3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Get Back Your Ex
- Falling in Love
- Become the "Dream You"
- Dream of True Love
- Candles
- Renew Love
- Replace Your Eyes with Any Creatures
- Neko
- Fortunes
- Magically Charging a Piece of Jewelry
#1841 - Get Back Your Ex
First think of your ex, then put your hand over your heart and say the following three times
"Mend the hearts,
Forget the mistakes.
Bring us together
For one more chance."
Last edited on Apr 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1842 - Falling in Love
Visit your crush at his/her home and give the item that turns him/her on. While staring at him/her, chant softly (in a whisper):
"Oh my love, love me forever
As I kiss your lips as light as a feather."
If he or she asks you what you whispered, all you have to say to complete the spell is "I love you".
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1843 - Become the "Dream You"
Make me look like the Dream Me,
Make me beautiful/handsome,
So mote it be!
2) Then, meditate and visualize yourself as the Dream You (make sure to picture EVERY DETAIL, the hair and all).
3) Results may vary depending on the person. Sometimes it'll take a few days, a month or two, or even a year...
I will create a reverse spell in case you get tired of looking this way or getting envied by others.
Blessed be!
#1844 - Dream of True Love
First cut into the fabric the shape of a heart any size will do.next get a pinch of sugar and the thing you love and put on fabric.now slowly sow up the heart in half and then say what your dream boygirl will be like then say mote it be. Put in you pillow case and see who you will love also it might be a day or two before you see your love becuse you can only remember one dream per week the more you know.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1845 - Candles
Like pink is for romance and red is for love. Confusing right? Electric candles work too for spells.
#1846 - Renew Love
I have made a wrong with my love
Without him, my life is nothing
I beg of you
Please get him to return my love
And bring him back to me
I call upon your elements to assist me
Earth, you are strong and sturdy
Bring stability into our relationship
Water, you are ever changing and emotional
Bring back his feeling for me
Fire, you are hot and passionate
Bring true passion into our relationship
Air, you are wise and knowledgeable
Bring the knowledge of our love to our relationship
Spirit, you are my soul and life
Bring my soulmate back to me
Elements, I release you and your magicks to do my bidding
Merry meet and merry part"
Light five candles (color for each element) and get cinnamon incense if possible. Say words above. End by blowing out candles in order that you welcomed them
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1847 - Replace Your Eyes with Any Creatures
Draw a pair of eyes. After drawing the eyes draw the iris and pupils of the creature.
Color them to what your heart contents.
Fold the paper anyway once.
Write down its info. (Kind of eyes, what creature they came from, kind of powers you want, etc.)
Fold the paper anyway again.
Write and say, ''Eyes eyes, come to me, replace my old eyes with (creature) eyes. I wish for (creature) eyes on the physical plane. So Mote It Be.'' (''So Mote It Be'' should be written as big as you can.)
Fold paper anyway.
Draw a pentagram.
Fold it once more.
Every night, for three nights, chant
1x: God, please grant the dream eyes I wish to have.
10x: Eyes eyes, come to me replace my old eyes with (creature) eyes. I wish for (creature) eyes on the physical plane. So Mote It Be.
After chanting the three nights, go look in a mirror. If your eyes changed, have fun with your new eyes! If they're still the same, try again.
Questions? Message me.
#1848 - Neko
''Make me a Neko to frolic and play with a (color) tail and (color) ears. I want my tail to be (length) and want it to be (fluffiness).
It's okay if you miss a day. You can make it up by saying the spell more in one day.
SIDE EFFECTS (when the spell works):
Craving milk or fish
Purring when feeling happy, comfortable, etc.
Better balance
Landing on your feet when falling from any altitude
Able to climb up trees
Sometimes scratching things soft and fluffy
Your ears and tail will appear when you:
-Are embarrassed
-Are excited
-Want them to appear
Note: The spell works depending on who you are. Some people might be lucky and get their ears and tail in as little as a day! And you HAVE to believe the spell will work, otherwise it won't work.
Questions? Please feel free to message me any questions.
#1849 - Fortunes
Slosh around until you see something.
#1850 - Magically Charging a Piece of Jewelry
Take the object you wish to charge (only the object that you feel require the energy of lightning, such as those used for protection, healing, and so on) outside and place them in a spot where they are safe of the possibility of being washed away by the storm, but sill fully exposed to the rain and such. Do not place it on a roof, statue or other structure. You can tie them to a tree, or place them in a container. Make sure they are safe during the charging process. Chant:
"Charge my beloved jewelry up, ensure its safety and make it full of magical energy!!"
After the storm has passed, take it inside, dry carefully, and place it somewhere safe for 24 hours. It should be fully charged and possibly vibrating with energy.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.