To cement and/or formalize the psychic bonds between you and your familiar.
You may need:
your familiar
a circle
any magical tools
You may need:
your familiar
a circle
any magical tools
1. Cast a circle large enough to hold you, your familiar and any magical tools that you wish simultaneously to consecrate (these may include leashes, collars or component or ritual tools).
2. Burn frankincense on the periphery of the circle.
3. Sit within the circle, with your familiar, until you feel that it's time to come out.
Light the Candles. Meditate about love until felt necessary. Tell the Goddess about your problems in Love, or how you need her help in finding a new love ( can be Specific or Non-Specific ) Tell the Goddess your offering. and what your candles stand for. Take a deep breath.
"Beautiful Goddess of Love,
I ask for thee, Love"
In the Dark room leave the candles burning until you feel necessary.
Been stuck on a problem? Family issues? Need to reach a goal? Here is a spell that should help.
You may need:
You may need:
Attune with your star of power. And just gaze into the night sky for a while. Think about you problem or goal. Then when ready chant these words or similar:
"Higher star in the sky
Highest star shinning bright
Give me my answer through the night
As time gos by and by"
This spell is for breaking a emotional bond with someone.
You may need:
You may need:
Envision the person you want to break you emotional ties with think of you and him or her in a photo together and think of the photo being torn apart separating you from them. Then think of the person like big a cloud of gas drifting out of your heart out of you completely . Then say:
"Free me from (whoever)
I cut these ties
I break these bonds
I separate us forever more
So mote it be"
Take the piece of paper without holes on the side and lay it on a flat surface. Take the pen and write the following:
"Oh Aphrodite,
Goddess of Love and Passion,
Please hear my plea,
Bring the owners of these two names,
Eternal Love and Peace.
So mote it be."
Take the red pencil and write only the first name of the female on the paper with their face in mind. If the person has a second name, write it too. Take the blue pencil and do the same.
Take the lipstick, and kiss it slightly to bless it. Now, draw a heart around the two names. Take the perfume and spray it on the paper. Preferably 7 times
Don't throw away the paper, keep it safe and in the house. Now in a few days you should see the effects slowly build up~! This spell unfortunately doesn't work immediately.
Title says it all. Use this spell to heal someone's emotions.
You may need:
You may need:
Just say these words to the person with a heart of hatred
"Gods of love
Gods of hate
Bend this heart
Mend this Heart
Free this heart from hate
Make it fresh
Make it new
Break the bonds that holds in hate
Let out hatred and bring in love
So mote it be"