Here's a spell to become a mermaid it takes 48 hours.
You may need:
A symbol
You may need:
A symbol
Say 10 times while touching water:
"Mermaids with your lovely tails.
All our other spells have failed.
Combine your powers with the sea.
The water is our only key.
We're getting bored with human lives.
We want to be in with the tides.
Mermaids when wet, humans when dry,
This is what we most desire.
We won't change when we prespire.
With a top to match our tail.
This spell can never fail.
With the combined thoughts of to be mermaids embossed us forever.
Along with a tail we'll get a great power,
I would like the power (insert power),
With the tail color of (insert tail color).
Whenever we touch water, 10 seconds later, the sea and the spell combine with me,
And fishy sales appear to see.
43 hours after saying this spell,
I will get my mermaid tail"
Make someone fall desperately in love with you. I wouldn't advise because I believe this is fake love and that everyone should find true love. soooo......
You may need:
have a fire set up to put the cauldron on
13 red rose petals
1 dove feather
match and lighter
1 feminine cat hair 1 masculine cat hair
4 puppy hair
sharp scissors
pint orange essence
1 white rose petal
10. 1 half of a black rose petal
1 essence of what has your fav. smell and what you love
(ex. lets say I loved the smell of grass essence of grass and loved books essence of a piece of book or paper. Mail me if you have questions about how to get your essence. :))
1 fourths of a 12 in. purple ribbon
1 2 gallons of purified distilled water
1 a cup of trapped sunlight (mail me if don't know about that)
1 An eyelash, piece of hair, or something like that that is part of you that you love about yourself to add. The bigger the
piece the more they fall in love with you and the more obsessed they get with loving you. They'll never hurt you because they love you though, and they'll always listen to you and be faith full.
You may need:
have a fire set up to put the cauldron on
13 red rose petals
1 dove feather
match and lighter
1 feminine cat hair 1 masculine cat hair
4 puppy hair
sharp scissors
pint orange essence
1 white rose petal
10. 1 half of a black rose petal
1 essence of what has your fav. smell and what you love
(ex. lets say I loved the smell of grass essence of grass and loved books essence of a piece of book or paper. Mail me if you have questions about how to get your essence. :))
1 fourths of a 12 in. purple ribbon
1 2 gallons of purified distilled water
1 a cup of trapped sunlight (mail me if don't know about that)
1 An eyelash, piece of hair, or something like that that is part of you that you love about yourself to add. The bigger the
piece the more they fall in love with you and the more obsessed they get with loving you. They'll never hurt you because they love you though, and they'll always listen to you and be faith full.
Don't put the cauldron on the fire yet. Fill the cauldron with a gallon and 3/4ths. Take the scissors and cut each puppy hair in half. Use a ruler the more exact the better the potion. You should have eight pieces now. Put in 4 of them. Stir with the ladle counterclockwise once and clockwise once. Add a fem. cat hair. Stir once clockwise. Add the rest of the puppy hair while and at the same time as adding the rest of the cat hair. Add half of your orange essence. Then 1 red rose petal. Stir 5 times clockwise and then 1 time counterclockwise, then 1/2 clockwise, then 4 times counterclockwise. Add the 1/2 of a black rose petal. Stir 1/2 times counterclockwise. Then put in the dove feather. Stir 10 times clockwise. Get a 12 in. purple ribbon. Take the scissors and cut it into fourths, so 3 in. per piece. Drop in 1 of the pieces. Put in the essence that smells good and the essence that you love. Drop in another piece of ribbon. Then put in the white rose petal. Then another part of the ribbon. Then the rest of your orange essence except 1 tiny piece. Then the last piece of ribbon. Stir cauldron 7 times real fast clockwise, 2 times real fast counterclockwise, 6 times clockwise real fast, 7 times counterclockwise real fast. This should create a magical vortex dead center of the cauldron that is The Connecting Of The Junctions Of Time. Pour the sunlight right into the center of the vortex. Have the sunlight ready but don't uncap till then because then the sunlight will get pulled up to the sky. After the sunlight goes in the vortex will immediately spin backwards real fast and then stop abruptly. Stir once either clockwise or counter, which ever one your heart chooses. Put the cauldron on the fire. Stir 2 times clockwise. Put in your piece of yourself. Add the rest of the rose petals. Put in the leftover 1/4 of the gallon of water. Take out the match and lighter. Light it. Hold it up to the potion. Light the top of the potion. Flames with leap out. Don't recoil. Let the flames encircle your face. They are comforting. The flames will then retreat back to the top of the potion and sink into the potion but really disappear. When the last bit of flame is gone the potion will be a smooth drink that is the most good looking color in your mind. Put it in bottles. Then give one to your crush. Remember, you don't have to go through with this.
Say, ''love is the key, I now see, let me be free. Love is the key, I now see, let me be free, love is the key, I now see, let me be free, so more it be and you'll get asked out by your crush tommorow.
This is a divination spell that could point you to your answers to the questions you posed. As with any spells and rituals in magick workings, if you don't try you wouldn't know the results.
You may need:
One small piece of paper for each of the possible answers to your question. (Yes, you'll need to write down each of the possible answers to your question.)
One small coin for each of the possible answers to your question.
1 small, fresh twig stripped of all its leaves.
1/2 teaspoon of tea leaves
A pencil
A lighter (or matches)
A baking pan
3 White candles
You may need:
One small piece of paper for each of the possible answers to your question. (Yes, you'll need to write down each of the possible answers to your question.)
One small coin for each of the possible answers to your question.
1 small, fresh twig stripped of all its leaves.
1/2 teaspoon of tea leaves
A pencil
A lighter (or matches)
A baking pan
3 White candles
Step 1
Fill the pan halfway with water and place it on a flat surface, like a table.
Step 2
Sprinkle the tea leaves over the top of the water.
Step 3
Light all 3 candles.
Step 4
Close your eyes and ask your question in your mind.
Visualize the situation you are asking about clearly...
Step 5
Leave the pan and tea leaves and candles undisturbed for 1 hour. (Keep an eye on the candles and make sure they are ok...)
Step 6
After an hour, take each small piece of paper and write 1 possible "answer" to your question on each.
(I.e. you could just have 2 pieces of paper...and you write "YES" or "NO" on each. could have multiple "choices" in your multiple job opportunities to pursue...or a few different love interests to choose from.)
Step 7
Arrange the pieces of paper evenly spaced and face down on the table around the pan.
(The paper must be face down, or the spell wont work)
Step 8
Next, take each coin and dip it in the water.
After having dipped each coin, lay it on each of the pieces of paper.
Step 9
Take the fresh twig and break it to a longth short enough so that it fits inside the pan with plenty of room to spare.
(NOTE: Dont get it wet yet!!)
Step 10
With your lighter or a match, scorch one end of the careful.
The scorched end is the "pointing" end.
Step 11
Hold the twig, scorched end down, above the pan (about 24 inches above the pan), and drop it into the pan.
Step 12
Allow the twig to float freely...when it stops and remains in one position, determine which of the pieces of paper the "scorched" end of the twig is pointing "closest" to.
Take care of your skin
This is like a kit that you use when you need it, so you wont need to make it everytime you need it.
You may need:
Warm water
1 Towel
Foot Srub
Body Mist
2 Containers ( One big one small)
A Bowl
A Box (optional)
You may need:
Warm water
1 Towel
Foot Srub
Body Mist
2 Containers ( One big one small)
A Bowl
A Box (optional)
Put warm water into 1 of the containers and set aside with towel. Put your foot scrub into the bowl and put in some body mist. Mix. Put in your lotion and some more body mist. Mix.
Now you've made it, this is how you USE it.
Take your warm water and towel and put them in front of you. Make sure the towel DOES NOT get wet in this part. Theres alot of diffrent ways to do this depending on where your need to use it. Let's say you need to this on your feet. Sit in a chair and put your feet in the water. Now put your feet on the towel. Put a little mixture on each foot and scrub on in circular motion. Rinse in warm water. Pat dry with towel. Put extra in second container.
Imagine a fairy of your choice coming to you and chant this 3 times "Fairy of (Power you want.) come to me and help me and be my friend ". You can ask him/her to leave by saying good bye when you want him/her back say "Fairy come back to me and be my friend."
Go to your room and sit on your bed. Lie down and hold the picture up and stare at it. Chant his name 5 times or her name. Lie the picture down.
Meditate for 5 minutes thinking about him running up to you and saying "I love you". Call him her on the phone. Tell him your affection hang up as soon as you say it. He will try to call you back. Ignore
Wait till next day to call him. Tell him you love him and chant in your head him saying "I love you too". He will confess his feelings.
This spell will tame a snake ( does not work with wild jungle snakes).
You may need:
Green candle
Snake tooth
You may need:
Green candle
Snake tooth
Light the green candle then burn the snake tooth as you chant: "Oh god of nature! Grant me and my slithery companion ever lasting friendship" Then wave the tooth over the snake three times and will the spell to work.