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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Three stones of Equal Power
  2. Charge a crystal
  3. Cuipid's Love Spell
  4. Shadows Blessing
  5. Helping Someone
  6. Cotton Balls of wishes
  7. Make a Person Look at You
  8. Altar Blessing
  9. Lost Object
  10. Have a lover return

#2671 - Three stones of Equal Power

Small sanctuary to yourself.
You may need:

  • 3 Stones
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    You may need:

  • 3 Stones
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    Arrange the stones in a triangle position,the stones as the points. Sit in the middle and say:

    "Three stones of equal power, I call upon your power. All those except for me will have an urge to leave."

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    Last edited on Aug 01, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2672 - Charge a crystal

    This spell is to charge a crystal with a power, the power depends on the candle color.
    You may need:

  • 1 candle (any color)
  • 1 crystal
  • Flat space
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle (any color)
  • 1 crystal
  • Flat space
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    Spell Casting
    Light the candle, put the crystal in front of the candle and say:

    "Candle please
    charge this
    crystal with
    your power
    to get protection
    So must it be."

    Now take the crystal were ever you want, for the power to work.

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    #2673 - Cuipid's Love Spell

    Make your soulmate come to you.
    You may need:

  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 rose (red)
  • 1 bowl of nature water(river or stream)
  • 1 vanilla scented incense
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    You may need:

  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 rose (red)
  • 1 bowl of nature water(river or stream)
  • 1 vanilla scented incense
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    Put the bowl of water in the center of the table or altar etc, light the candle and the incense, place the candle in the north and the incense in the south, take the rose and start taking of the petals off and throwing them into the bowl while saying:

    "I throw cupids rose petals
    in the nature water and
    sending a message to
    my soulmate."

    *Be patient*

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    #2674 - Shadows Blessing

    This will bless your book.
    You may need:

  • A book.
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    You may need:

  • A book.
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    At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that hasn't been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or rue) outside. Under the light of the Full Moon, draw a pentagram on the first page and under this write the following information: date, time, place, your magical name (and sigil if you have one), the moon's phase and any other info you feel is important. Hold the book up to the Moon and say: "Here as the Full Moon shines upon me, bless this book I've made tonight. I humbly ask this of thee, underneath your most sacred light."

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    #2675 - Helping Someone

    This is a spell that I made for beginners that want to do white magic. You only need one candle. This is a spell to help someone with something.
    You may need:

  • One Yellow candle (Honeysuckle or any yellow candle)
  • Voice
  • Beginner in magic
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    You may need:

  • One Yellow candle (Honeysuckle or any yellow candle)
  • Voice
  • Beginner in magic
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    This is a spell especially for beginners and it is a spell that can help someone with something. If every spell you find on here that's hard, start with this spell and then if you think you need a harder spell, then try a harder one. One last thing, good luck!

    First take the yellow candle and put it in front of you. Light it and the chant (say):

    "My friend needs help,
    I don't know what to do,
    I invoke the spirits to say,
    O spirits I need you,
    Help him/her with ______,
    Along his/her way,
    O spirits I invoke you,
    O spirits I need you today."

    After saying this, blow out the candle and put your things up.
    Good luck, and blessed be!

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    #2676 - Cotton Balls of wishes

    This spell is to grant all your wishes. "Be patient" the wish will not be granted istantly.
    You may need:

  • 5 cotton balls
  • 1 small jar (big enough to hold 5 cotton balls)
  • Fire
  • A note with your wish
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    You may need:

  • 5 cotton balls
  • 1 small jar (big enough to hold 5 cotton balls)
  • Fire
  • A note with your wish
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    Put the cotton balls in the jar, light them and then say:

    ''Magic cotton balls, grant all my wishes, now burn my wish with your fire''

    Now throw the note in the fire and watch it burn, until the note is gone now put out the fire.

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    #2677 - Make a Person Look at You

    This spell will make your crush or the person you like to look at you.
    You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    Think of the person you wish to stare at you then chant or just whisper:"Goddess of Fate, hear my plea, make this (girl/boy) stare at me, make (her/his) head turn around on me, so I can see (her/him), so shall it be!"

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    #2678 - Altar Blessing

    To bless your Altar space.
    You may need:

  • Your Altar need to be set-up
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    You may need:

  • Your Altar need to be set-up
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    Waving your hands over your Altar whilst Chanting...
    ''From the Mystic light
    To fertil foundations
    On the shores of the waters
    Out of hopes and dreams
    On the wings of wine
    Of light and inspiration
    With the inner flame kindled
    Divine spark and gleam
    Back to light
    For manifestation swiftly fulfilled
    Moves the unseen
    By the moon
    The stars and the sun
    By the Gods
    The Godesses and the Ancient Ones
    Blessed be this Altar
    And all here on
    Good for all
    And harming none''

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    #2679 - Lost Object

    If you've annoyingly misplaced your car keys, favorite earrings, ect
    You may need:

  • Quiet place
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    You may need:

  • Quiet place
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    Sit in a quiet place and visulize the lost object surrounded in a golden light.
    now picture a silver thread attached to said object whose end is in your hand.
    Then begin to reel in the object as you would a fish til you have it in your hands (in your minds eye).You should fingd it the next day.
    If you need something alittle stronger, Light a candle to St. Anthony, do the above visulization but this time say
    Tony, Tony, come on down,
    and find the thing that can't be found.

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    #2680 - Have a lover return

    The spell is used to send a message to your ex so they come back to you
    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Incense (love drawing)
  • Cigar
  • Picture of person
  • Fine quality paper
  • Red ribbon
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    You may need:

  • Red candle
  • Incense (love drawing)
  • Cigar
  • Picture of person
  • Fine quality paper
  • Red ribbon
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    This spell needs to be performed on the night of the New Moon, it is also recommended to start this around 22:00 as the persons mental defence is lower on a night time.

    Using the paper, write the persons name lengthwise and then fold the paper lengthwise. Light the paper and use the flame to light the candle wick, then allow the paper to burn out.

    Light the incense, and beside that place the picture of your ex, then light the cigar and take a puff and breathe it onto the picture and each time you blow recite the following: -

    ''Come back (targets name) come back, I mean you no harm, I mean you only good, that you will love me, as I know that we should''

    Keep doing this until the cigar is gone, then extinguish the candle by snuffing it out. Take the red ribbon and tie it around the picture of your ex, keep it safe out of sight. Save the remains of the candle, and repeat this spell each Monday night while the moon is waxing, until your lover returns to you.

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    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters