Attract a Lover
- Simple Spell for Finding Love
- An Easy Scrying Mirror
- attraction charm for your favorite scent you wear
#1731 - Change Your Eye Color
Imagine your eye color changing from ___ to ___ (insert color into blanks)
"My eyes don't describe who I am.
But if my eye color is ___
Then it will describe me.
So please, Goddess of the Rainbow,
Change my eye color from ___ to ___.
Please, Iris,
Change my eye color from ___ to ___!
Mote it be! "
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1732 - Grow 7 inches
Stand in front of the mirror with a lit candle and chant:
"Gods and Goddesses,
Hear my prayer!
I am too small!
I wish to be 7 inches taller.
I wish to be 7 inches taller.
I wish to be 7 inches taller!
Mote it be!"
Now put out the candle with your fingers. You should feel some pain.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1733 - Draw New Friends
After invoking whatever gods you are attuned with, light some appropriate incense for the spell. Use the incense to sage the pendant/ring to make sure it has no other energy in it.
Now hold the candle and send positive energy into it. Breathe in. Then when you breathe out send that surge of energy into the candle. Do this several times till you feel the candle radiating and pulsing with light. When done chant:
"May the power I send into this candle bring good people my way and into my life let these positive people stay."
Place the candle down and light it.
Now take up the ring or pendant. It should be on a chain. Hold the ring/pendant tight in your hand and meditate for a minute on the idea of new friends coming into your life. Now hold the chain on one end so the pendant/ring is hanging from the chain, not in your hand. Hold it near the flame (not to close) Slowly start to circle the candle with the pendant 3 times and chant:
"1, 2, 3, Draw new friends close to me."
Circle the candle with the pendant 3 more times and chant:
"4, 5, 6, new friends to me will now be fixed."
Circle the candle with the pendant 3 more times and chant:
"7, 8, 9, new friends to me now be mine."
Do this "encircling" over 9 times in total.
When done hold the ring/pendant in your hand and send some more "friend drawing" energy into it. You may even use this time to ask the gods to help as well.
Put the jewelry on and wear it proudly. You may leave the candle burning or blow it out as you wish. Then hit the streets for the day and see who crosses your path.
In using this spell, I have discovered it works rather fast. Though at first all you may get is just friendly smiles, greetings and people complimenting you one your clothes or something to that effect. But that's where a lot of friendships start. I have discovered this works best on rings and pendants more than talismans and amulets. You may find otherwise.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1734 - A Simple Dowsing Pendulum
Now take your item you chose or made...and connect it with the string, the string has to be able to stand straight from the top not sideways, tie the knot tight so it dosn't slide. Now find it's yes and no position. You can also hold it in your hand and charge it, or set in the windowsill in the sunlight or moonlight. Put in salt to cleanse it but some things shouldn't be put in saltwater so if that's the case just put in salt or dirt. I advise you enchant it with the elements, example put it through incense for air, dip it in water for well water and in dirt or sand for earth or put it on leaves...like when you make runes. It you have and item that shouldn't be in water then get a little bit of water and dry it off or put it above steam. I hope this was helpful and enjoy your pendulum.
Now to use a pendulum after you make it you simply hold it correctly by putting the string between your index finger and your thumb then relax your hand downwards or look at a picture of how it's done(I have one in my album, my album is public) now either think the questions in your head or say them aloud but before questions ask it "what's your yes position" mine personally spins clockwise or counter clockwise for yes and back and forth or side to side for no, then you must ask "what's your no position". For beginners don't worry about maybe positions yet. Now after you ask a question ask "is this accurate" and give it a little time to shift to yes or no. Sometimes I start off with "are my eyes brown" which is yes then "are my eyes green" which is no. Now if your pendulum dosn't move give it a nudge it will still awnser questions you don't know the awnser to correctly.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1735 - Show the Truth
Draw or print my symbol and place it on a table, place the candles around the symbol. Now concentrate over the symbol for 30 seconds. Visualise the person that you know that its hidding something.
Now visualise how that person is surrounded by a chain with a lock, that will sepresent the secret that its hidden, concentrate over the lock and chain,and after 5/10 seconds,visuaise how the lock its breaking and the chain its falling and its disapearing. Thank to the symbol for help and blow in the candles, the smoke from them will make the truth to be revealed!
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1736 - Love
Light th candle and the ought the rose petals in. While thinking of a person, chant this:
"Gods and goddesses
Make (name) love me .
So mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1737 - Attract a Lover
This spell requires some forethought, because you'll have to come up with a list of qualities you're looking for in a lover. Do you have certain physical characteritics or personality attributes in mind? Write your list in pink ink be specific but brief. Then on or around the new moon or at the very on a Fridaynight during the waxing moon, light your pink candle. Place your list next to the candle. Mix several drops sandalwood oil, lavander oil,(or your favourite oil) in your burner and light the candle inside of it. If the burner's candle is also pink, so much the the better! As the scent of the oil is released, imagine your lover.
How does he or she look, act, and dres?
What kind of car does this person drive?
What type of work does he or she do?
What are his or her passions?
At the bottom of the list draw the symbol for Venus. Continue the visualization for as long as you need to make the mental images as vivid as possible . Inhale the scen of oils from the burner. Snuff out the candle's flames rather than blowing them out. At least mix your oils and light the pink candle and the candle in the burner. As the scent permeates the air you breathe, feel the presence of your lover. As always, express thanks. On the full moon, release your wish by throwing away both candles.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1738 - Simple Spell for Finding Love
Take the Rose Petals outside your house/aparment and scatter them on the walkway leading to your home and chant:
Love find your way,
Love come to stay!
Continue on repeating the chant until you reach your door. Retain one Rose Petal to carry with you as a love charm, so love will follow you home.
All rights reserved to The Only Book Of Wiccan Spells You'll Ever Need
Last edited on Feb 26, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1739 - An Easy Scrying Mirror
Instructions for the frame: Cut the black piece of paper(constuction paper is a medium you can use) a little bit bigger than the glass of the picture frame and cut it to the shape of the frame. Slide it behind the glass and there you have it.
Instuctions for ice: Boil tap or whatever kind of water you desire. After boil put in big bowl, freezer safe bowl. Now freeze it and wait until COMPLETELY frozen. then put it on a platter to stare into it...try to scry in a quiet place. The reason for boiling the water is to make the Ice clearer.
Last edited on Apr 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1740 - attraction charm for your favorite scent you wear
''I charm my ___________________________''
''I charm it so whenever I wear this''
''I always get what I want when it comes to sex & love''
''as long as I'm not stinking sinfully''