Chop the frost giants eye in pieces. Cut the snow flake in two, then put the toe in a pot. Then put the snow flake pieces in a pot. Then put the frost giants eye pieces in a pot. Mix them together. Then splash it on someone or something.
#2223 - Prayer/Spell To Help Find Your Spititual Path
Found the spell while web surfing one day and just decided that i should add it so you guys can reap the benefits of this spell.
You may need:
Just yourself and peace and quiet so you can focus
You may need:
Just yourself and peace and quiet so you can focus
Just say this chant as many times you wish, i so recomend doing it 3 to 10 times. Just to be safe.
''By the Powers that be,
Lead me to my path, make it clear to see,
On this spititual journey i am about to embark,
Guide me through the dark,
In my mind's eye, as clear as day,
I can see my path, Divinity has shown me the way.
Regardless of which road i take, i will always walk hand-in-hand with Divinity,
This is my will, So Mote It Be.''
This spell will help someone else find a new love.
You may need:
2 red candles, 1 orange candle, voice, concentration(:
You may need:
2 red candles, 1 orange candle, voice, concentration(:
Place the candles in a line, haveing the orange one in the middle. Concentrate on your freind or person u want to send a new love to being happy with someone and falling inlove and being in a happy relationship. Then chant, ''a new love is what he/she seeks, a true love is what he/she needs. Send love there way, no harm done, mote it be.'' Say that several times still concentrateing.. then when your done blow out the candles!:)
Take the pin, and carve your love's full name into all three candles. Set the candles in a triangle around your altar pentacle. white at the top, pink on the right, and red on the left.
Take the chalice and set it between you and the altar pentacle, and fill it with water. Next light the candles, white, then pink, then red. and focus all your energy on the triangle.
Dearest Aine, goddess of love and beauty, hear my plea.
I've found the one, the love of my life, and all I want is their love.
Let me know their love and touch, let me feel the warmth of love.
Make them mine, all mine, I beg, this is my wish. please hear me.
Take a sip of water.
Then pour the melted wax into the bowl keeping the candles lit.
then say it again.
drink another sip of water.
Pour the wax
Continue alternating between saying the spell and taking a sip of water then pour the wax. Say the chant, take a sip,pour the wax; say it again take another sip pour the wax. Continue doing this until the chalice is empty. Even after the chalice is empty continue saying the chant and pouring the wax until the bowl of wax is full.
When the bowl is full, carve a heart into the bowl of wax, and your and your lover's initials.
#2226 - Spell to bring two people closer in Freindship
This spell will make two people become good friends.
You may need:
Brown candle, yellow peice of construction paper' pen, lighter.
You may need:
Brown candle, yellow peice of construction paper' pen, lighter.
Light the brown candle infront of the yellow peice of paper. Visaulize the two people getting closer(: then write both there names down and write under nearth there names bestfreinds then under bestfreinds write mote it be! Then chant ''I call upon the universe for these two.people to bind togetther closer in freindship. Fold it 3 times away from you. Then burn it. :)
This Spell Will Have The Person Of Choice Ask The Other Person Out, And Start A Happy, Beautiful, Long Lasting Realtionship.!! (Can Be Used On Yourself To)
You may need:
.4 red candles
.1 yellow candle
.1 white candle
.2 oarange candles
.1 pink candle
.Pink or red rose petals.. (Or any kind of petals)
You may need:
.4 red candles
.1 yellow candle
.1 white candle
.2 oarange candles
.1 pink candle
.Pink or red rose petals.. (Or any kind of petals)
Put The Red Candles In A Circle Or Any Shape You Want. Then, Take the 2 oarange Candles and Put One Behind One Of The Red Candles. Then Take The Other Oarange One, And Put It Behind Another One Of The Red Candles. Take The White Candle And Put It Any wear You Would Like To Put It, Put the Yellow Candle Behind It Or Beside It. Put The Pink candles In The Center Of The Circle Or Whatever Shape You Made Then, Put The Petals All Around The Pink Candle. Light The Candles, Focas On The Person Asking The Person Out And Staying Togetther Happily For A Verry Long Time.( Wisper the names f The People in your head or outloud 3-5 times Then Chant, ''She Wants Him, And He Wants Her, So Why Wait? Take Her By The Hand, Ask Her Out, Love Her. And Start A Long Lasting Happy Realationship. No Harm Done, Mote It Be'' Then Blow Out The Candles!!! :) Hope It Works For You, It Worked For Me Trying To Get My Two Freinds Togetther!
This is a simple spell that has been around forever. (dated before 300 .A.D.)
You may need:
Parchment or Paper
Pen or pencil
You may need:
Parchment or Paper
Pen or pencil
Write this on a piece of parchment and put it around the neck of an individual who is sick or has a fever. The fever will then disappear just as the word does.
This spells will give you immortality and the ability to control the elements.
You may need:
1 Black Onyx Ring
1 knife
5 candles red,black,white,blue, green
1oz Dragons blood soap
You may need:
1 Black Onyx Ring
1 knife
5 candles red,black,white,blue, green
1oz Dragons blood soap
Draw a pentagram on the floor or a big sheet of card board. Place the five candles on the points of the pentagram and light them one at a time and say: "Gods and Goddesses I call upon you to protect me until my task is done, protect me from harm hear my call so mote it be".
Place the ring in the middle of the pentagram sit there for a minute or two. Visualize what age you want to remain and you never get sick or die from anything in this mortal realm. Visualize what elements you want to control when wearing the ring.
Pick up the knife and cut your hand or anywhere you are comfortable with. Then visualize what you want from the life essence of the blood to into enchant into the ring. Then say this chant while you drip the blood on the ring : "Gods and goddesses with this blood sacrifice I enchant this ring with immortality. May I never age, get sick, or die. I enchant this ring with the ability to control the elements."
Let the ring sit with the blood on it until the closing of the circle is complete. Clean your wound and bandage it up, the clean the ring with dragons blood soap and put on the ring to charge it with your energy to seal the binding of the ring to your soul and body.