3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Crush Rocks
- Apple Love Spell
- Make Your Future Parents in-law Like You
- A Feelings Spell
- Make Your Crush Love You
- Infidelity Test for a Woman
- Infidelity Test for a Man
- Apple Love Divination
- Love Spell
- Move to Me
#2291 - Crush Rocks
Fill the sink/pot up with hot water . Take the petals through them in wile chanting : " yellow is for love yellow is for love." Rip the maple leaf in 2 parts , through them in. Put the rocks in and say: " this rock is for me , this rock is for (name of your crush)." Keep one rock give 1 to your crush.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2292 - Apple Love Spell
#2293 - Make Your Future Parents in-law Like You
Tell them that you deeply love their child, and you will never hurt them. Tell them you love them too, because they are your second set of parents. Be gentle. Be convincing.
If you are a woman, go shopping with his mother and buy her lunch. If you are a man, go to sports games with her father.
Dress nicely, not too sexy, not too fancy. Don't say things like 'Babe' and 'Sexy', say things like 'My dear' and 'Darling'. Do not swear around her parents. Call her mother 'Madame' or 'Miss' and her father 'Sir'.
Give your fiance daily calls, and call her/his parents to give them the impression that you care about their well being. They will do exactly the same thing back. They should love you by the time the wedding comes around.
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2294 - A Feelings Spell
''Love-Deities I ask of thee,
To make __Name__ realise his/her feelings for me,
His/her feelings of love,
To soar like the peace of a dove,
Show how he/she feels about me,
But only real they can be,
To never break the rede,
This is my wish to hope his/her feelings are true,
So mote it be.''
Thank the Love-Deities and snuff out the candles.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2295 - Make Your Crush Love You
Take out a piece of paper then write down your crushes name in the middle of the. Paper with the red or pink marker. If you don't have red or pink marker you can use a red pen.
Then after that draw a BIG heart over it ( not to big ) then draw little tinny hearts around the big heart ( as many as you want ) Then say:
"Oh, your gorgeous face I wish to hold you in my sweet embrace. May the Goddess bring your soul to me because you and I were meant to be. So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 02, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2296 - Infidelity Test for a Woman
Wrap the anklet in plastic wrap. Make two strings of 20 twist ties each. Braid them with the string from the chicken, starting with the string in the middle. Bind your gift with the braid. Watch closely as she opens it.
If she breaks the string, she will not be faithful. If she tears the plastic wrap, she will break your heart. When the anklet is revealed, if she puts it on herself, she is selfish in bed or hard to satisfy. If she asks you to help, you shall both be happy and faithful.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2297 - Infidelity Test for a Man
First thing in the morning, serve him breakfast. In bed or in the kitchen. Set the box of corn flakes right in front of his face so he can clearly see the logo, the rooster. Pour the cereal in the bowl and ask him if he's still seeing the other woman.
Peel the banana and tell him you wish he'd stop. Slice the banana into the bowl, this is a good time to mention an article you read about John Bobbitt if you wish and both know who he is. Gently kiss him on the forehead and tell him you love him as you drop the strawberries in the bowl. As you pour the milk, tell him to think of the children, if you have them.
Then sit quietly as he eats. If the last piece of fruit he eats is a banana, within one year he will leave you for her. If it's strawberry, he will end the affair. If its both, he will not end the affair but not leave you either.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2298 - Apple Love Divination
To learn the initial of a future lover, peel an apple without letting the peel break. Hold the peel in your right hand and chant "Saint Simon and Saint Jude, on you I intrude, with this paring to discover, the first letter of my own true lover." Turn around three times counterclockwise and throw the peel over your left shoulder. The peel should fall in the shape of your future lovers initial. Or hang the peel inside a door, the first person to walk through will have the same initial as your future love.
To find the location of your future partner, place an apple seed in your left hand, cover it with your right, and shake while chanting, "apple seed, apple seed, of the apple tree, tell me where my true love will be. North, south, east or west, apple seed, apple seed, answer my request." Open your palm and the pointed end of the seed will point to your love.
To predict the initials of your future spouse twist an apple stem, saying the alphabet. The letter you are on when the stem breaks is the first initial. Then tap the broken end of the stem against the apple, again reciting the alphabet, when the skin breaks, you will have the second initial.
If you must choose between two lovers, cut an apple in half, take two whole seeds, and designate one to each lover. Press them to your forehead. The one who sticks the longest loves you the most.
To determine if someone loves you, eat an apple until you reach a seed. Remove it and give it the name of your intended. Use a pin to write the name on a candle. Light the candle and drop the seed into the flame. If it makes a cracking sound, they can hardly contain their feelings for you.
Take an apple seed and give it the name of your lover. Place it in the embers of a fire. If it pops, they love you. If it burns silently, true love is absent.
To see if a couple will marry, place two seeds in the embers. If both shoot off in the same direction, they will marry. If the seeds part company, so will the couple. If the seeds burn silently, a proposal will never be heard.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2299 - Love Spell
2. Wear colors above
3.meditate about what you want from your partner
4. chant:
''May we be..
May we be filled with loving kindness
May we be well
May we be peaceful and at ease
May we be happy
( add anything else you want starting with may we..)
#2300 - Move to Me
Sit in a dark room and think of the person you wish to bring the feelings to. Think of what they look like and why they make you love him or her. Light the candle and stare at the flame. Then start to say these words loudly.
"As I think of you,
Please think of me.
As I move towards you,
Will you move to me?
As I call your name,
I send mine to you.
Let us be together in love,
And harm none,
So mote it be"
Repeat this and slowly get quieter until you are saying it in your head. Then blow out the candle and watch the smoke drift away.
Last edited on Dec 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.