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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Love
  2. Herbs of Communication spell
  3. Honey Sweet
  4. Get an Answer
  5. Who Do You Love?
  6. Punish a Lover for Leaving You
  7. Steal Someone's Heart
  8. Win Back an Ex Love
  9. Water Blessed by the Eight
  10. Jelly Bean Army

#2181 - Love

It fills someone with love.
You may need:

  • 1 green candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
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    Oon a friday light a green candle and gaze upon it for 3 minutes or seven. Concentrate, willing your desire, then look away and the light shall remain in view. Will the light into a green heart for love. You will see it form and change color and look upon the target. Let the heart fade into them and speak your desire and with harm to none so shall it be the spell is done. make sure the light is bright enough it will quickly fade away for most people- blessed be.

    Added to on Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 17, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2182 - Herbs of Communication spell

    This is one of my all time favourite spells, easy to cast and all the herbs I have listed are herbs you might have in your spice rack at home or if not they can easily be found in your local supermarket. Enjoy.

    You may need:

  • Something you use to comunicate with. Example : your mobile phone, house phone or even laptop or netbook.
  • A small piece of paper the size of a stamp.
  • A Pen
  • Dill
  • Oregano
  • Caraway
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    You may need:

  • Something you use to comunicate with. Example : your mobile phone, house phone or even laptop or netbook.
  • A small piece of paper the size of a stamp.
  • A Pen
  • Dill
  • Oregano
  • Caraway
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    This isn't just a love spell, A good example of when I cast it was when I was once waiting to hear about a job and I was reckless with worry, everytime my mobile buzzed I would jump on it thinking it was a call to tell me that I had got it, I checked my emails twise a day, everyday. I waited and waited. I was going the way lots of girls go when they have been out on a few dates with someone they REALLY fancy and... not even so much as a "like" on Facebook or an email from him since and no explaination as to why he hasn't got in touch.

    I was like that over a job. CALM DOWN! and do something none related to whatever it is your obsessing about. But It was hard for me as not having any money or a job at the time got me down. So I cast a little spell.

    You need your "comunication tool" or why not use more then one. Your phone or Laptop will do or use whatever you want. Write on the tiny piece of paper either the initials of the person you want to call you or the name of the place if you are waiting for a phone call from for a job and don't know the name of the person who will ring you.Put this piece of paper under your phone or laptop then slowly scatter the herbs in a clockwise direction around your phone.Picture that person picking up their phone and texting you or calling your number or walking over to your computer. What do you want this person to say to you in their message or do you just want them to see how you are with a friendly phone call? Think about it and concentrate.

    "Herbs or Mercury, speed to me the call I wish to receive"

    or you can change the word "call" to "text" or "email" because we live in a busy modern world and texting has, in some cases replaced phone calls and it's how some would rather comunicate. No worries.

    Leave your phone with the herbs scattered around it while you sleep, it's a good idea to turn it off not because of the spell but it's good every once in a while to have "me" time and focus on you. Not the person you want to call you or what outcome you want but you. Plus, getting silly facebook updates from randomers can be a tad annoying when you are trying to get your forty winks!

    Turn the phone on in the morning. DO NOT ATTACH any emotions to the situation go on with your day and you will get your call/ text/ letter/ email. I've tried this spell with friends I havn't heard from in years, Would - be employers and even guys I've dated and It always works. I always get a response and I NEVER call them first, I leave them to get in touch with me.


    Added to on Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2183 - Honey Sweet

    This is a friendship spell that turns into a love spell over time.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • A bowl
  • A teaspoon of Basil
  • Honey
  • A rose
  • A photograph of the one you desire
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • A bowl
  • A teaspoon of Basil
  • Honey
  • A rose
  • A photograph of the one you desire
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    This spell is best to be cast on a Friday as with all love spells. In work all day Friday? Busy Friday night? - Of course you are! Try and cast on a waxing moon (meaning the moon is getting fuller.) or full moon during the day or night it doesn't really matter just make sure you have the right moon phase for this spell cast - Lets get started!

    Stand the candle in the bowl, make it nice and stable so it won't wobble or fall over, then pour in your lovely sweet honey (blessed by the goddess of love and passion and sure to make this man fall head over heels for you and your charms - honey is made by bees who represent family and strong bonds to one another.)

    Put your beautiful rose in your honey (This rose represents you, so make sure you pick your favorite rose. I have cast this spell wise, I used pink for friendly flirting and red for passion later on because I wanted to get to know this person as a friend first however, if you feel like going in head first go for a bright red rose and watch the sparks fly!)

    Place the photo of your deviously sexy man (who you want all to yourself) in the honey make sure he's covered in it. So now you have your photo and rose in your bowl of honey with your candle standing up in the bowl. Sprinkle a little basil to create lots of happy times over his picture. Light your candle while saying his name.

    Then say "Love me, love me. Our love will be sweet like honey. Come to me, come to me"

    Picture that persons face as you say this , think about their smile and their eyes and the sound of their voice, if you have only spoken to them in email and text think about what he has written and visualize him sending you love messages sitting at his computer or looking at his phone. - Use your imagination on what you would like to do with this person, either in a sexual or non sexual way.

    At this point you might like to think of things that will reinforce your magic, example: Has this person given you anything of theirs to keep? (If so you may already be on to a winner!) or even if it's something they have held that has their energy (I'm not saying steal from them by any means!- a piece of paper with their handwriting will do!) a little bit of a personal touch will help direct your magic in the right place. The guy I cast this spell on was in a band and I had their music on my iPod from years ago so the sound of him playing guitar was excellent for my spell cast and made me realize once again about his wonderful musical talents!

    After you have a clear vision of this person and you have concentrated your energy and power on them. Let the candle burn itself out right down until the honey sinks into it.

    Next, dig a deep hole in your garden, it's a nice idea to bury your bowl near a rose bush or even better a creeping vine or ivy plant (as this represents loyalty and strong faithful love.) Bury your bowl and everything in it and say:

    "This spell is done with harm to none."

    This will leave your man in a perfect state of honey sweet bliss whenever he sees you or thinks of you and he will contact you or you will have a chance meeting with him.

    Added to on Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2184 - Get an Answer

    This spell helps you get an answer about a situation you're in.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    On the evening of a full moon, form a circle with the index of your dominate hand. Raise your arm until you can see the moon in the circle thus formed and say the words.

    "Good moon, Round moon
    Full moon that appears,
    Let me foresee the future."

    Look at the moon. Ask your question. You will receive an answer within 7 days.

    Added to on Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 02, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2185 - Who Do You Love?

    Find out who your friends and family like.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Find the person you want to know who they like. Stare into their eyes for a few seconds and think about their secrets and you slowly get into their mind and you get to find out who they love.

    Added to on Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2186 - Punish a Lover for Leaving You

    All’s fair in love and war. If your lover treated you poorly, then broke up with you, use this spell to get your revenge. This spell is specifically for women to cast on men, but you can substitute the ingredients where appropriate for any gender you like.
    You may need:

  • 2 black candles
  • 1 phallic red candle
  • dragon's blood incense
  • 1 rose with thorns
  • Nails, screws, thumbtacks, safety pins, and other small, pointy objects
  • A personal possession from the target
  • An inverted pentagram
  • A small trash bag
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    You may need:

  • 2 black candles
  • 1 phallic red candle
  • dragon's blood incense
  • 1 rose with thorns
  • Nails, screws, thumbtacks, safety pins, and other small, pointy objects
  • A personal possession from the target
  • An inverted pentagram
  • A small trash bag
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    Carve the name of your target on the phallic red candle. Cast your magic circle. It should contain an inverted pentagram with the spirit point facing south. Light the incense.

    Place the two black candles on the fire and water points of your pentagram. Holding the bottom with your trash bag, light the phallic red candle and use it to light the two other candles; be sure to do so in a counter-clockwise (right to left) rotation. Then, place the red candle across from you on the opposite side of the circle, with the name of your target facing you.

    Smooth the trash bag over the center of your pentagram. Pass the personal possession from your target through the incense smoke, then toss it cavalierly into the trash bag.

    Hold the rose by its stem over the flame from your candle, allowing it to color as it burns without lighting on fire. As you do, visualize your former lover experiencing an agonizing burning sensation in their genitals. Then, cut the rose into three pieces, leaving the petals attached to one piece, and toss them one by one into the trash bag with their personal possession. As you do, recite the following incantation:

    "Red rose, red rose, with thorns so thick,
    Cut, slice, graze and prick
    As I have cried, now so shall they
    Make pleasure they feel now turn to pain

    Let them suffer this awful fate
    Pray that their apology does not come late
    For if they do not pay their dues
    They’ll find themselves broken beyond any use"

    Close your magic circle. Snuff out your candles in a counter-clockwise rotation. Place the candle remainders in the trash with the rest of the reagents. Tie the bag shut and dispose of it in a crude place, like a dumpster or a sewer drain, to literally and metaphorically say good riddance to bad trash.

    Expect the spell to take effect within a week. The spell’s effects usually last between three days and a full lunar cycle, depending on the intensity of your hatred for the victim.

    Added to on Nov 10, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2187 - Steal Someone's Heart

    If you desire someone, but they don’t desire you back (or are otherwise unavailable), use this spell to ignite the spark.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 2 black candles
  • 1 incense
  • 1 black cloth
  • 1 personal possession from the target
  • Boline
  • Blood
  • Black string
  • 1 inverted pentagram
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 2 black candles
  • 1 incense
  • 1 black cloth
  • 1 personal possession from the target
  • Boline
  • Blood
  • Black string
  • 1 inverted pentagram
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    Carve the name of your target on the red candle. Cast your magic circle. It should contain an inverted pentagram with the spirit point facing south. Light the incense.

    Place the two black candles on the fire and water points of your pentagram. Then, wrap your black cloth around the base of the red candle and light it. Use the flame from your red candle to light the two other candles; be sure to do so in a counter-clockwise (right to left) rotation. Then, place the red candle across from you on the opposite side of the circle, with the name of your target facing you.

    Smooth the black cloth over the center of your pentagram. Pass the personal possession from your target through the incense smoke, then place it on the black cloth. Envision your target and all of the attributes you find most desirable about them. Think lustful thoughts of the two of you together. If the target is in a relationship with someone else, imagine your target breaking away from them to be with you.

    Fold the black cloth over the personal possession. Tie three knots in the black string from right to left, then tie it around the black cloth until it is bundled shut. Raise your power hand over the bundle. Make a small incision in your fingertip with your boline. Gently squeeze the corners of the incision to generate a drop of blood. Anoint the bundle with three droplets of your blood. As you do, recite the following incantation:

    "The pain of this wound
    Shall reflect unto thee
    And the love borne of it
    Shall come unto me
    As I will it, so mote it be"

    Close your magic circle. Snuff out your candles in a counter-clockwise rotation. Place the bundle and the candle remainders someplace you'll see it once or twice a day, like a dresser drawer or a medicine cabinet. For the next full calendar week, every time you see the bundle, touch it with your power hand and observe a moment of silence to visualize your target. After a week, hide it someplace safe. If the bundle is discovered by the target, destroyed, or lost, the effect will wear off.

    Added to on Nov 10, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2188 - Win Back an Ex Love

    This spell will help you reconnect with your Ex.
    You may need:

  • Purple potato
  • Hair (of your ex)
  • Dark chocolate morsels
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • Purple potato
  • Hair (of your ex)
  • Dark chocolate morsels
  • Knife
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    Create a Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. Potato Head with a knife and a purple potato. We use purple because it is the color of power. Place a hair clipping of your ex on top of the head to create a magical link.

    This is known as poppet magic and is very powerful way to influence someone. Witches design poppets out of cloth, but in Neolithic times potatoes were use as poppets. The poppet is then stuffed with appropriate herbs for healing, love, revenge and so on to create the desired effect upon the subject.

    Carve a hole in the back of the potato head and fill it with chocolate morsels. Then carve your name deeply across the forehead. Whenever your name comes to mind,your ex will experience the endorphin rush that chocolate brings. Feelings of love for you will once again manifest. You can also use a second potato and carve a heart on its surface. Fill the heart with chocolate morsels as well to reopen his or her heart to you.

    Keep the poppet under your pillow or on your love altar until this person returns to you.

    Added to on Nov 07, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2189 - Water Blessed by the Eight

    An incantation to empower water with the forces of nature for use in spells, rituals and incantations
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen (preferably thick marker pen)
  • Clear glass or cup
  • Water
  • 8 small white candles
  • Matches or lighter
  • Air tight container (plastic water bottle will do if cleaned)
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen (preferably thick marker pen)
  • Clear glass or cup
  • Water
  • 8 small white candles
  • Matches or lighter
  • Air tight container (plastic water bottle will do if cleaned)
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    Before starting this spell make sure you are not tiered and that you will not be disturbed during your casting. This spell take up a lot of your energy and can quickly exhaust you if you aren’t careful, do whatever rituals you feel will boost your energy before starting. Also make sure that were you start the spell won’t be disturbed, won’t have gusts of wind or sudden leaks as the candles will have to burn out naturally which depending on the candle will take hours.

    First make a circle using think black marker pen on a large piece of paper, inside draw an octagram (8 pointed stars). At each point of the star beyond the circle draw a symbol representing each of the following elements, starting at the top and moving clockwise: fire, life, earth, darkness, water, death, air and light. Make sure that the centre of the star is large enough to place a glass or cup. Place a clear glass or cup at the centre of the star. Fill the container with water. The water should be, preferably, filtered and boiled.

    Place your hands parallel to the glass, palms pointing towards the glass. Visualise a chord of white energy going from your hands to the water. Now feel the energy flow from your hands to the water. Now start visualising the water change and chant as follows:

    First see the water change into flames and chant:
    Oh lord of fire bless this water with the power of fire and the power of flames
    Oh Lord of fire, bless this water for when I empower my rituals with fire and heat
    Oh lord of fire, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and take warmth from them
    Oh lord of fire, bless this water for when I use it on the sick and bring warmth to them
    Oh lord of fire empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may burn with the power of the stars

    See the water glow with a pale blue-green light (and maybe crawling with creatures):
    Oh lord of life bless this water with the power of life and the power of growth
    Oh Lord of life, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may grow in power
    Oh lord of life, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and take vitality from them
    Oh lord of life, bless this water for when I use it on the sick bring life back to them
    Oh lord of life empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may be one with all the living

    See the water turned muddy and filled with earth:
    Oh lord of earth bless this water with the power of earth and the strength of mountains
    Oh Lord of earth, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may stand the test of time
    Oh lord of earth, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and make their bones brittle and crumble to dust
    Oh lord of earth, bless this water for when I use it on the sick and give them stability in life
    Oh lord of earth empower this water for when I use it on my spells so that they may shake the ground beneath my feet

    See the water turn pitch black:
    Oh lord of darkness bless this water with the power of darkness and shadows
    Oh Lord of darkness, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may be one with the night
    Oh lord of darkness, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies it may cloud their vision with shadows
    Oh lord of darkness, bless this water for when I use it on the sick may they get comfort in the darkness
    Oh lord of darkness empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may ebb beyond into the gulfs between the stars

    See the water turn deep blue:
    Oh Lord of Water bless this water with your power and the power of the oceans
    Oh Lord of water, bless this water for when I empower my rituals they may reach every drop
    Oh lord of water, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and make them unable to quench their thirst
    Oh lord of water, bless this water for when I use it on the sick, let your power wash away their illness
    Oh lord of water empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may have the power of the oceans and the seas

    See the water turn grey and cloudy:
    Oh lord of death bless this water with the power of death and of those beyond the grave
    Oh Lord of death, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may reach the other side
    Oh lord of death, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies so your shadow hangs over them
    Oh lord of death, bless this water for when I use it on the sick so they may no longer feel your presence over them
    Oh lord of death empower this water for when I use it on my spells they can cross the barrier that separates the living from the dead

    See the water be filled with air and bubbles:
    Oh lord of air bless this water with the power of air and the sky above
    Oh Lord of air, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may reach the clouds
    Oh lord of air, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies and take their breath from their lungs
    Oh lord of air, bless this water for when I use it on the sick let them breathe with ease
    Oh lord of air empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may soar into the sky and beyond

    See the water glow brightly with white light:
    Oh lord of light bless this water with the power of light and vision
    Oh Lord of light, bless this water for when I empower my rituals so they may allow me to see all that I must
    Oh lord of light, curse this water for when I use it on my enemies, and shine your light on all they wish to keep hidden
    Oh lord of light, bless this water for when I use it on the sick let them see they will get well soon
    Oh lord of light empower this water for when I use it on my spells so they may brighten the world

    Visualise and chant each step 8 times, make sure you keep the cords of energy from your hands flowing into the water the whole time, ensuring a constant flow of energy into the water. Make sure you keep your hands as still as possible throughout the chanting and the visualisation. When you finished chanting for the last time, break the chord of energy from your hands to the water slowly before releasing your hands and moving on to the next step

    Then place a small white candle on each point of the octagram, lit them and visualise a white chord of energy going towards the water from the flame. Make sure the candles won’t drip wax on the symbols or the octagram. Visualise drops of the element changed water craw from the candle to the water up along the white chord. So a burning drop from the candle over the fire symbol, a black drop from the candle over the darkness symbol and so on. Visualise all the candles having continuous drops going to the water for about a minute. After this leave the water alone. Let the water rest until the candles have all burnt themselves out. Finally bottle the water in an airtight container for later use.

    So points:
    Do not drink this water; label the container to prevent others from drinking it
    Store it in a cool dark place if possible
    If you failed to use it before 2 months have passed, throw it away and bless a new batch
    When you finished blessing the water you should always sincerely thank the powers you call upon
    Finally make sure that when you place the candles there isn’t anything flammable nearby, you are going to let them burn out while you can relax at that point in the spell, you should not leave candles unattended

    Added to on Nov 06, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2190 - Jelly Bean Army

    The title says it all! Summon an army of jelly beans.
    You may need:

  • Jelly beans
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Jelly beans
  • Bowl
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    Take a hand full of jelly beans. Put them in the bowl of some sort. Look them in the eye. Say 3 times: "Jelly Beans at my side, make my danger never collide, protect me, so mote it be!"

    This spell actually works. They won't move but they will when you are in danger.

    Added to on Nov 06, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters