2998 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- The Rose Of Love
- Think Pink
- Silver Pins
- The Heart-Shaped Petal
- The Marriage of Venus and Mars
- The Easy Apple Spell
- Return to Me
- Candle Flame Love Divination
- Energy Fuse
- Modified Body Swap
#2441 - The Rose Of Love
The night before casting this spell, find out the time at which the sun rises the following morning, and just before you go to bed put the rose on your altar with a red candle on either side of it. Set your alarm to a few minutes before sunrise.
When you wake up, take the rose outside, face the dawn (or if you live in a flat, stand before an open window facing east) and say:
"As red is the colour of true love
And rose it's flower,
Let true love come to me.
And it harm none, so be it"
Return the rose to it's placeon the altar and light the two candles. Focus on the flames for a moment or two, trying to visualize love warming the hert of the one you want. When the candles burn down, use the flames of the dying candles to light replacements until the rose has faded. When it is dead, extinguish the candles either by snuffing them with your fingers or with a candle snuffer and bury the dead rose. As it rots in the ground, love will be kindled in the heart of your chosen one and he or she will come to pay court.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2442 - Think Pink
Put one of the pink candles at the end of a bath and start to fill it with warm water. While the water is running, prepare a cup of strawberry tea and sprinkle the sea salt into the bath water. Light the candle, get into the bath and stay there for as long as it takes you to relax.
As you dry yourself, sip the strawberry tea and then dab the strawberry oil around your face. Make your way to the altar on which you have already placed the other ingredients and cast a circle with the willow wand. That done, light the second pink candle and put al the other ingredients into the bowl. Stir them thoroughly, saying as you do:
"Mother Earth I ask you
To nurture me and protect me
Grant me the confidance to use the strengths I have.
And it harm none, so be it"
When everything is thoroughly mixed, look at your reflection in the mirror and say:
"Mother Earth
Help me to be the person I know I am.
And let me overcome my difficulty.
And it harm none, so be it"
Put half the mixture into the drawstring bag along with the coin and the crystal, and close the magic-making in the usual way. Leave the bowl, still containing half the ingredients, in a place where you will be able to smell the scent. Carry the bag with you at all times and sleep with it under your pillow until you feel that your broken heart is healing.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2443 - Silver Pins
Spread the cloth on your altar. Put the red candle in the middle and arrange the flowers and crystal around it. Once the opening rituals have been completed, pierce the candle with the two silver pins, one higher than the other, and light it. Focus your thouhts on your lover and when the flame reaches the first pin say aloud:
"Spirit of love to these I attend
Don't let our love come to an end.
And it harm none, so be it"
Repeat this until the flame reaches the second pin, then say:
"And as this candle I have lighted
May ***** and I be reunited.
And it harm none, so be it"
Once the candle has burned out, perform your usual closing rituals and leave your sacred space. And now for the really difficult bit. No matter if you feel that you were totally blameless in the break-up, swallow your pride and make that telephone call. Your humility will be rewarded.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2444 - The Heart-Shaped Petal
On the day when a New Moon is due to slide into the sky, use the pen to write the following lines on a fresh sheet of paper.
"As this heart shines in candlelight
I draw you to me tonight.
And it harm none, so be it."
When night falls and the Moon has risen bathe and get ready for bed. Wearing freshly laundered (or new) nightclothes, light the candle and read the spell aloud.
Now hold the rose petal or heart-shaped piece of paper in front of the candle and see the flame shine through it. Place the heart and written spell in the envelope and seal it with wax from the candle.
Put the envelope in a safe place and don't give in to the temptation to touch it for 28 days. Within that cycle of the Moon, new love should have come to you
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2445 - The Marriage of Venus and Mars
Add one drop of your chosen essential oil to the carrier oil and place it on the altar with the other material you are going to use.
Kneel in front of the altar. Light the white candle and meditate quietly in front of it. Now take one of the pink candles and very carefully use the knife or burin to carve the symbol of Venus at the top of the candle. Put it back in it's holder, then rub some of the oil into your hands. Now dress the inscribed candle, drawing the oil towards you and visualizing that you are empowering the candle with your desire.
Once the candle has been annointed, and still visualizing, rub your hands together, keeping the candle between your palms. After a minute or two, when you feel that the candle is properly empowered, put it back in it's holder and take the second pink candle and carve the symbol of Mars at the top. Anoint it as you did the first one, rub it between the palms of your hands then put it back in the holder.
Now light both pink candles and say:
"Love to me I pray you bring
But the power of love so true
Fill my heart so it does sing,
Rejoice and let me love anew.
And it harm none, so be it"
Watch the pink candles burn down and when the flames flicker and die bring the ritual to an end in the usual way.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2446 - The Easy Apple Spell
Spirits of the element be with me.''
That done, peel the apple with the bolline, keeping the peel in one piece. Now, holding the peel in your right hand say:
''Spirits of love, spirits of good,
On you now I beg to intrude,
With this token to discover,
The initial of my one true lover,
And it harm none, so be it.''
The words spoken, turn round three times widdershins then drop the peel over your left shoulder. The letter suggested by the peel forms when it lands on the ground is the initial letter of your soon-to-be-lover's first name
Thank the elements thus:
I thank you for your presence here.''
The second was is to invite the elements in and peel the apple as above, but hang the peel above your front door before thanking the elements for being with you. The first person to enter your home will bear the same initials as your lover.
#2447 - Return to Me
After meditating and charging your energy light the candles, carve your ex's full name into the candle representing him/her, and carve your full name into the candle of your favourite colour. If you have some type of love oil, anoint the candles
On the piece of paper write the persons name and draw a square around it. As the wax from both candles melt, drip the wax from both onto the paper, visualizing you two together, say: "person's name's love for me is sealed".
Once the person's name is completely covered in wax, snuff the candles don't blow them out and wait for the wax to dry, still visualizing on your goal. Once dry place the wax in the red envelope and keep it somewhere safe.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2448 - Candle Flame Love Divination
Light the candle and meditate. once you feel ready, open your eyes and study the flame:
- a rising flame means you burn in someones heart
- long and narrow is a new love
- flickering from side to side is a long journey in love
- a really bright flame denotes someone will brighten your life with a happy surprise
- a luminous glowing tip means someone is in love with you, or thinks of you in a loving manner
- sparks from the candle is trouble in a match
- falling flames foretells someone has mix feelings
- sputtering flames foretells your love won't run smoothly
- if the flame burns out before the candle is gone warns the end of a bond. Not necessarily with the one you love, but it is warning you of a shocking discovery from someone you trust.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2449 - Energy Fuse
Get perferebly four other wizards( wiccans, worlocks, etc.) Draw a circle on a nice asphalt area. Add a star in the middle. Draw circles -as many as the people- with there element water raindrop, fire flame, earth tree, etc. Stand in your circle and chant
"Different in power
Same in mind
light,dark, realm
We are one
One are we
So mote it be
So mote it be"
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2450 - Modified Body Swap
Draw a circle. Put the candles on each point of the circle. Put the elemental essences in the appropriate sequence. Put the picture in the spirit element spot. Light each candle starting at the bottom left and going clockwise.
Sit down and chant these words as you stare at the picture of who you are swapping bodies with: "By the power of three, ancestors hear my please. Give me the power to swap bodies with the picture in front of me. By the power of three, so mote it be".
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.