3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Night Mother Love
- Winx Believix!
- Summon a Spectral Lover
- Quick Energy Muster
- Truth in the House
- Make Someone Fall in Love with you Love Spell
- Draw Love Into Your Home (Love Spell)
- Future: futurum
- Magic Candles
#1881 - Night Mother Love
Say "On this day on this night I plea to thee please let true love find me". Now light a white candle and say, "(name of crush) I choose thee to be with me for the gods mote it be"
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1882 - Winx Believix!
Say this once: "Of the power of the magic Winx this is my believix wish. for i shall have the power of the fairy ______ and she shall be my guardian as i will fly with her".
Use the paper and pencils or marker to draw what you would look like as a fairy. Add details and colors to your wings to make sure they are what you want them to look like.
Say once you're done drawing: "By the power of my gaurdian fairy I shall be one with only good in my heart, so mote me and my powers never be apart".
After 2 days, say this to activate you powers: "Magic Winx! "
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1883 - Summon a Spectral Lover
Arrange the candles into a triangle without any base. Alternate the candles (white, black, white, etc...) until you have an arrow shape. Light all candles, starting with the white ones, then the black. Place the cloth in the open space between the candles. Next you must call out and say: "Spirits of desire and earthly pleasure send your servant unto me"
After this is part is complete you must place a part of yourself (blood, hair, bodily fluids) onto the white cloth. (The book recommends fluids from sexual activity if possible) Afterward all you need to do is burn the cloth and whatever was on it, allow the candles to burn out on their own. A sexual spectre should appear to you soon after completion of this ritual
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1884 - Quick Energy Muster
#1885 - Truth in the House
"For those who want the truth revealed
Open their hearts and secrets unseal
From now until its now again
From now which the memories end
For those who are now in this house
Only truth will be heard from their mouths"
Last edited on Apr 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1886 - Make Someone Fall in Love with you Love Spell
You will need to find 3 dragons blood candles , and label them according to 3 things you will be asking the spirits to do for you in love:
to open a channel between you and your lover, allow feelings to connect between you two, and lastly have these feelings turn into fully ignited love.. We will label each candle accordingly (I don't mean to literally "Label" Each candle, just remember it's purpose) in line with the desire of that flame. Label the first candle as the "Channel" Love candle. The second as the "Connect" Love candle and the third as the "True Love" candle. These 3 candles will represent the goals of the love spell. Lite all 3 candles and allow them to burn during the initial offering: "Spirits of Love, allow a channel to be opened between ( ___) and me" "Spirits of Love, allow this channel to blossom a connection between (_____) and me" "And Finally, Spirits of Love, I beseech you, Allow true love to come between (______) and me" "Spirits allow these candles to be symbols to you for my desires Allow there flames to represent my burning desire for what I ask of you Thank you Spirits and I thank you for listening to my requests upon you" Take melting wax from the 3 candles immediately afterwards and rub it together (Not a large amount, just a bit from each candle, or you can burn yourself a bit) and rub it near your belly bottom. This will serve as your gateway. Hold personal items of the person you are seeking in either hand and stare at each candle as you envision your desires with the person. Watch each candle for 5 minutes each, with the same thought coursing through your mind.ABOUT THE AUTHOR
#1887 - Draw Love Into Your Home (Love Spell)
The Description of your Hearts true match written on unlined paper.
After you write the description,burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle.
Keep the bottle INSIDE your home,preferably in the room you sleep. keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating
After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your home, preferably in the room you sleep. Keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating. After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your home, preferably in the room you sleep. After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your home, preferably in the room you sleep. Keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating.Keep this for a period of up to 6 months before repeating.
Dress the pink candle with the anointing oils and light it. Hold the lighted candle in one hand and a crucifix in the other hand as you recite the following:
O, Intranquil Spirit, you that in Hell are wandering and will never reach Heaven, hear me, o, hear me. I want you to grasp the five senses of [name of lover] and do not let [him/her] rest in peace, neither seated nor standing, waking nor sleeping, that [he/she] should think only of seeing me, smelling me, hearing me, tasting me, and touching me, that [he/she] should find [himself/herself] as desperate as the waters of the seas and as torn as the wind in the storm until [he/she] returns to me, that [he/she] should run and run until [he/she] humbly falls at my feet because nobody will help [him/her], and that neither a divorced [woman/man] nor a married [woman/man], a [widow/widower], nor a virgin [woman/man], shall ever love [him/her], but only me and me alone. [Name of lover], i conjure you before the cross and God Almighty, that you are to run after me as the living run after the cross and the dead run after the light.
#1889 - Future: futurum
First light candle then light the jasmine and wave it around you and say this:
"Grant me the power to see the future and make my a prophecy even if just for a minute or if not for a second to see the future must be a most precious gift. I accept the burden of knowing what is to come and no way to stop it"
And then burn the paper and meditate till you get a vision
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1890 - Magic Candles