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2988 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2988 Love Spells
2988 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2988 Love Spells
  1. Fire Pixie Dust
  2. Physical and Spiritual Connection
  3. Grant Power
  4. Instant Love Brew
  5. Forgetting A Once-Loved
  6. Dedicate yourself to Satan
  7. Key to Your Heart
  8. Inner Beauty
  9. Eye Changing
  10. Help yourself Find Love

#911 - Fire Pixie Dust

This Spell will give you a bottle of Fire Pixie Dust
You may need:

  • Red,Orange,Yellow glitter
  • Purple food dye
  • Water
  • Paper
  • Cursed pen
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Red,Orange,Yellow glitter
  • Purple food dye
  • Water
  • Paper
  • Cursed pen
  • Voice
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    First you take the Water dye it purple then dump all of the glitter in.
    Next take the Paper and draw what the finished product will look like with the cursed pen.Now with your voice say

    ''All elements Air,Water,Earth,Fire ablaze I ask of one wish from the Fire pixies,Fairy's a glow.The Fire i seek the fire I know now that I see the third eye of thee.''

    Now after you do this wait until the water evaporates and then you will have the finish product that you drew on the paper.

    Added to on Nov 22, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #912 - Physical and Spiritual Connection

    A spell that allows you and someone else to connect your physical or spiritual bodies.
    You may need:

  • A pen or a marker (a permanent marker if possible)
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    You may need:

  • A pen or a marker (a permanent marker if possible)
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    This spell is used to encorage the other person aking part in this ritual to stop self harming. If they self harm under the effects of this ritual, the other person will end up getting hurt too. Do this at your own risk.

    The two of you either should either stand or sit opposite each other in a quite room. Although this is not technically required, it does help strengthening the connection.Make sure you both are looking deep into each others eyes and concentrate on the others body and soul. Clear both your minds and imagine both your auras intertwining and connecting between you both.

    Once you both feel a strong bond forming. Take out the pen or marker and draw a symbol, word or phrase that means something to you both on each others wrist. (I believe a butterfly usually works best, also don't worry about breaking eye contact, its important you draw a good symbol, your focus on the bond is much more important as well.)

    Once the symbol, word or phrase has been drawn, look into each others eyes again and hold onto each others wrists, covering the symbols with your hands. Imagine your auras rushing into each others bodys through this link and say the words "through this, our bodies are now one."

    Slowly let go and visualize a cord of energy connecting you both together by the wrists. Like I said before, this is a spell that should be used in order to encourage another to stop self harming. If they self harm, the other person will feel it too. Knowing this the person who self harms should stop self harming and get out of the habit.

    Washing the symbol off of it fading away does not break the bond. In order to break the bond, foll these steps: Hold each others wrists covering the symbols (or at least where they used to be) and look into each others eyes, visualizing both your auras and the bond between you both.

    Say the words "With this, we sever our bonds" and let go of each others wrists, visualizing the cord breaking as you let go. Wash the symbol off if you still have it, if you don't, its a good idea to give your wrists a good clean anyway.

    Added to on Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #913 - Grant Power

    This spell either strengthens the casters magic or gives the caster a new power.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Water
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Water
  • Bowl
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    Write down on the piece of paper these three things

    1. Name
    2. Date
    3. The power you wish to be granted

    Say thses words whilst standing up straight
    "I ask the gods and goddesses above for
    The power of __________.This is my wish
    So note it be. Ad Aurora."

    Fold the paper 3 times and drop it into the bowl of water.let it sit there for 3 minutes. Bury the paper in the ground.

    Added to on Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #914 - Instant Love Brew

    An instant love brew for your crush.
    You may need:

  • 6 Love ritual candles
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Cauldron
  • Fire
  • 2 Jericho flowers
  • 3 Lavender flowers
  • Chamomile
  • White sage
  • Peppermint
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    You may need:

  • 6 Love ritual candles
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Cauldron
  • Fire
  • 2 Jericho flowers
  • 3 Lavender flowers
  • Chamomile
  • White sage
  • Peppermint
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    Go outside, and build your small fire. Not very big, because you have to put the cauldron on top, and make a ring around it with the candles. (Not too close to the fire, so that they don't melt.) Now place the cauldron on top and fill it about 1/4 way with water, and bring it to a boil.

    Then bring out the mortar and pestle. Using the mortar and pestle, grind until satisfied, the Jericho, lavender, and white sage, and put them in the boiling cauldron. Now chant this repeatedly 20 times, (getting louder and louder so that by the 20th chant, you are screaming at the top of your lungs):

    "Oh goddess of love grant me this wish, that (your name) and (lover's name) may be together forever with the deepest of love, so mote it be."

    After that, grind the chamomile and peppermint until satisfied, and sprinkle slowly into the brew, and when finished, immediately make a psi ball, and put the energy into the brew. Now stir constantly for at least 10 minutes. When finished, put out the fire, but let the candles burn out. Input this into your lover's food or at least find a way to get them to voluntarily consume it. It will take at least 2 days before this spell will start to work, but when it does, you will know.

    Added to on Nov 19, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 08, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #915 - Forgetting A Once-Loved

    Forget someone who you once loved
    You may need:

  • Picture of you and that person
  • Scissors
  • Fire
  • Purple candle
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    You may need:

  • Picture of you and that person
  • Scissors
  • Fire
  • Purple candle
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    Hold the picture of you and the Once-Loved over the fire of the candle, then cut the Once-Loved out and burn him/her, then chant twice:

    "Anger, sadness, depression, all
    my happiness is what you made fall
    you broke my spirit, but you won't break my soul
    i'll forget you, and never remember you at all!"

    Added to on Nov 19, 2015
    Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #916 - Dedicate yourself to Satan

    This is a spell for someone who wants to become Satans Child. You will get stronger and more powerfull, I did it. It works, and I get love from Satan every day! He helps me with Everything.
    You may need:

  • 1-3 Candles (The best is In the color blue, red or black.
  • Lighter
  • Paper (Large to write the prayer)
  • Razor blade or Needle
  • Take a bath Before the ritual (Shows respect)
  • Alone
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    You may need:

  • 1-3 Candles (The best is In the color blue, red or black.
  • Lighter
  • Paper (Large to write the prayer)
  • Razor blade or Needle
  • Take a bath Before the ritual (Shows respect)
  • Alone
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    This is a serious and a real 100% working ritual, So be careful.
    If you want to become Satans Child and get stronger and telepathy with demons and stuff like that, Then this is what you should do.

    1. Write the following prayer:

    "Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit. I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors."

    2. Light the Candle

    3. Say the prayer loud or in your head.

    4. Let the paper burn from the Candles flame until the whole paper disapears.

    5. Say " So mote it be " and a big HAIL SATAN!

    Side effects:
    1. You will feel Satans energy
    2. if youre depressed it will go away
    3. Stronger
    4. Happy
    5. Not so emotional
    6. Knownledge
    7. Protected

    ( If you have a question then Mail me )

    Added to on Nov 19, 2015
    Last edited on Oct 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #917 - Key to Your Heart

    Works to draw new love to you within a month.
    You may need:

  • 3 candles (gold, silver and red)
  • 2 red roses
  • A horseshoe
  • A key
  • A red silk scarf
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    You may need:

  • 3 candles (gold, silver and red)
  • 2 red roses
  • A horseshoe
  • A key
  • A red silk scarf
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    This is a spell for a Friday night (like most love spells). Light all three candles on your altar, and wrap the roses, horseshoe and key in the silk scarf. Pass the bundle through the heat of the candle flames, ideally without it all catching on fire. Put it in your underwear drawer for 2 weeks. Yes, your underwear drawer.

    After the 2 weeks are up, bury the roses outside and keep the horseshoe and key someplace safe near your bed. They will draw a new love to you within a month.

    Added to on Nov 19, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #918 - Inner Beauty

    Become more attractive to any gender of your choice from what your heart is.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Necklace
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mind
  • Necklace
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    Take a necklace, any one will do. Set it down on a table or the floor. Make a heart with your hands around the necklace and say this (The louder you speak the more attractive you will become):

    "Necklace I have in my possession, I wish for you to change. Hold a power inside that will make me one of a kind. Turn me into beauty, that everyone else will see, make them gaze upon the true beauty I carry within."

    Then put on the necklace and watch as people start to crush on you more often.

    This worked if:
    - Men/Woman seem more attracted
    - Your crush starts talking to you
    - You are being more noticed
    - More people want to hang out with you

    And remember, you may look more pretty to some people, but the true beauty lies inside yourself, so show your inner beauty while people are starting to like you.

    Added to on Nov 18, 2015
    Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #919 - Eye Changing

    Wanna change your eye colour? Easy! Just follow the steps and you will achieve it!
    You may need:

  • Candle of current eye color
  • Candle of desired eye colour
  • 2 cups
  • Food colouring of your current eye colour
  • Food coloring of your desired eye colour
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Candle of current eye color
  • Candle of desired eye colour
  • 2 cups
  • Food colouring of your current eye colour
  • Food coloring of your desired eye colour
  • Voice
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    1. Fill two glasses of water halfway.
    2. Add the colour of your eyes into one of them with food colouring
    3. Add the colour of what you want your eyes to be in the other glass.
    4. Light the 2 candles
    5. Chant:

    "My eyes are dull let them be no more, make them the colour that I adore. Change from (Current colour) to (New colour)and make it fast, please answer my call that's all I ask."

    6. Dump the water that has your new eye colour on the candle that has your old eye colour, and put the other glass in the freezer. Let the second candle burn out on it's own.
    7. After one day take the glass from the freezer, heat it up and then drink it.
    8. Your eyes should change within 24 hours if it worked.

    Added to on Nov 18, 2015
    Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #920 - Help yourself Find Love

    Gain more confidence in your love life!
    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Rose Quartz
  • Mirror
  • Thought of person you love
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Rose Quartz
  • Mirror
  • Thought of person you love
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    In front of the mirror, hold the quartz to you heart and chant this 3 times:

    "You are special,
    Your problems are nothing compared to your spirit.
    You have something that others don't see
    Make yourself believe
    And may love consume this spirit with the aura of a rose
    I, for which, am in love
    With (person's name) and am ready to commit
    Through life in which we will slip
    And the end of our lives is when we will split!."

    Added to on Nov 18, 2015
    Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2988 Love Spells from Spell Casters