3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Enchant Object
- Bonding Ritual
- Love Potion #9
- Forbidden
- Spell To Lose 20 Pounds
- Make His Mom Accept You
- Dream Speak
- Ask Me Out
- Talking To Cats
#2431 - Enchant Object
Light the white candle as you say: "I lit this candle for spiritual guidance and protection". Then light the yellow candle as you say, "I lit this candle for happiness and health". Place the object you wish to enchant upon your alter. Then close your eyes and repeat this spell:
"A witch I might be, a witch I can see.
A witch I am proud to be, let the powers
of Mother Nature protect me.
Magic forces far and wide,
let me see what lies inside.
Enchant (object)
Let is be by the power of three
And also the power within me.
So mote it be".
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2432 - Bonding Ritual
Light your candle and get comfortable facing each other. Call Aphrodite (or other appropriate love goddess) and repeat the ritual:
Lady Aphrodite, join our ritual tonight
Bless our union and bless our rite
Help open our eyes,
Help strengthen our bond,
Help bring us together,
Both you and your partner should repeat the words. When finished, each take out your list and read aloud the items on it. When you are done, dab a little sandalwood oil on your thumb and press it to the top of each page like you are leaving a thumb-print.
Thank Aphrodite for joining your spell, and then blow out the candle. Fold up the sheets of paper and keep them both together in a safe place in the bedroom.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2433 - Love Potion #9
Light candles around the area where you will be working (likely the kitchen), and mix all the ingredients in your pot. Stir together over low heat while saying the words of this spell:
"Let the one who drinks this wine,
Shower me with love divine,
Love potion number nine,
Let his (or her) love be forever mine."
Bring everything to a low simmer and let it heat for another 9 minutes. Take the pot off the stove and let it cool. While it is cooling down, say the names of 9 love goddesses aloud: Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Nephthys, Hathor, Aphrodite, Freya, Arianrhod, Inanna.
Strain your fresh potion to remove the bits and pieces, and pour into a stoppered bottle. Keep in the fridge until you need it. Give on its own to your loved one, or add to another drink for a romantic boost of magick.
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2434 - Forbidden
Get your Ouija Board. Say the Lord's prayer backwards. Summon a demon. Make a sacrifice of your favorite thing into a fire. Tell the demon that you sacrificed (your favorite thing) so you can get a wish. Wish for thing like love,fame,wealth, or immortality.
Last edited on Oct 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2435 - POWER LOVE
#2436 - Spell To Lose 20 Pounds
and say
Upon These Days I'm so fat that
I couldn't rage I wish to be
A Exercising Beast
If I loose the 20 Pounds
I need to see
I'll take care of your wife earth
Uranus, Venus I'll make you popular
Also I call upon the spirits to message your love ones
if you do this
Please For Sake
This Is my will
So Mote it be
#2437 - Make His Mom Accept You
Light the candles and incense as you focus on the photo with his mom. Clear your mind and chant five times:
"Make this woman give me her son,
Because she knows that for him,
I am the only one.
She must do what she can
To send him my way,
And convince all others
That with me he will stay.
To give him up to me, this she must.
She will send him straight to me, this I trust."
Believe in it and watch it work. If not right away but some day soon.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2438 - Dream Speak
First off, you'll need to sit with your legs crossed indian style. Then, take your left hand and press your forefinger to your lips to signal silence. Be in a quiet, dark room. Close your eyes and picture your crush. Make sure you include details (eye colors, freckles, moles, hair color, zits, dimples, etc.) Picture him for about three minutes. Then, picture him sitting in front of you. Talk to him. Reach out and pat his shoulder, touch his hand, be brave and touch his cheek. Tell him you love him and you have for a while. Break the ice. Then, ask him if he likes you back. If he says yes, but is not allowed to date, then tell him you'll wait until he is. Or if he says no, leave his mind. Next time you see him, act like nothing happend.
While imagining this going on, Whisper "I love you (persons name) three times and snap you fingers.
Then open your eyes. You just dream spoke to your crush!
Last edited on Oct 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2439 - Ask Me Out
1) Focus on the person you want to get asked out by.
2) Visualize your crush asking you out.
3) Chant:
"I like you and you like me,
float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee.
Don't be shy and please don't flee,
please ask me out,
so mote it be."
4) This spell usually takes about 2hrs-2 days, maybe longer.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2440 - Talking To Cats
''Oh Mighty great cat spirit, come fourth with thee, my cat wants a voice so show me the key. Oh great cat up high, I do mean no harm, My cat needs a voice so present it to him/her.''
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.