Chant this 5 times:
''All of the angels from above,
shall make a true and everlasting love,
All of the angels will strive,
To always keep this love alive,
Oh,(Person's name) love me do,
Let's keep this love between me and you.''
Place the four candles in a circle. Stand in the middle with the doll and ribbon and item from the person. Wrap the doll in the ribbon while you say, "with this ribbon I do bind my heart to yours and yours to mine. Love I call, come to me. This is my will so mote it be". Finish by saying the full name of the person.
Take the cup and put some salt and some water in and pour it in the shell
then chant
Magic spirits of the deep
i would like a tail not two feet
beauty be upon me
fish all kinds let me see
when i'm finished in the sea
when i'm dry my feet return to me
then take the photo and stare at it then drink the salt water
good luck
This spell allows you to make your crush fall in love with you. Works very well! As this spell is done his heart will melt for you with passion and love.
You may need:
Pin to carve on candle
Red candle
You may need:
Pin to carve on candle
Red candle
On a Sunday, using a pin write the name of the one you love on a red candle. Light the candle and speak that person's name seven times. As the candle burns and melts the name, the heart of the one you desire will melt with love for you!
Light the candle. As it melts, rub the wax onto the picture of the intended. Chant: "From deep inside my heart, give me the soul of (person). If it is true, I need to know". When you are done, rub the picture and chant: "My soul sees three times three, wake my love from this tomb". Write the persons name on your flesh with the marker.
Take the bowl of salt water outside when dark. Make sure the moon shines on the bowl. Dig a small hole and put the bowl in it make sure you can still see the bowl.Take the notebook paper and the pen and write the names(first and last) of the boys or men you like. Put a small battery in the bowl a small hand held mirror and a penny in the bowl. Put the names in the bowl and cover the bowl while clear wrapping. Every night go out and check the names and chant this every night:
"For the hope of my love
for not evil.
The chance to
see the sight of love.
Show me my one true lover."
After a few days you'll see drown spots forming on the names every day whoever's name has the least brown on it make sure they give you something(if not just take a pen or something). Everytime you get something from them put it in a small hole next to the bowl. On the next full moon look at the names the ones that have the most brown on it take it out along with anything they gave you and burn it (if it can't be burned take as far way from you hose as you can)(Take the ashes and put them in a jar and make sure its never broken put it in a attic or somewhere safe be sure to forget were it is)The one name that has the least brown on it take out and put it in clear wrapping and put it in a stream or pond somewhere that has water then wear everything that person has given you the next day and he'll do something to prove he likes you.
This is all for you, just do these simple steps and you will have the love of your life.
You may need:
1 bath tub/ shower
1 body wash
1 shampoo and/or conditioner
1 towel
You may need:
1 bath tub/ shower
1 body wash
1 shampoo and/or conditioner
1 towel
First, bathe fully with all the "ingredients" and dry off with the towel. Then, once you have dried off, you must go to a peaceful room where you can think. While you are in there, chant this spell
"I call upon thee dark and white magic to help me,
bring me to a place where I can succeed,
to bring this boy/girl where I can find them,
and make them sacred to me like a precious gem"