Become a human plant hybrid and have nature magic.
You may need:
1 link rose
You may need:
1 link rose
Put the rose into a bowl sprinkle soil on it then sprinkle the water on it chant "I want to be a flower. I want to be of nature breathe in co2 and exhale air. I will need sunshine and now so mote it be"
Have you ever had that one crush that's hard to read? The one that could go either way? Well, with this spell, you might just get to see. Don't blame me if it doesn't work, it's hard to preform.
You may need:
DNA from both lovers (hair, dead skin, etc)
A feather
An envelope
A paper heart that's 1 in. tall (boys)
Lipstick (girls)
You may need:
DNA from both lovers (hair, dead skin, etc)
A feather
An envelope
A paper heart that's 1 in. tall (boys)
Lipstick (girls)
Take the DNA and place it in the envelope. Take the feather and place it in as well. Now chant: ''My love is true, so are you!'' ten times. If your a boy, stick the paper heart onto envelope. If your a girl, put on the lipstick and leave it be for 8 days. On day 9, check your envelope. If the heart is wrinkled and ruined, then she doesn't like you. If the lipstick is gone/ almost gone, he doesn't like you.
This is a charm used to bring your lover home to you.
You may need:
A bit of fresh rosemary and lavender
A pinch of ground cinnamin
A small quartz or rose quartz crystal
1 red candle
1 yellow candle
1 incense stick of dragonsblood, lavender, or jasmine
Piece of paper
A bit of fabric and some string/yarn
Red or pink pen
You may need:
A bit of fresh rosemary and lavender
A pinch of ground cinnamin
A small quartz or rose quartz crystal
1 red candle
1 yellow candle
1 incense stick of dragonsblood, lavender, or jasmine
Piece of paper
A bit of fabric and some string/yarn
Red or pink pen
Place your paper in between your 2 candles before lighting them both. On your paper, write your name and your lovers name in the pen. Feel free to draw a heart on the paper.
Place your rosemary and lavender and cinnamon, along with your crystal onto the paper between your 2 candles. Now light your incense with the yellow candle. Draw a pentagram over your work-in-progress with the smoke before placing it in a burner.
Now sit and meditate with the soon-to-be charm in front of you. considerate on the smoke and the way it moves about. Say:
Winds of love, come to me.
Bring my soulmate, so I decree.
This I wish, so mote it be.
Meditate and chant this as much as you wish.
When you are done, place your paper, herbs, and crystal onto the fabric and tie it up. Carry it with you until you feel it is time to release the items in the charm outside by into the wind.
Say " I summon (the name of spirit or persons spirit) to me in the power of the seven(th) circle" feel a circle made of energy or see the circle with your mind or point to where you want the circle to be, then you can ask the spirit to do anything you wish
Then banish the spirit or person by saying " I banish you in the power of seven" you can make the person say or do anything that you wish,but I highly recommend it be for good reasons not to force anyones will or anything
And if the spirit or person tries to get out of the circle their spiritual bodies will be destroyed. Do not keep them in the circle for too long unless you think they won't fight it back spiritually.
This spell can change evil to good, and I'm guessing good to evil if you change the words around.
You may need:
You may need:
You have to connect with the person, you can't force them they have to want this. Connect your aura to theirs and feel them wanting to change then get them or yourself to read this incantation:
"I call to the past to meet the present
That the future maybe bright
I bring myself/you forth from the dark
And hold me/you to the light
Let not my/your past control my/your present
Let not my/your future be as dark as night
I meet and greet me/you with open arms
And move (you) back into the light"
This spell will conjure a water tiger companion to you.
You may need:
Colored pencils
Print-out of what you want your tiger to look like (one you can color in)
Up to 4 powers you want it to have
2 orange candles
2 green candles
2 blue candles
2 purple candles
2 turquoise candles
2 pink candles
2 magenta candles
2 brown candles
2 silver candles
2 white candles
2 black candles
You may need:
Colored pencils
Print-out of what you want your tiger to look like (one you can color in)
Up to 4 powers you want it to have
2 orange candles
2 green candles
2 blue candles
2 purple candles
2 turquoise candles
2 pink candles
2 magenta candles
2 brown candles
2 silver candles
2 white candles
2 black candles
Make a circle with the candles, each color across from its match and light them. Color in the picture for what you want your tiger to look like. Put what you want its name to be and the power(s) you want it to have above the colored picture. Put the paper and amulet inside the circle when you're done. Say:
"A water tiger
Is what I desire.
His/her name will be (name of tiger)
And (color(s) you chose) all over.
Give him the power of (power(s) you chose)
Water spirits, send him in four days.
So mote it be."
Light the paper on fire and let the candles burn themselves out. Always wear the amulet, for that's where s/he will come from on the fourth day, and keep it on for the rest of your life. Your water tiger will be your family's companion and protector.
Feel the energy with your hand chakra, then feel the energy within the animal heart and turn it into the emotion of love. Keep your hand at a medium distance from the animal, then pet the animal or bird and it shall like you.