2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
- To Bring About Compromise
- Flowerpot
- Make Your Own Wand
- Break Up A Couple
- Break Up A Relationship
- Truth About Your Friendship
- Reconnects A Broken Love Bond
- Message in a Bottle
- Crystal Enchant
#2401 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.
Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:
"As this hour passes 'round
Be these words forever bound
Bar the lies that seek an ear
Let the truth be all I hear"
After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.
* Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2402 - To Bring About Compromise
To perform this spell, light the candle and ask that only the most benevolent spirits of compromise and agreements come forth and be present in your Magick working. Give thanks to these spirits. Next, while thinking of the situation in which you need a compromise, chant:
Through ( their minds / his / her mind ) send,
Compliant thoughts, and kindness lend,
To ( their hearts / his / her heart ), decisions mend.
From pure lies, a compromise rend".
If you performed the spell correctly, the flame on the candle should do something very forward to let you know that the spell has indeed taken effect.
For instance: one example would be if the flame dims, completely canceling the reflection of the flame's light on the candle's surface, and then comes back alive to resume all candle light, both reflective and otherwise, then that would be a definite sign from above that your spell has taken effect.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2403 - Flowerpot
Consecrate the coin bless it with salt water before you do the ritual take the coin outside in the moonlight, hold it in the light and focus your thoughts on the one you desire falling in love with you. Once you feel ready, take the coin inside and cast the circle. Place the coin inside the pot, put the soil inside the pot and plant the seeds.
If the seeds take root and grow the spell will work. If they die after a short while or don't sprout at all, it wasn't meant to be.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2404 - Make Your Own Wand
Grab your stick/Unsharpened pencil. Put a circle around it made of rope or anything else. Then say this; ''Witches one and witches all hear me I wish to make this stick into a magical wand right here in this place on this night grant this wand with magical powers. So mote it be".
Say it three times. There you go!
Last edited on May 25, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2405 - Break Up A Couple
Point to the couple and say:
"Abra maloosis,
Tell the couple I said deuces,
They do not belong together,
Let them break up forever"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2406 - Break Up A Relationship
Point to the couple (or person if you want to break up the relationship you're in) and say:
"Sorry, I have to break up the relationship
I don't mean for it to be a battleship
I hope nothing but the best
So mote it be!"
If you broke up a couple and now you want the person to fall in love with you, point to the person and say:
"Now I broke up your couple
So now you're meant for me
No longer can you hate my sins
See that we are meant to be!"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2407 - Truth About Your Friendship
Point your want at your friend and say:
"My friend looks a little suspicious,
I hate it when she has the superstition,
Give me the truth from her,
Mote it be, just mote it be for sure"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2408 - Reconnects A Broken Love Bond
Either a new moon or a waxing moon. Depending on the situation between you and your partner, choose a new moon if you think you need to completely renew your relationship, or choose a waxing moon if you think you just need your feelings to grow for each other.
Use the alphabet stickers to spell out your partners name on the front of the envelope. Then place the picture of your partner into the envelope. Have the rose petals ready in your hand. As you say the incantation below, slowly drop the petals into the envelope. If you have finished putting the roses in before finished the spell, simply hold the envelope to your chest.
"(Your partner's full name), can't you see?
I really love you, we're meant to be."
Roll the envelope, turning it to a cylinder. Like the letter "8", a circle or a cylinder has no endings. This shows something eternal. In this case, eternal love. Using the bigger ribbon, tie a knot on the rolled envelope. Double-tying it is more effective. Then kiss the envelope. Now place the envelope in the small red box and store it in a certain place where it can never be disturbed.
Take the pendant and tie the small ribbon wherever you can on the necklace. Go outside and hold the pendant towards the sky where the moon is. If you have chosen a new moon, the moon's power will still fill the pendant, whether it is using moonlight or not. As you hold the pendant, chant the incantation below.
"Powers of the (new/waxing) moon,
Guide me through,
This difficult relationship
I'll renew.
Turn faith around and grant me hope.
This hurting love, I now can cope."
Back inside the house, lay the pendant somewhere near the window so that the moon can charge it up for 15 minutes. Every Friday, the pendant needs to be charged. Although it can only do that during a new and/or waxing moon.
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2409 - Message in a Bottle
Take a piece of the unwanteds clothing unwashed sock works best tear a strip off it, and throw the rest away ASAP. Shove the strip of cloth into a clean, empty bottle.
On a piece of brown paper write their full name, and the name of a remote place far from where you are. Draw a circle around both names and place it in the bottle.
Add the salt, red pepper and sulfur powder. Close the bottle, then meditate, concentrate on the person leaving you alone. visualize your life without them.
Place bottle in a dark, quiet, lonely spot in your house for 9 days. After the 9 days, toss the bottle over you shoulder doesn't matter which into a body of running water, and walk away WITHOUT looking back. Should see results in 9 days.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2410 - Crystal Enchant
Hold your crystal high in the air and chant:
"Crystal, crystal:
I enchant thee.
Gods and goddesses,
Please help it be.
Make this crystal
Enchanted for me.
With harm to none,
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Apr 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.