3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Reverse Spell
- Stop Love
- Breaking a Love Curse
- Large Area Ward
- Mortal Vampire Spell
- Amresyrm; Acoda's Love Potion
- Finding and Naming your Familiar
- Learn the Truth
- Bind Lovers Together
- Think of Me
#2591 - Reverse Spell
Put your strand of hair, his belonging, and the papers into the envelope. Hold it in your hand and your wand in the other and chant:
"Your love for me has raised the bar, now go away and stay oh so far!"
Throw the envelope out the window and make sure it is sealed. See if works.
#2592 - Stop Love
Write the name of your boyfriend on one side of the paper, make a strait line, and write the name of the person he's cheating on you with on the other side of the line. Now light the candle. Next, cut the paper where the line is.
Chant three times: "Goddess of love, stop (person your bf's cheating with) from going any further with (your bf's name). Make (person's name) regret her decision of messing with my love life, and let her never understand and fall in love again."
When done chanting, rip the piece of paper with the person's name on it and drop it in the flame of the candle. While that piece is burning, chant three times: "Now let (your bf's name) come back to me and beg me for forgiveness and to take him back, on his knees where everyone can see. So Mote it be!"
Now you would drop the other piece of paper with your bf's name on it into the fire (but don't rip it)..
#2593 - Breaking a Love Curse
Make a supplication to Aphrodite and ask her to intervene in your love life.This supplication should be done on a Thursday evening at dusk.Light purple candle and 1 pink one. Burn 7 pine needles in a bowl or brazier.Offer the goddess three red roses, 1 for each stage of a woman's life (Maiden, Mother and Crone).Then ask her to bless you in love and to break any curse that may exist.
Pour your heart out to her. Ask forgiveness for any and every thing you have ever
done to hurt another who loved you. Offer to make amends by doing something in Aphrodite's name.Make a commitment to showering your future partners with love and romance.Vow never to be unfaithful, etc. Be respectful when addressing Aphrodite and be honest.Do not make empty promises or break the ones you make. If you say you will do something, do it.If you do not, you may not like the result. There is no spell for this one, no incantation.
You simply speak from the heart and if you are sincere, she will answer.Aphrodite can be a generous, loving goddess, guiding us towards bliss.Or she can be a vengeful harridan.Be warned, if the reason you are "unlucky" is because you have been unfaithful, abusive,cruel, or otherwise wasteful of Love's gifts, you will face her wrath unless you agree to immediately change your ways, and then do so.
#2594 - Large Area Ward
Gather as much energy as you can and walk the perimeter of the area you wish to ward, laying down a line of energy the entire way around until you get back to your starting point. Be sure to keep focus on the energy you laid in the line, as you will need to shape it after you make your way around.
After you come back to your starting position, smooth the energy into a solid line, going around the entire perimeter. Then, extend the energy into a dome shape over the building you are warding (for exceptionally tall buildings, you would be better off making a cylinder rather than a dome).
Once the shape is created, focus on the feeling you get from those you want to ward against and focus on making the ward identify such individuals.
Now that the trigger is set, focus on making the ward do what you want it to do upon being triggered while focusing this only happening once the trigger is activated.
Finally, to keep the ward from collapsing without your constant attention, trace the symbol you chose that you associate with gathering energy and tie the ward to it. This prevents the ward from dissipating without your attention as well as slowing ward decay.
Every once in a while, you need to check the ward, as it will eventually start to decay. The time this takes is based on how well you cast it and how much energy it absorbs to keep itself working. Some can last for over a year without upkeep, while others need refreshing every few days.
To refresh the ward, recharge its energy through the spot you traced the symbol.
#2595 - Mortal Vampire Spell
Sit on ground in comfortable position in front of the bowl and candle, put 1 drop of your blood into the bowl followed by the other persons blood then the vervain. Light the candle and recite spell.
"God of death, God of life I call upon to make a deal,
make me neither dead or alive make me burn in the sun and burn at the touch of vervain, to survive make me feed on human blood, make me feel no pain, let me run at the speed of light and compel others make me heal like instantly and never be ill, and let beauty become me, be only killed by a stake to the heart, I ask of you in need make me not dead but mortal, forever damned to hell eternally yours the mortal vampire.
This is my will so mote it be."
#2596 - Amresyrm; Acoda's Love Potion
Pour holy water into a glass and add six rose petals. Concentrate on the person you want the potion to attract, see them with you in the rose petals. write there name on a circular piece of paper and put a heart through it sit the glass on top of the paper. Immagine the potion a swirling mass of red and pink. say "she/he is divine now let her be mine" take the rose petals out of the potion and drink up!
#2597 - Finding and Naming your Familiar
read on.......
place your hands over the animal and look into its eyes and say...
''By the Moon that shines at night, and the Sun that's very bright, I ask you once, i ask you twice, but more than twice would not be nice... With a Wag, a Croak or Meow, pray tell me now what you will do.
Will you my Familiar be? Give your answer unto Me!''
Wait untill the animal responds, and if you take it as a postive one, then the animal is now your Familiar.
Now you need to name it! your Familiars name must be a secret one.
Again place the animal on you Alter and recite.
''Now i'll give you a New Name, Secret as a Hidden Flame. It's a Secret none shall see; Only we two, you and me. With my hand I make this Spell. Your new name to none i'll tell.
It is ________________!
This is my Will, So Mote It Be!''
#2598 - Learn the Truth
Think hard on the subject about which you wish to learn the truth. Light the candle you chose the color of to represent yourself and say, "This candle I light to represent myself. It burns, as does my spirit. It is as myself in all things". Light the two white candles and say, "These are the symbols of truth. They are enjoined about me and to me, show the truth".
Then say:
"As I rove in the night 'cross the brown heath bare,
In the bright moons light saw a castle fair;
Lords and ladies, great and small,
Where crowding in, 'twas a festival,
Grasses in the wind are waving.
They bade me welcome and I went
To drink their wine to my heart's content.
I danced and laughed with the ladies fair.
Ne'er in my life had I such cheer;
Grasses in the wind are waving.
Then all at once there came a cry:
Haro by yaro! Asleep fell I,
While a lady dancing at my side
Seemed like a lizard away to glide;
Grasses in the wind are waving.
I woke in the early light of day,
In an olden ruin I did lay,
O'er the rock and into the sun
I saw a green-gold lizard run!
Grasses in the wind are waving.
Now the truth I know and it stays with me,
For I have seen what I did see,
All secret knowledge came to mind,
Borne on laughter of the other kind;
Grasses in the wind are waving."
Sit then in quiet contemplation for half an hour. In this time will the truth of the subject in question come to you.
#2599 - Bind Lovers Together
The 2 lovers should light the candle together. Another person needs to wrap the ribbon around the couples entwined hands speaking, "I take you hands in mine, and with this ribbon I will entwine. Your love I'll forever bind, from now until the End of Time."
#2600 - Think of Me
Place the candles in a triangle formation about 1 ft. apart. Using the yarn tie the photo/name of that person to your photo/name(so it is now connected). Place it in the center of the candles. Light the top most candle and say;
"Candle light, shine so bright.
Show ( name of the person) your might!,
Corrupt his/her thoughts tonight.
Make him/her think of me, as long as this bond would stay!"
Light the second candle on your left and repeat the above chant and so on the last candle. Now visualize the pink thread glows brightly. After it blow the candlelights and say ;
"So mote it be!"
Keep the photo/name with the yarn/thread still tied on it. Put it in a safe place, you might need it someday if you would lift the spell off.. Simply cut or untie the knots.