This is a spell to heal a relationship between you and someone or two other people.
You may need:
1 piece of fabric
Needle and string
The names of the two people
You may need:
1 piece of fabric
Needle and string
The names of the two people
Draw a heart on the fabric. Cut the fabric in half. Write the name of the people on their own half inside the heart. Then say ''To repair a heart, means to repair a love, these two shall forever be one.'' Take the needle and string and slowly sew the halves back together. The whole time focus on how much they will love each other.
This is a spell to make someone fall in love with you.
You may need:
A pen
Two candles (any color)
An item they have touched
You may need:
A pen
Two candles (any color)
An item they have touched
Take the fabric and right on it his and your name. Then say " to gain thy heart I keep thee near, that in our hearts we shall be one."
Then light the candles and place the item between the candles at opposite ends. Then say "Two candles burn as two hearts, that in one their desires may unite, as I seek thee, let these candles guide your heart into the light."
Blow out the candles and place the object in a place where it will not be disturbed, and carry the cloth with you.
This spell can either help a you or a friend get over someone either of you were once involved with, or with the directed intent can be used to break up a couple.
You may need:
1 White Candle (for ease)-or-
1 Black Candle (for Haste)
You may need:
1 White Candle (for ease)-or-
1 Black Candle (for Haste)
Draw a 8-pointed Star within a circle, then Draw a inverted pentagram and write one name on top of the other in the center of the pentagram, Place the candle of your selection in the center of the 8-pointed Star.
Recite First Half of the spell,Burn Inverted Pentagram in the flame of the candle, Next recite the Second Half of the incantation while gazing into the Fire.
Sometimes we really like someone but say nothing cause we fear if we made an advance we would experience rejection. Here's a spell that gives you the green light or red light.
You may need:
A new red rubber ball (small one)
You may need:
A new red rubber ball (small one)
In sacred space cleanse,concentrate and empower the red rubber ball. As you bounce the ball repeat the following spell:
"From ground to air to air to ground I bounce the magic round and round do you like me? Do you love me? I need to know the answer. Dragon eyes,and angel wings. Now I touch the fair ring. Do you like me? Do you love me? I need to know the answer Earth and Air,Fire and Water. My little ball goes higher and higher. Mine is magic. Mine is power. Its time to know the answer."
Repeat the last line as you bounce the ball. Keep bouncing the ball and say " With harm to none I will it shall be done. May all astrological correspondences be correct for this working,and may this spell not reverse or place upon me any curse. So mote it be!"
You should receive your answer shortly. If you do not receive your answer in 30 days repeat the spell again.
Chant three times: "Love me, love me. Please I want sex with a woman of my choosing. She will crave my body, she will want my love. I want to mate with the woman of my dreams, so mote it be".
"Insouciant inclemency (in-soo-see-ent klem-en-see). Redoubtable mediocracy ( ree-dow-ta-bull Mee-dee-o-kr-see). Refutable humanity (ree-few-ta-bull Humanity). Make me what I wish to be . A mermaid. Witches one and witches all. Give this power to me"
For guys, switch the words mermaid to merman, repeat 10 times. Spell takes a month to work