3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Wolf Night Eye
- Luck to Love
- Seal the Deal
- Vampire Charm
- Protection
- Sacred Blade
- Rose Love Spell
- Return A Love
- How to Bless a Wand or Staff
- Love Potion
#2661 - Wolf Night Eye
Chant the following: "I call upon the spirit of the wolf. Possess me with thy great sight". Repeat this five times.
#2662 - Luck to Love
Close your eyes, standing back-to-back with the person you're casting this spell with, and focus on the person you intend to cast this spell at. Invision their face and the color of their personality and intensions. Chant this spell in sync with the other person:
"Luck from one,
Onto two,
Then divide.
Don't take offense,
It's already done.
It won't last long,
Though it's just begun.
Soon yours will lessen,
And ours will rise,
But in the end,
It will compromise.
Turn luck to love,
Until he/she learns.
As a selfless being,
His/her luck shall return."
By the power of the(whatever element you favor most), let it be so!!!
In a couple of days, the spell should take action. WARNING: If your intensions were selfish, mean, hateful, or to avenge, the spell WILL backfire and instead both luck and love will fail you for a short time.
#2663 - Seal the Deal
Cast a circle using the chalk, light bothe the red and the pink candles, and say this:
"Let this spell seal the deal,
Let_______see me in the real,
With love, lust and trust,
Let him adore me with genuine zeal.
With the power of threeXthreeXthree,
Make him see."
Build a bath for yourself withe the sugar and rocksalts and use the love oil every morning to keep the spell fresh.
#2664 - Vampire Charm
You don't want to be a Vampire, Believe me.
So don't cast this spell expecting to become a bloodsucker.
For ages, Vampires have been known to be dangerous, mysterious, And sometimes even a bit of an outcast.
But Vampire's always have ''this thing'' about them that makes them irresistible to Humans.
They have a dark charm that makes mortals' heads spin.
How else would they get so many donors?
This spell will not make you a Vampire, but It will give you the charm of one.
Now the results depends on how well you cast the spell and what kind of person you are.
Don't cast this spell expecting to have guys/girls faint around you.
It will mostly just make people like you and feel attracted to you for reasons they can't quite explain.
If you have any questions, let me know.
Feel free to tell me how the spell is working out for you when you cast it as well. =)
Now onto the spell....
Light the red Candle(s) and set them before you on your altar.
Close your eyes and relax. Just relax and try to keep your mind focused.
Imagine glowing red smoke coming from the candle(s) and surrounding you. Covering you completely.
Repeat the following three times:
''Crimson Eyes
Pale White Skin.
Vampire Charm
Draw you in.
Razor Fangs
Close your eyes
May this charm
never die.''
Once you cast the spell and close your magickal circle.
You will become irresistible to mortals
#2665 - Protection
Cast while pointing your wand to the sky then say...
"Terra, Ignis, Aqua, all three
elements of astral I summon thee.
Earth by Divinity, divinity by Earth,
give the enemy the power to see,
The strength of the elements by my side,
No rules magic I shall abide.
Now when my enemy meets his downfall,
this spell will have no power left at all,
in no way shall this spell reverse or place upon me any curse,
so mote it be."
#2666 - Sacred Blade
The powers
of christ
compels this
Now you have a sacred blade.
#2667 - Rose Love Spell
One that I love so dearly,
You'll go away I'm fearing,
But now I take into myself,
the power of love, the power of help,
How about you stay for a while,
Our relationship we can reconcile,
This spell is not on you,
For it is something I will do,
To draw in love and help,
So I will have you for myself.
Then take what's left of the rose and give it to him.
If he refuses, then the spell may not work.
#2668 - Return A Love
1. Select a clean area to cast your spell or create an alter.
2. Mix a bit of lavender oil, rosemary oil, and vanilla extract together. Take a q-tip and anoit the candles with the oils.
3. Place the two red candles facing north and south and the two pink candles facing east and west.
4. Place the picture of the couple in the middle of the candles.
5. Light the white candle then light the inscence and candles going around clockwise. Now focus and say.
''As the candles light,
Memories of our love shall unite,
Our hearts shall be binded together,
In love we shall stay forever,
By day three,
You shall come back to me,
No reverse or curse,
So mote it be,''
6. Let the candles burn down
7. Take the remains and throw them in a natural water source or bury them
#2669 - How to Bless a Wand or Staff
Place the wand or staff in a stream of water or over all of the candles in a straight line. In the stream chant once: "I bless thy tree that gave to me this item of great mystery". And imagine a breath of air, a flame, shower of sand, and the stream being abosorbed into the wand. With candles do same procedures but wave it over the candles.
#2670 - Love Potion
Cut the lemon skin into strips. Then, blend them with the rose petals till they are pretty much liquid. If you have candles place them by the cauldren or pot pour the water in and salt. Boil the let the heat on a simmer. Mix in the rose substance. Then chant, while waving wand or staff counter-clockwise,:
"By the power I have by, the power in me, I call upon the power of three."
Then of heat pour in the sage and cinnimon. Mix in blender. The put in someones drink in small doses put not to small.